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. COD SUBJECT PAGE 1 ENCYCLOPEDIA 1 2 LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE 1 3 REFERENCE & RESEARCH 4 101 ACCOUNTING, BANKING & FINANCE 5 170 ADVERTISING 8 168 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 8 104 BUSINESS & COMMERCE 10 106 ECONOMICS 17 167 ECONOMIC (AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY) 26 131 ECONOMICS (INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS) 26 132 ECONOMICS (MACROECONOMICS) 26 133 ECONOMICS (MICROECONOMICS & INDUSTRIAL) 27 134 ECONOMICS (POLITICAL ECONOMY) 27 143 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 29 169 GLOBALISATION 30 171 TAXATION 31 115 MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP 31 146 MANAGEMENT (HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT) 38 147 MANAGEMENT (PROJECT MANAGEMENT) 39 148 MANAGEMENT (PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION) 40 149 MANAGEMENT (SECURITY & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT) 41 185 MARKETING & BRANDING 42 107 EDUCATION 43 135 EDUCATION (EARLY YEARS & CHILDHOOD STUDIES) 52 166 EDUCATION (EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY) 57 136 EDUCATION (POST‐COMPULSORY & HIGHER EDUCATION) 57 137 EDUCATION (RESEARCH METHODS) 59 138 EDUCATION (SPECIAL NEEDS) 60 139 EDUCATION (TEACHING & LEARNING) 61 121 PSYCHOLOGY 63 180 PSYCHOLOGY (COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY) 69 181 PSYCHOLOGY (COUPLES & FAMILY THEARAPY) 69 162 PSYCHOLOGY (CREATIVE ARTS THERAPIES) 70 163 PSYCHOLOGY (PSYCHOANALYSIS) 70 164 PSYCHOLOGY (PSYCHOTHERAPY & COUNSELLING) 72 179 PSYCHOLOGY (SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY) 76 GEOGRAPHY 109 CLIMATE CHANGE 76 108 GEOGRAPHY 77 175 GIS & REMOTE SENSING 78 165 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 78 TABLE OF CONTENTS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARY REFERENCE ECONOMIC & MANAGEMENT EDUCATION  PSYCHOLOGY TABLE OF CONTENTS COD SUBJECT PAGE HISTORY 110 HISTORY 78 102 ANTHROPOLOGY & ETHNOLOGY 85 103 ARCHAEOLOGY, ANCIENT HISTORY & MUSEUM STUDIES 87 105 CLASSICAL STUDIES 91 111 ISLAMIC STUDIES 93 118 OTHER RELIGIONS 112 182 THEOLOGY & RELIGIOUS STUDIES 124 119 PHILOSOPHY 127 184 PHILOSOPHY (ISLAMIC PHILOSOPHY) 140 151 PHILOSOPHY (ART & AESTHETICS) 140 152 PHILOSOPHY (CONTINENTAL PHILOSOPHY) 141 157 PHILOSOPHY (ETHICS & PHILOSOPHY OF LAW) 141 177 PHILOSOPHY (HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY) 142 178 PHILOSOPHY(KANT PHILOSOPHY) 143 153 PHILOSOPHY (METAPHYSICS) 144 154 PHILOSOPHY (PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION) 145 155 PHILOSOPHY (PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE) 146 156 PHILOSOPHY (POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY) 146 112 LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS 148 141 LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS (GERMAN LANGUAGE) 155 142 LANGUAGE LEARNING 156 114 LITERATURE 157 145 LITERATURE (GERMAN LANGUAGE) 163 144 LITERATURE (LITERARY CRITICISM) 163 176 LITERATURE (NOVEL & FICTION) 164 140 COPY RIGHT 165 128 CRIMINOLOGY & CRIMINAL LAW 165 174 FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL LAW 168 161 HUMAN RIGHTS 169 113 LAW 170 130 LAW (GERMAN LANGUAGE) 176 129 IRAN STUDIES 177 117 MIDDLE EAST STUDIES 183 127 MILITARY, STRATEGIC & SECURITY STUDIES  201 120 POLITICS & INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 206 158 POLITICS (AFRICAN) 219 159 POLITICS (AMERICAN & EUROPEAN) 220 160 POLITICS (RUSSIAN & ASIAN) 222 183 GENDER & WOMEN STUDIES 224 150 JOURNALISM 226 116 MEDIA, COMMUNICATION & CULTURAL STUDIES 227 122 SOCIAL WORK & SOCIAL POLICY 234 123 SOCIOLOGY & SOCIAL