لیست پایگاه های علمی دردسترس در دانشگاه University of Massachussetts - Amherst

دانشگاه  Massachussetts - Amherst به پایگاه های علمی زیر دسترسی دارد.

19th Century Masterfile
Conference Board
Faculty of 1000
Institution of Civil Engineers Virtual Library
Materials Library
PIERS Directories
Nursing Education in Video
APA database trials
Taylor and Francis eBookSubscriptions
AAOHN Journal
AAPG Bulletin
Academic Medicine
Acta Arithmetica
Acta Mathematica and Arkiv for Matematik (Swedish Academy Journals)
African-American Newspapers
American Association for Cancer Research Journals
American Chemical Society, Journals
American Heart Association -- Circulation
American Journal of Botany
American journal of psychology
American Journal of Public Health
American Journal of Science (Highwire)
American Journal of Sports Medicine
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
American National Biography
American and French Research into the Treasury of the French Language ARTFL
American Song
Applied physiology nutrition and metabolism
AP Images
Arctic (journal)
ASCE Online Journals
American Institute of Physics, Journals
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
American Journal of Clinical Pathology (at Highwire)
American Journal of Psychiatry, etc.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
American Mathematical Society / AMS journals
Annals of Pharmacotherapy (at Highwire)
Annual Reviews
Chadwyck Healey IIMP Full-text (International Index to Music Periodicals Full-text)
Chadwyck Healey Black Studies Center
Chadwyck Healey Black Abolitisionist Papers
Chadwyk Healey IIPA (International Index to the Performing Arts)
Chadwick Healey Music & Performing Arts Online portal
Chadwyck Literature Online (LION)
Chadwyck Teatro Espanol del Siglo Oro
The Wellesley Index
Monthly Catalog of US Government Publication
Chadwyck Healey databases
Arctic Anthropology (at Highwire)
Atomic Learning
Atomization and Sprays
ANZIAM Journal
ACM Electronic Graduate Assistantship Directory and ACM Digital Library
Technews - ACM
African American Song
American Economic Association Journals
American Firms Operating in Foreign Countries
American Geophysical Union
American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology
American Journal of Physiology. Renal, Fluid and Electrolyte Physiology
American Journal of Public Health (at Highwire)
American Society of Agronomy journals
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Applied Measurement in Education
AP Stylebook Online
Apabi - Cihai on Apabi's reference works database - Eastview
UMass ArtSTOR page
Asian Cardiovascular and Throacic Annals
Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses journals
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Atlantic Geology
Atypon Journals (host)
Bibliography of Asian Studies
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
Biochemical Journal
Biochemical Journal (USA)
Biochemistry Applied Biochemstry
Biological Bulletin
Biology of Reproduction
BioMedCentral journals
Biophysical Journal
BioOne or BioOne.1
Black Thought and Culture
Black Women Writers
BLC Gateway
Book Review Digest Retrospective
Books 24x7
The British and Irish Archeological Bibliography
British Journal of Cancer
the Brown University Women Writers Project
Building Green Suite
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies
Bulletin of marine science
Burlington Magazine
Cabells Directories of Publishing Opportunities
Caliber (University of California Press online)
Cambridge Scientific (CSA)
Cambridge Structural Database - WebCSD
Cambridge University Press
Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Canadian Mathemtical Society Journals
The Canadian Minerologist
Canadian Public Policy
Cancer online
Capital and class
Cataloger's Desktop
Cell Biology International
Center for Research Libraries
Cereal Chemistry
Cell Press Journals
Journals at the University of Chicago
WorldCat and other OCLC databases
OCLC Firstsearch
UMass Worldcat Local
Chemical Society Reviews
Journal of Chemical Education
Chicago Manual of Style Online
Children's Literature Comprehensive Database
China Academic Journals Database
Choice Reviews Online
The Chronicle of Higher Education
CIAO: Columbia International Affairs
Classical Music Library
Classical Scores Library
Classification Web - Library of Congress
Clinical Science (Portland Press)
The Cochrane Library
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols aka CSH Protocols
Collectanea Mathematica (online journal)
CollegeSource Online
Com Abstracts
Communications in analysis and geometry
Community of Science Information Resources
Complete Classics Collection of Ancient China
Computing Reviews Online
CRS Reports (new as of 3/29/10)
Conjuntura economica
Contemporary Literature (at Highwire)
Corp Tech Directory
Corporate Affiliations
Counseling and Therapy in Video
CQ Resesarcher
CQ Weekly
Critical Care Nurse (at Highwire)
Crop Science
CSIRO journals
CSIS ebooks
Cuban Affairs
Journal of Dairy Science
Dance in Video
Development (Company of Biologists) at Highwire
Diabetes Journal
Digital Sanborn Maps
Directory of Scholarly Electronic Journals and ...
Duke University Press titles
Early English Books Online aka EEBO
Ecological Society of America - ESA Journals online
Economic and labour market review
Economic and political weekly
Economic Geography
Edinburgh University Press journals
EIU -- Country Reports Country Profiles Country Forecasts
Journal of Educational Technology Systems
eHRAF Archaeology and eHRAF World Cultures
EI Compendex Web, etc.
