لیست پایگاه های اطلاعاتی و منابع وب مرتبط با رشته مطالعات اسلامي، الهيات و اديان


منابع وبي مرتبط با مطالعات اسلامي، الهيات و اديان


دروازه هاي اطلاعاتي و كتابخانه هاي مجازي:

Astan Quds Central Library Website (Mashhad, Iran)

ImamReza.net guide to Islam

ReligionQuest Everything on Religion

Religion, Religions, Religious Studies Page (www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/rel/ )

Welcome to World Religions Index  (wri.leaderu.com/)

Religion Resources, Studies, Comparative Religions -  (www.academicinfo.net/religindex.html

IslamiCity in Cyberspace

The World of Religions (religionworld.org/)

World Religions ( www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1699/)

Exploring Religions Home (uwacadweb.uwyo.edu/religionet/er/)

Religions & Scriptures (www.wam.umd.edu/~stwright/rel/ )

John Gresham's Guide to Relions resources on the net

Islam (General sites):

Astan Quds Razavi Library Gateway to Islam

Full text Books on Islam

Islam Page - Islam, Muslims, Allah, Muhammad (www.islamworld.net/ )

Al-Islam (www.al-islam.org/)

Islam Questions & Answers Website (www.islam-qa.com/ )

Answering Islam, A Christian-Muslim Dialog and Apologetic (answering-islam.org/)

Islam Online (www.islamonline.net/english/index.shtml )

Islam Guide: A Brief Illustrated Guide (www.islam-guide.com/ )

Islam (islam.about.com/ )

Selected Internet Resources: Islamic Sites (from Yale University Library)

Understanding Islam - Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (www.understanding-islam.com/

Islam 101 (www.islam101.com/ )

Islamic Studies, Islam, Arabic, Religion (www.uga.edu/islam)

The Nation of Islam Online - http://www.noi.org (www.noi.org/ )

Islam.com - Home (www.islam.com/ )

About Islam and Muslims - Islamic belief, Quran, Sunnah (www.unn.ac.uk/societies/islamic/)

Islam in the United States -- Dept. of State, International (usinfo.state.gov/usa/islam/)

PBS - Islam: Empire of Faith (www.pbs.org/empires/islam/)

ISLAM (www.religioustolerance.org/islam.htm)

Discover Islam (www.discoverislam.com/)

2muslims.com - Muslims Internet Directory & Search Engine


فهرست موضوعي:

The Holy Koran:

Full text of the Holy Koran

Qur'an Search - search the Qur'an translated into five languages.

Qur'an Translations - links to searchable sites on the Qur'an.

Yahoo's Qur'an page - links to popular Qur'an site listings.

Holy Qur'an Resources on the Internet


















Islamic ethics


Islamic Law (Fiqh)



Islamic Sects:

Al-Deruz: An Islamic Sect in mainly in Syria And Lebanon


موتورهاي جستجو:

2muslims.com - Muslims Internet Directory & Search Engine

IslamicFinder: Finding Islamic Places and Prayer times

IslamicWorld.Net: Islamic search engines
All the Islamic Search Engines
Islamic Search Engines and Directories

Islamic Search Engine - Musalman.com


پايگاه هاي اطلاعاتي و مقالات علمي:

SEDOS full-text articles on Christian missions, ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue, liberation and other topics.


نشريات و كتاب ها:

Books On-line An index to electronic books organized by Library of Congress Subject Classification

Al-Azhar - includes Islamic history and pillars, prophets' stories, legislation, and an encyclopedia. Available in five languages.

Hadith - links to searchable databases and translations.

Harf's Al-islam - search the Qur'an, the Prophetic Hadiths, an Islamic dictionary, and the Islamic Jurisprudence.

Islam Database of Questions and Answers - uses Islamic texts to provide guidance on life in the modern world.

Islamic Texts and Resources - includes numerous links and a bibliography on Islamic topics.

Qaradawi's Pages on the Internet - selected works by Dr. Qaradawi available online. In English or Arabic (requires Arabic-enabled browser).

John Gresham's Guide to E-Books on Religions

Unisa Press Online journals: Religion & Theology (www.unisa.ac.za/dept/press/rt/43/)

Religious Studies Journals, Electronic and Print (www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/rel/ejournal.htm)

John Gresham's Guide to E-Journals on Religions

Sacred and Religious Texts very good collection of links to online sacred texts of major religions

Internet Sacred Text Archive another good collection of texts from numerous religions.