SCIENCE 235 124 SPORT, EXERCISE SCIENCE & LEISURE STUDIES 240 125 TOURISM & TRAVELLING 246 SOCIAL SCIENCES LAW & POLITICS LANGUAGE & LITERATURE PHILOSOPHY RELIGIOUS STUDIES ENCYCLOPEDIA 1 0010075 Brill's Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages (2 Vols.) 9789004293151 Gert Melville(Editor),Mart 2016 350 20 280 EUR BRILL'S NEW PAULY - CLASSICAL TRADITION, VOLUME IV 2009 266 (OLY 2 0010048 9789004142244 CRAIG KALLENDORF( 70 79.8 EUR Encyclopedia of Early Modern History, Volume 1: (Ab 2016 255 andoned Settlement - Beer) 3 1101212 9789004269439 Graeme Dunphy(Editor) 20 204 EUR 4 1101211 Encyclopedia of Early Modern History: Beggar - Class Consciousness 9789004269804 Graeme Dunphy(Editor) 2016 255 20 204 EUR Encyclopedia of Early Modern History: Classical Eco 2017 255 nomics - Cutlery 5 سفارش ثبت 9789004269811 Graeme Dunphy(Editor) 20 204 EUR 6 1460142 Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management 9781783475452 Adrain Wilkinson,Stewart 2016 190 20 152 GBP EUROPA INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION DIRECTORY 2009 270 2009,THE ROUTLEDGE 7 0010038 9781857435238 70 81 GBP 8 0010049 EUROPA WORLD OF LEARNING 2011, THE 9781857435672 EUROPA PUBLICATIO 2011 580 70 174 GBP 9 1202822 Handbook of International Security and Development 9781784715199 Paul Jackson,Paul Jackson 2016 40 20 32 GBP 2015 13 Ingenious Impressions: Fifteenth-century Printed Books from the University of Glasgow Library 10 2060824 9781857599268 Julie Gardham 20 10.4 GBP 11 1183090 Routledge Encyclopedia of Ancient Mediterranean Religions 9780415831970 Eric Orlin(Editor) 2016 263 20 210.4 GBP LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE Altmetrics: A Practical Guide for Librarians, Resea 2016 50 rchers and Academics 12 0020573 9781783300105 ANDY TATTERSALL,A 10 45 GBP 13 0020543 Annual Review of Cultural Heritage Informatics: 2014 9781442250116 Samantha K. Hastings(Edi 2015 65 20 52 GBP 14 0020484 Basics of Bookkeeping 9789001832841 M. Schauten 2013 37 40 22.2 GBP 15 0020553 Better Library Design: Ideas from Library Journal 9781442239609 REBECCA MILLER 2015 50 20 40 GBP 2013 60 BIBLIOTHEKS- UND INFORMATIONSMANAGEMENT IN DER JURISTISCHEN PRAXIS (PRAXISWISSEN) (GERMAN EDITION) 16 0020465 9783110301298 ANNE JACOBS 40 36 EUR 17 2060636 Bodleian Library Treasures 9781851244089 DAVID VAISEY 2015 35 20 28 USD 18 0020563 Building Your Portfolio 9781783300204 KATHERINE OWEN 2014 40 10 36 GBP Career Transitions for Librarians: Proven Strategie 2016 16 s for Moving to Another Type of Library 19 0020598 9781442263727 Davis Erin Anderson(Edit 20 12.8 GBP 20 0020534 Cataloging and Classification: An Introduction 9781442232495 Lois Mai Chan, Athena Sa 2015 45 20 36 GBP 21 0020535 Cataloging for School Librarians 9781442232464 MARIE KELSEY 2014 30 20 24 GBP Children's Services Today: A Practical Guide for Li 2015 45 brarians (Practical Guides for Librarians) 22 0020542 9780810891326 Jeanette Larson 20 36 GBP CILIP: THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF LIBRARY AND 2009 49.95 INFORMATION PROFESSIONALS YEARBOOK 2008-2009 KATHRYN BEECROFT( 23 0020311 9781856046435 70 14.99 GBP Collaborative Grant-Seeking: A Practical Guide for Librarians 2016 45 (Practical Guides for Librarians) Bess G. de Farber 24 0020593 9781442263277 20 36 GBP Collection Evaluation in Academic Libraries: A Prac 2015 45 tical Guide for Librarians (Practical Guides for Librarians) Karen C. Kohn 25 0020539 9781442238602 20 36 GBP 26 1400030 Copyright and E-learning: A Guide for Practitioners 9781783300600 Jane Secker,Chris Morriso 2016 50 10 45 GBP 27 0020519 Creating a Streaming Video Collection for Your Library 9780810893184 Cheryl J. Duncan, Erika D 2015 25 20 20 GBP 