Election Law Journal (at Mary Ann Liebert Publishers)
Electric Library
Electrochemical Society Interface
Ellis and Messina Foraminifera Catalogue
Emerald Journals (still have free with print here)
Encyclopedia Britannica
Test configuration for new Britannica 10/2010 lfm
Encyclopedia of Africa
Journal of Endocrinology moved to Highwire 2004
Endocrine Journals Online
Environment and Planning D Society and Space (Pion)
Erudit Journals
Europa World Year Book
European Journal of Endocrinology
European Physical Journal and other EDP journals
EuroTrade online
Encyclopedia of Popular Music
Environmental Knowledgebase
Epilepsy and Behavior
Ethnic Newswatch
Europa World Year Book
Evolutionary Ecology Research
Exchange on HIV/AIDS sexuality and gender
Experimental Biology & Medicine (Highwire)
Experimental Physiology (at Highwire)
Extenza journals
Facts on File World News Digest
Faculty of 1000 Biology
FAITS: Faulkner Advisory
Families in Society (ejournal)
FASEB journal
Film Literature Index
Films on Demand
First Research
Food Science Alerts
Foreign Firms Operating in the United States
Forestry Chronicle
Forrester Research
Annales de l'Institut Fourier
Freehand Music
Gale/Infotrac/PowerSearch Databases
Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online
Genes & Development (Highwire)
Genetics (Highwire)
Geography journal
Geological Society of America Bulletin
Geometry and Topology and other Mathematics Package journals
Geotechnical testing journal
The Gerontologist
Global Socrates
Global Road Warrior
GMID: Global Market Information Database aka Euromonitor
Google Scholar
Google Books
Gray House Publishing G.O.L.D.
Grove Music
Grove Art
Guide to Reference
Guilford Press Journals (at Atypon)
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Two versions)
HAPI Hispanic American Periodicals Index online
Harvard Education Letter
Haworth Press
Health Affairs
HeinOnline Core Collection
High Temperatures High Pressures and other Pion journals
Historical statistics of the United States
The History Cooperative
ACLS History E-Book Project
OVID Gateway
History Today
Hortscience (at Highwire)
Human Kinetics journals
IEICE Transactions Parts A-D
IEEE Explore Mobile Site
Inc.com aka Inc magazine online
Indiana University Mathematics Journal
Informaworld Journals (Taylor and Francis)
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathamatics
PubsOnline from Informs
Ingenta Journals
Institution of Civil Engineers
Interfaces (Highwire)
International Index to Black Periodicals
International journal of nursing education scholarship (BE Press)
International Mathematics Research Notices
International Medieval Bibliography
International Pest Control
Internet Journal of Chemistry
Internet Securities
International Water Association Publishing OnLine Journals
Investigative Opthamology and Visual Science
Israel journal of zoology
ITER: Gateway to the Renaissance
JAMA online (Journal of the American Medical Association) and Archives
Jazz Music Library
Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism
Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization (Berkeley E Press)
Journal of Animal Science (at Highwire)
Journal of Apicultural Research
Journal of Applied Physiology & other titles
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
Journal of automated methods & management in chemistry
Journal of Physiology
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Journal of Cell Biology (at Highwire)
Journal of cell science
Journal of Chinese Linguistics
Journal of Climate
Journal of Clinical Investigation
Journal of clinical psychiatry
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Journal of agriculture, food systems, and community development
Journal of General Physiology
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry
Journal of Human Resources (at Highwire)
Journal of Indo-European Studies
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Highwire)
Journal of Green Building
Journal of Immunology
Journal of Investment Management (JOIM)
Journal of Lipid Research
Journal of Jewish Studies
Journal of literary research
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics
Journal of Micropalaeontology
Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry and other BMJ
Journal of Neuroinflammation
Journal of Neuroscience
Journal of nuclear medicine (Highwire)
Journal of Nutrition
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and semiclassical Optics
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Journal of Climate
Journal of Climate
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Journal of Physics D
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services
Journal of Sedimentary Research (at Highwire)
Journal of Speech language & hearing research (at Highwire)
Journal of Studies on alcohol and drugs
Journals of Gerontology
Journal of Gerontological Nursing
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
Journal of the American Dental Association
Karger journals (Phonetica)
KluwerOnline journals
Knovel Science & Engineering Tables
Kraus Curriculum Development Library
L'Annee Philologique
Labor and Employment Law Library
Laboratory Animals
Land Economics (at Highwire)
Landscape Journal (at Highwire)
Language Arts
Latin America Data Base
Latin American Network Information Center
Latin American Weekly Report & Latin American Regional Reports
Learning and Behavior
Lexicons of Early Modern English
Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe and Statistical Universe and Congressional
Learning & Memory
Lettere Italiano
Library Music Source
Library's Web Site (for restricted password/RefWorks GroupCode page)
Limnology & Oceanography
Linguistics Abstracts Online
LITA Newsletter
LSA Directory of Programs
LUNA Image Collections
Luso-Brazilian Review (at Highwire)
Machine Design (journal)
Manchester University Press journals
Code of Massachusetts Regulations Online
Mathematical Research Letters
Mathematica Scandinavica
MathSciNet, etc.