World Prayers Anthology of prayers.

World Scriptures: a Comparative Anthology emphasizes unities among world religions

Bible Gateway and The Unbound Bible searchable Bibles in multiple translations

Search several religious sacred texts at www.concordance.com

Religion Online  Over 3000 full-text (previously published) articles and 150 online books from recognized scholars on a variety of theological topics, free for educational use.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library Large collection of classic texts of Christian theology and spirituality

Islam Online- News Section

Project Gutenberg

The Internet Classics Archive from MIT


منابع مرجع الكترونيكي:

RefDesk.com World Religions Resources

Concise Dictionary of Religion

Ecole Intitiative collaboratively produced Encyclopedia of Early Christian History with original articles and many primary texts.

Catholic Encyclopedia early 20th century edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia -- on many topics researchers will require updated information, but still a helpful resource.

Worldwide Encyclopedia of Christianity "a single reference source with links to the contents of the Catholic Encyclopedia, Easton's Bible Dictionary, Torrey's Topical Textbook, and Elwell's Dictionary of Christian Theology"

Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (1907)

Believe Religious Information Source online dictionary with detailed coverage of Christianity and introductory information on other religions.

American Religion Data Archive numerous datasets from diverse studies of American religious belief and practice

Adherents.com worldwide numerical statistics on numbers of adherents to different religions gathered from reliable reference sources


موسسات و سازمان ها:

Organization of Islamic conferences
Modern Muslima | Islamic Associations

Muslims Internet Directory: Federation of Islamic Associations
ISESCO (Islamic Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organization)

The CIOGC is a federation of approximately major Islamic centers

List of Islamic Organizations (Shia)

Selected Islamic organizations , Islamic organizations links
USA Islamic Organizations
Islamic Organizations of Minnesota

Foundation for Science, Technology and Civilization - '1,000 Years of Missing History;' online educational resource dedicated to popularising history and contribution of Muslim Achievements in Science and Technology.

Islamic Association for Palestine - offers information on political and social issues relating to Palestine.

Islamic Foundation - UK-based foundation providing education, research, publications and training on Islam for Western audience.

Organization of the Islamic Conference - founded to safeguard the interests of Muslims around the world.

Science Heritage Center - provides a history of Islamic science. Homepage viewable in Arabic (Arabic-supported browser/software required).

Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries - collects and disseminates socio-economic data and information on OIC member countries.

Canadian Socio-political Organizations:

Canadian Council of Muslim Women - Mississauga-based organization.

Canadian Islamic Congress.

Canadian Society of Muslims - Toronto-based group focused on Hanafi. teachings. Also host a Muslim Marriage Mediation & Arbitration Service.

Young Muslims of Canada - Greater Toronto Area youth network.

International/North American Organizations:

American Muslim Council - towards political empowerment of Muslims in the US.

Council on American-Islamic Relations - one of most active Islamic groups in the American public.

Islamic Council of North America (ICNA) - A whole range of activities/services across North America.

Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) - A whole range of activities/services across North America.

Islamic Human Rights Commission - UK-based group.

Muslim Women's Help Network - NY-based.

World Association of Muslim Youth (WAMY).

Muslim Students Assoc. of US and Canada (MSA National).

World Council of Muslim Women Foundation.  


North American Association of Muslim Professionals and Scholars.

Muslim Military Members - for Muslims serving in armed forces worldwide.

International Muslim Pharmaceuticals Organization

Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA).

Association of Muslim Researchers - UK-based organization.

Council of American Muslim Professionals - to help young Muslim professionals.

International Muslimah Artists Network & Int'l Health & Human Services - Detroit-based groups.


Students Associations:

Caltech Muslim Students Association

Kampungnet: The Singapore Muslim Community

The Muslim Students Association at the University of Buffalo

University of Essex Islamic Society

University of Southern California Muslim Students Association

Yale Divest - organization opposing state-sponsored terrorism.

Yale Muslim Students' Association


مراكز آموزشي و وزارتخانه ها:

Islamic School Addresses in North America

University of the Punjab [ Department of Islamic Studies

Department of Islamic Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia

Department of Islamic Law

University of Edinburgh - Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies
Department of Islamic Education - General Information (Bu-Ali Sina University)

Department of Islamic Learning (Pakistan)

Department of Islamic Studies (Arab Emirates)

Department of Islamic Studies (Germany)

Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies [Edinburgh]



همايش ها:

Papers from the CSID 4th Annual Conference on Islam & Democracy ...
Conference Papers: "Why Democracy and Why Now?" 4th Annual Conference
Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy May 16-17, 2003 ...