28 0020530 Creative Management of Small Public Libraries in the 21st Century 9781442243569 Carol Smallwood(Editor) 2015 38 20 30.4 GBP 29 0020590 Critical Literacy for Information Professionals 9781783300822 Sarah McNicol,Sarah Mc 2016 60 10 54 GBP CULTURAL JOURNEYS: MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE 2010 16.95 FOR ELEMENT 30 0020394 9781442206878 PAMELA S. GATES 70 5.09 GBP 2015 40 Curriculum-Based Library Instruction: From Cultivating Faculty Relationships to Assessment (Medical Library Association Books Series) 31 0020526 9781442231658 Amy Blevins, Megan Inm 20 32 GBP Customer Service in Libraries: Best Practices (Best 2013 33 Practices in Library Services) 32 0020461 9780810887480 MICHAEL MESSINA(E 20 26.4 GBP 33 0020587 Digital Curation 9781783300976 Ross Harvey 2016 60 10 54 GBP 34 0020469 Digital Preservation for Libraries, Archives, and Museums 9780810887121 Heather Lea Moulaison 2014 45 20 36 GBP 35 1111287 Directory of Libraries of the Islamic World 2013 9781921892585 2001 375 70 112.5 USD 36 0020532 Donors and Archives: A Guidebook for Successful Programs 9780810892170 Aaron D. Purcell 2015 40 20 32 GBP 37 0020565 Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries 9781783300495 Starr Hoffman,Starr Hoff 2016 50 10 45 GBP 38 0020580 Ebooks in Libraries: Everything Is Changing (Ifla Publications) 9783110309706 Paul Whitney(Editor) 2016 90 15 76.5 EUR Educating the Profession: 40 Years of the Ifla Sect 2016 120 ion on Education and Training (Ifla Publications) 39 0020582 9783110375268 Michael Seadle(Editor),Cl 15 102 EUR 40 0020449 E-LEARNING IN LIBRARIES: BEST PRACTICES 9780810887503 ROWMAN 2013 28 40 16.8 GBP Emerging Strategies for Supporting Student Learning 2016 50 : A Practical Guide for Librarians and Educators Barbara Allan 41 0020588 9781783300709 10 45 GBP 42 0020527 Emerging Technologies: A Primer for Librarians 9781442238886 Michael Sauers 2015 25 20 20 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 1 DIS Sale Price LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE 2015 32 Enhancing Teaching and Learning in the 21st-Century Academic Library: Successful Innovations That Make a Difference (Creating the 21st-Century Academ Bradford Lee Eden 43 0020520 9781442247055 20 25.6 GBP Exploring Discovery: The Front Door to a Library's Lincensed and 2016 65 digitized content 44 0020591 9781783300969 Kenneth J Varnum 10 58.5 GBP Finding Reliable Information Online: Adventures of 2015 18 an Information Sleuth 45 0020592 9781442253933 Leslie F. Stebbins 20 14.4 GBP 46 0020518 Fundamentals for the Academic Liaison 9781783300051 JOE ESHLEMAN RICH 2014 55 10 49.5 GBP 47 0020502 Fundamentals of Collection Development 9781856049375 peggy johnson 2014 50 10 45 GBP 48 0020343 GAMING IN LIBRARIES (TECH SET) 9781856047296 KELLY CZARNECKI 2010 34.95 70 10.49 GBP Genealogy: A Practical Guide for Librarians (Practi 2015 45 cal Guides for Librarians) 49 0020540 9780810891500 Katherine Pennavaria 20 36 GBP 50 0020551 Global Action on School Library Guidelines (Ifla Publications) 9783110362435 Barbara A. Schultz-Jones, 2015 90 15 76.5 EUR Global Wikipedia: International and Cross-Cultural 2014 48 Issues in Online Collaboration Noriko Hara 51 0020471 9780810891012 20 38.4 GBP Going Beyond Loaning Books to Loaning Technologies: 2015 45 A Practical Guide for Librarians (The Practical Guides for Librarians series) Janelle Sander 52 0020541 9781442244993 20 36 GBP 53 0020552 Handbook of Information Science 9783110373646 Wolfgang G. Stock,Mecht 2015 75 15 63.75 EUR 2014 170 Handbuch Hochschulbibliothekssysteme: Leistungsfahige Informationsinfrastrukturen Fur Wissenschaft Und Studium (de Gruyter Reference) (German Languag Konstanze