Memory and Cognition
Mental retardation
Mergent OnLine
Michigan Law Review
Michigan Mathematical Journal
Microbiology, etc.
American Journal of Microbiology
MIT Press Journals
MIT CogNet (Cognitive Research)
D&B Million Dollar Database and Key Business Ratios
Mintel Global Market Navigator
Mintel Reports
Molecular Biology of the Cell
Molecular Pharmacology
Monatshefte (at Highwire)
Monthly Review
Morningstar Investment Research
Museum of the Earth (Paleontological Research Institute)
Mycologia at Highwire
NACTA Journal (National Association of Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture)
NASPA Journal Online
National Journal's Journals
Canadian Journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences and others
Canadian Journal of zoology
Nature, EMBO Journals
Naxos Video Library
NBER Working Papers
Neural Computation (HighWire)
New England Journal of Medicine
New Journal of Physics
New Left Review
New Statesman
New York Review of Books
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science
News in Physiological Sciences
Newsbank/Readex Databases/Latin American Newspapers
NIST TRC Web Thermo Tables
North American Women's Letters and Diaries
Foundations and Trends in Informationn Retrieval
NRC journals
The Nursing Clinics of North America
Opera in Video
Optical Society journals
Organization Science (at Highwire)
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Orlando: Women's Writing in the British Isles from the beginnings to the
Oxford Encyclopedia of Greece and Rome
Oxford English Dictionary
Oxford History of Western Music
Oxford Reference Online
Oxford University Press
Amico Art Library (also AMICA)
American Journal of Pathology
American Statistical Association journals
American Physical Society Journals
Palgrave Macmillan journals
Pediatric Research "Online"
Pediatrics/American Acadamy of Pediatrics
People's Daily
People's Daily Digital Archive
Perception (Pion)
Perceptual and Motor Skills (Ammons)
Perdita Manuscripts (licensed by Ren Center)
Attention, Perception and Psychophysics
Pharmacological Reviews
Physical Therapy (journal) (Highwire)
Physics Today
Physics World
Pierian Press -- Matter of Fact
American Society of Plant Biologists Journals
Plant Management Network
Plunkett Research Online
Polish Academy of Sciences - Institute of Mathematics journals
Post-Soviet Affairs
Practical Neurology
Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences
Product Launch Analytics - Product Scan
Project Muse
Proquest Statistical Datasets
Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America
Psychiatric Services (ejournal)
On-line Catalog of Books - Recordings for the Bline and Dyslexic
Quarterly journal of engineering geology & hydrogeology
Redbooks (Advertising Redbooks)
ReferenceGlobal (Walter de Gruyter online host)
Reference USA
Reports on America
Reproduction (HighWire)
Research Design Connections
Revista Iberoamericana
Revista Hispanica Moderna
Revue philosophique de Louvain
Roper Center for Public Opinion Research (with iPOLL and Archives Catalog)
Royal Society of Chemistry (for all starting 12/10, ct.)
Royal Society of Chemistry e-books
Royal Society of Chemistry journals and Analytical WebBase
Royal Society Journals (at Highwire)
Russell: the journal of Bertrand Russell Studies
Russian Mathematical Journals (Izvestiya, Sbornik)
Sage Ejournals (some under indiv titles)
Sage Ebooks Encyclopedias
School Library Media Research, etc.
Science Direct
Science Magazine and Science Signaling
Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports
SciFinder Scholar Page
SciFinder Web Access
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sheet Music Now
Siku Quanshu
Slack Journals
Smithsonian Global Sound
Social Cognition (Guilford Press)
Social Explorer
Social Science
Soil Science of America Journal
SPIE Digital Library
SRDS media solutions
Standard & Poor's Net Advantage
Sports Business Research Network
Statistica Sinica (ejournal)
Current Index to Statistics
Strength and Conditioning Research
Studia Musicologica
Studies in Political Economy
SubStance (at Highwire)
Synthesis Lectures Collection I (Morgan and Claypool)
Taylor and Francis (new platform June 2010)
Teachers College Record
Terrapub titles (Earth, planets and space)
Thomas Telford Engineering Journals
Times Literary Supplement, TLS
Town planning review (at Marston Digital)
Training and Development aka T+D
Turfgrass Information Center
Index to Current Urban Documents
United Nations Treaty Collection
Ulrichs Web
University of Illinois journals
Urban Geography
UTK Song Index
Value Line Investment Surveys
Veterinary Record and In Practice (British Vet Assoc titles at Highwire)
Veterinary pathology
Walt Whitman Quarterly Review
Wind Engineering
World Development Indicators (WDI) Online
Web of Knowledge
Researcher ID
Web of Knowledge
Westlaw campus
Wiley Interscience online journals package
Wiley ebooks
Wilson Readers Guide Retrospective
Women and Social Movements
Women and Social Movements International
World Scientific Net
World Scientific Net (alternate)
World Shakespeare Bibliography
Zasshi kiji sakuin

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