لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته های هنری


منابع وبي مرتبط با هنرها


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

            Yahoo References in Arts


Links to art galleries and museums worldwide.

Citizens Theatre

Information on all aspects of the theatre including details of the latest productions

and opening times.

Glasgow Film Theatre

Guide to foreign and independent cinema in Glasgow.

Scottish Music Information Centre

Promotes the work of Scottish composers.

Internet Movie Database covers over 140,000 movies; includes filmographies, plot summaries; character names; movie ratings; year of release; genres; reviews; links to official studio pages, Academy Awards info +. Also covers television series.

Facets nation's largest distributors of art, classic, cult, foreign and hard-to-find videos. Facets has over 27,000 titles, all of which are available for purchase through mail order.

Film Festivals.com includes all Film Festivals  from 1995 - to date; search by country, date or name.

Film Studies links maintained by M. Norden for the American Communication Center

Movie Review Query Engine includes reviews that have been posted in the past to rec.arts.movies.reviews or appear on one of the WWW servers of newspapers and periodicals.

Movie-STAR information on the Academy Awards since 1927, including more than 6,200 nominations and 1,200 Oscar awards in major categories for over 2400 motion pictures and 3900 individuals.

Oscars - Academy Awards official site of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Reel: the Planet's Biggest Movie Store movie/video guide; rent or buy videos; lists current releases; summaries of critics' reviews.


Museums Around the World

Guide to Museum-Quality Art on the WEB

Smithsonian  (Washington, D.C.)

National Museums of Scotland

Visitor information with descriptions and pictures of the galleries and collections.

NMS includes the Royal Museum of Scotland and the Museum of Scotland.

NISS Museums and Art Galleries

Museums, art galleries and related resources in the UK and elsewhere.

Virtual Library Museums Page

One of the most comprehensive listings of museums on the Web

Museum of Fine Arts Houston

Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York

The National Gallery of Art

The Smihtsonian Institution's Website

The State Hermitage Museum from St. Petersburg, Russia

The Vincent Van Gogh Information Gallery

World Wide Art Resources


فهرست موضوعي:


Dr. Jay's Movie Page

Film Festivals - Berlin Film Festival

Film Festivals - Cannes Film Festival

Film Festivals - Florida Film Festival

Film Festivals - International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam

Film Festivals - Los Angeles Independent Film Festival

Film Festivals - Mill Valley Film Festival

Film Festivals - New York Film Festival

Film Festivals - Sundance Film Festival

Film Festivals - Toronto International Film Festival

Film Festivals - Venice Film Festival

Film Festivals - World Festival of Animated Films



Dr. Jay's Music Page

The Ultimate Band List


موتورهاي جستجو:

Architecture (6)

Art-Bridge - Directory and searchable database of art resources
Art Guide - Internet guide to the art collections of Great Britain and Ireland.
art in context
Art on the Net
Art On The Net - Directory of artists and resources for art information on the Internet.
Artcyclopedia - The guide to museum-quality art on the Internet. Provides an index of online museums and image archives: find out where the works of over 6,000 different fine artists can be viewed online.

Artists (10)

Artlinx - Compendium of art related sites on the Net.
artnet.com - Source for art market and contemporary art information. Provides up-to-date and searchable databases of auction records, gallery exhibitions and artists' portfolios.
ArtSeek - Internet art resource directory. Artist listing services and links and reviews of art related sites.
Bulgarian Art - Directory of art and culture in Bulgaria. Provides topical and easy to use information about the cultural life in Bulgaria.
Catharton - A directory of artists, authors, directors, and musicians. Provides news, message boards, free email, and chat.

Crafts (8)

dArt - The Internet Art Database - Searchable art database.
Galleries Canada - Directory of current exhibits and art galleries in Canada.
Gallery Sites Art on the Web Directory - Find art sites from a categorized and searchable index devoted exclusively to visual arts.

Getty Information Institute -Bridging art and technology
Internet ArtResources - Directory of art resources on the Internet.
Kara Art Server
Loggia - Directory of quality sites dedicated to the arts and humanities.
Monna World Art Gallery - Online database of original artwork, famous museums from around the world, art reviews and art for sale.
Retif´s Art Index - Directory of online artists and art related links.
WWW Art Guide - Art directory dedicated to artists, art collectors and art enthusiasts.

Humanities (48)

Performing Arts (48)

Photography (17)

ADAM - The Art, Design, Architecture & Media Information Gateway, is a searchable catalogue of Internet resources that have been carefully selected and catalogued by professional librarians for the benefit of the UK Higher Education community.
Art Atlas - Database of art galleries worldwide. Find address and contact information of contemporary art galleries that provide showroom and exhibitions.


نشريات و كتاب ها:

Architronic (1992 - 1999)

Documentary Box: Online Journal of the Yamagata Int'l Documentary Film Festival (1994 - )

DoubleTake Magazine (1995 - )

Gadfly (1998 - )

Journal of Design Research (2001 - )

Jouvert (1997 - )

M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture (1998 - )

Electronic Journals

Monash Library Guide to Electronic Journals




منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

Art and Photography Directory

Lake County Public Library Reference Sources

World Artist Directory

Galleries & Museums


Image Collections

Children's Literature Web Guide
Barnes and Noble
Babelfish - Translation Service
For Young Writers
Public Speaking Workbook
Word a Day
Bartlett's Quotations
The New York Times Books
Glossary of Poetic Terms
Art History Research Centre
Art History Resources on the Web
Artsource General Resources
Fine Art Forum

موسسات و سازمان ها:

Fine Arts Associations
Asian arts associations, museums, schools on Asianart.com
British National Martial Arts Associations
Arts Associations on the World Wide Web: aesthetics; antiques & collectibles; architects, architecture; architectural educators; architectural historians; art deco; art & aids; ...

Professional Arts Associations
Arts Associations, Centers, and Organizations
CultureCanada.gc.ca: Visual Arts - Associations and Institutions
allAfrica.com -- Zambia: Arts Associations in K500 Million ...
Open Directory - Society: Organizations: Arts: Associations
Digital Arts Associations

همايش ها:




Arts and Crafts


Computer Generated



گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

Kovacs guide to discussion groups

Topica guide to discussion groups and newsletters


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