Princeton - News - Conference on Islam after Sept. 11
OPA News Release, 03/2002 Conference on Islam to be presented  
(By The University of Texas at Austin)
At the International Conference on Islam and the West
(Melbourne, 15 August 2003.)

Conference on Islam and the 21th Century (3-7 June 1996 Leiden, the Netherlands Indonesian-Netherlands Cooperation in Islamic Studies (INIS)
Copenhagen Hosts International Conference on Islam (8/29/2001)
Morocco attends conference on Islam and modern changes
National Conference on Islam
(Christian-Muslim Studies: Dr. Carl Ellis. )

The 2003 ISNA Latino Muslims Conference
The Fourth Annual Conference on Islam among Latino Americans is one of four Islam
in America Conferences hosted by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

Proceedings of the Conference on Islam and Music Music F Mayer
Symposium on Islam in China and Southeast Asia
The first large-scale conference on Islam held in Hong Kong and the first worldwide
comparative discussion of Islam in Southeast Asia and China

NUJ Glasgow - Conference on Islam
Proposal for a Scottish one-day conference on Islam for NUJ members
from Elyas Hussain.

Brazil hosts 17th international conference on Islam and world ...

Guide to conferences on Islam (from allconferences.net)

Guide to Islamic conferences (from: islamicconferences.com):

همايش هاي گذشته:

9-10 Sept 2003

From Money Lenders to Bankers - Evolution of Islamic banking in relation to Judeo-Christian & oriental banking traditions - Monash University Malaysia, Prato, Italy

2-3 Sept 2003

The 28th Annual Meeting of the IDB Group to be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan

1-3 Sept 2003

Islamic Finance & Investment in South Africa, Cape Town, SA - Oasis Group Holdings

21st-23rd July 2003

Islamic Real Estate Finance- assessing the success, accessing the market, The Four Seasons Hotel, London, UK - Islamic Conferences Group

7th-9th July 2003

International Seminar on Wealth Creation, Al-Qasimi Building - University of Durham, UK

7th-8th April 2003

Islamic finance and the war on terrorism - London, UK, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) & Islamic Conferences Group

27th March 2003

Islamic Home Finance, the Grange Hotel, London - The Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) & Islamic Conferences Group

2nd-3rd March 2003

Adapting to a Rapidly Changing Regulatory & Financial Environment. Manama, Bahrain - Accounting & Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) & The World Bank

23rd-25th Feb 2003

The International Islamic finance Conference. Dubai, UAE - IIR

27th-28th Jan 2003

Islamic Finance - an alternative financial system: global opportunities & challenges.

Abuja, Nigeria - The Institute of Islamic Banking & Insurance, Islamic Conferences Group

21st-22nd Jan 2003

Euromoney Second Annual Islamic Finance Summit. London, UK - Euromoney

17-18th July 2002   

Documentation of Islamic Banking Products, London, UK - Islamic Development Bank, Institute of Islamic Banking & Insurance, Islamic Conferences Group

7th-8th Nov 2001

Islamic Mutual Funds Unveiled - Institute of Islamic Banking & Insurance


Upcoming Conferences:

23-25 Jan 2004

:: International Seminar on Islamic Banking & Finance, Accra, Ghana - Al Furqan Foundation

17-18 Feb 2004

:: Practical Applications of Islamic Banking, Bahrain - AAOIFI

1-3 March 2004

:: Non-Bank Financial Institutions: Islamic Alternatives, KL, Malaysia - IRTI & Islamic Banking & Finance Institute, Malaysia

3-4 March 2004

::  The First Islamic Retail Banking Conference, Dubai - Failaka & Islamic Conferences Group

May 2004

::  Islamic Finance for Oil And Gas, London -Islamic Conferences Group & CEPMLP, University of Dundee

28-30 June 2004

:: Islamic Real Estate Finance IREF 2004, London, UK - Islamic Conferences Group



گروه هاي بحث الكترونيكي:

Guide to Islamic discussion groups (from Yale University Library)

ReligionQuest guide to discussion groups in religions:

Islam  Christian  Catholic  Scientology  Jewish  Mormon  Baptist  Spirituality 

Hindu  Buddhist  Taoist  Wicca  Druid  Angels


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