Sollner(Editor) 54 0020479 9783110309911 15 144.5 EUR Historical Dictionary of Librarianship (Historical Dictionaries of 2014 55 Professions and Industries) Mary Ellen Quinn 55 0020472 9780810878075 20 44 GBP HISTORY AND CULTURAL HERITAGE OF CHINESE 2010 99.95 CALLIGRAPHY, PRINTING, AND LIBRARY WORK BOS, JAN; ZUZAO, LIN; 56 0020343 9783598220463 70 29.99 EUR 57 2060819 Imaginary Creatures: Library on Display: The Library on Display 9788874610983 Franca Arduini(Preface) 2008 10 20 8 GBP 2016 100 Indigenous Notions of Ownership & Libraries, Archives & Museums (Ifla Publications) 58 0020579 9783110362992 Camille Callison(Editor),L 15 85 EUR 2015 32 Information Privacy Fundamentals for Librarians and Information Professionals 59 0020529 9781442228818 Cherie L. Givens 20 25.6 GBP 60 0020537 Information Services Today: An Introduction 9781442239586 Sandra Hirsh(Editor) 2015 38 20 30.4 GBP 2015 13 Ingenious Impressions: Fifteenth-century Printed Books from the University of Glasgow Library 61 2060824 9781857599268 Julie Gardham 20 10.4 GBP 2015 45 Integrating the Web into Everyday Library Services: A Practical Guide for Librarians (Practical Guides for Librarians) Elizabeth R. Leggett 62 0020597 9781442256750 20 36 GBP 2016 65 Interprofessional Education and Medical Libraries: Partnering for Success (Medical Library Association Books Series) Mary E. Edwards(Editor) 63 0020585 9781442263895 20 52 GBP 2009 28.99 INTRODUCTION TO STAFF DEVELOPMEN IN ACADEMIC LIBRARIES, AN 64 0020348 9780789038456 E. CONNOR 70 8.7 GBP 2014 55 Is Digital Different?: How Information Creation, Capture, Preservation and Discovery are Being Transformed 65 0020556 9781856048545 MICHAEL MOSS(EDIT 10 49.5 GBP 66 1112299 Islam and Modernity (Critical Concepts in Sociology) 9781138930827 Nasar Meer(Editor) 2017 900 20 720 GBP Leadership in Academic Libraries Today: Connecting Theory to 2014 55 Practice Jody Condit Fagan(Editor 67 0020470 9781442232594 20 44 GBP Libraries - Traditions and Innovations: Papers from 2017 90 the Library History Seminar XIII Melanie Kimball,Katherin 68 0020604 9783110448337 15 76.5 EUR 69 2012293 Libraries: A Design Manual 9783034608275 Nolan Lushington 2014 90 15 76.5 EUR 70 0020473 Library Management for the Digital Age: A New Paradigm 9781442230156 Julie Todaro 2014 45 20 36 GBP Library Service Design: A LITA Guide to Holistic As 2016 28 sessment, Insight, and Improvement (LITA Guides) Joe J. Marquez,Annie Do 71 0020599 9781442263840 20 22.4 GBP Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums: How to Clean, 2014 55 Link and Publish Your Metadata 72 0020488 9781856049641 SETH VAN HOOLAND, 10 49.5 GBP 73 1151255 Managing Copyright in Higher Education: A Guidebook 9780810891487 Donna L. Ferullo 2015 32 20 25.6 GBP 74 0020560 Managing Digital Objects: Analysis, Discovery and Retrieval 9781856049412 PAULINE RAFFERTY(E 2016 55 10 49.5 GBP 75 0020603 Managing Information Services: An Innovative Approach 9781472455291 Jo Bryson 2016 30 20 24 GBP 76 0020595 Managing Local Government Archives 9781442263956 John H. Slate,Kaye Lanni 2016 30 20 24 GBP Marketing and Outreach for the Academic Library: New Approaches 2016 30 and Initiatives (Creating the 21st-Century Academic Library) 77 0020586 9781442262546 Bradford Lee Eden(Editor 20 24 GBP Marketing for Special and Academic Libraries: A Pla 2016 25 nning and Best Practices Sourcebook (Medical Library Association Books Series) Valerie S. Gordon,Patricia 78 0020594 9781442262706 20 20 GBP Marks of Genius: Masterpieces from the Collections 2014 40 of the Bodleian Libraries 79 2060637 9781851244034 STEPHEN HEBRON 20 32 USD 80 2011895 Masterpieces: Library Architecture + Design 9783037681749 Manuela Roth 2014 45 20 36 EUR Maximizing the One-Shot: Connecting Library Instruc 2015 40 tion with the Curriculum Jill Markgraf, Hans Kishel 81 0020525 9781442238664 20 32 GBP 82 0020496 Maxwell's Handbook for RDA. Robert L. Maxwell 9781856048323 ROBERT L. MAXWELL 2014 65 10 58.5 GBP Medieval Damascus: Plurality and Diversity in an Ar 2016 85 abic Library: The Ashrafiya Library Catalogue 83 1171135 9781474408776 KONRAD HIRSCHLER 20 68 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 2 DIS Sale Price LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE Membership Marketing in the Digital Age: A Handbook 2015 30 for Museums and Libraries 84 0020601 9781442259812 Patricia Rich,Dana S. Hine 20 24 GBP MICROBLOGGING AND LIFESTREAMING IN LIBRARIES 2010 34.95 (TECH SET) 85 0020413 9781856047234 ROBIN HASTINGS 70 10.49 GBP Mobile Technologies for Every Library (Medical Libr 2015 40 ary Association Books Series) Ann Whitney Gleason 86 0020531 9781442248922 20 32 GBP 87 0020501 No Nonsense Guide to Training in Librars 9781856048286 Barbara Allan 2013 60 40 36 GBP 88 1191995 ON THE INTERNET 9780415775168 HUBERT L. DREYFUS 2008 17 20 13.6 GBP One-volume Libraries - Composite and Multiple-text Manuscripts 2016 130 (Studies in Manuscript Cultures) Michael Friedrich(Editor), 89 0020578 9783110496932 15 110.5 EUR Outsourcing Technology: A Practical Guide for Libra 2014 48 rians (The Practical Guides for Librarians series) ROBIN HASTINGS 90 0020474 9780810892477 20 38.4 GBP 2015 30 Partnerships and New Roles in the 21st-Century Academic Library: Collaborating, Embedding, and Cross-Training for the Future (Creating the 21st-Centu Bradford Lee Eden(Editor 91 0020596 9781442255401 20 24 GBP 92 0020548 Post-occupancy evaluation of library buildings (IFLA Publications) 9783110375213 Karen Latimer, Dorothea 2015 90 15 76.5 EUR 93 0020508 Practical Digital Preservation for Smaller Organizations 9781856047555 Adrian Brown 2013 60 40 36 GBP 2015 25 Preparing Children for Reading Success: Hands-On Activities for Librarians, Educators, and Caregivers 94 0020533 9780810892538 JULIA IRWIN, DINA M 20 20 GBP Preserving Archives, Second Edition (Principles and 2012 60 Practice in Records Management and Archives) 95 0020491 9781856048231 Jonathan Rhys-Lewis 40 36 GBP 96 0020566 Rare Books and Special Collections 9781783300150 SIDNEY E. BERGER 2014 90 10 81 GBP 97 0020516 RDA and Cartographic Resources 9781856047722 MARY LYNETTE LARS 2015 55 10 49.5 GBP 98 0020583 Reimagining the Academic Library 9781442238589 David W. Lewis 2016 25 20 20 GBP Rethinking Library Technical Services: Redefining O 2015 38 ur Profession for the Future 99 0020528 9781442238633 Mary Beth Weber(Editor) 20 30.4 GBP Rethinking Reference for Academic Libraries: Innova 2014 38 tive Developments and Future Trends Carrie Forbes,Jennifer Bo 100 0020523 9781442244528 20 30.4 GBP 101 1193284 Routledge Library Editions: Philosophy of Mind 9781138824645 VARIOUS 2015 535 20 428 GBP 102 0020524 Scales on Censorship: Real Life Lessons from School Library Journal 9781442250635 Pat R. Scales 2015 14 20 11.2 GBP 103 0020538 School Libraries 3.0: Principles and Practices for the Digital Age 9780810885806 Rebecca P. Butler 2015 38 20 30.4 GBP 2016 90 Space and Collections Earning Their Keep: Transformation, Technologies, Retooling (Ifla Publications) Joseph Hafner(Editor),Dia 104 0020581 9783110461978 15 76.5 EUR 105 1142109 Supplement Aux Dictionnaires Arabes (2 Vols) (French Edition) 9789004305359 R. Dozy 2015 98 20 78.4 EUR 106 0020602 Take Your Library Workshops Online! 9781442263987 Anne Grant,Diana Finkle 2016 30 20 24 GBP Teaching Google Scholar: A Practical Guide for Libr 2016 45 arians (Practical Guides for Librarians) Paige Alfonzo 107 0020584 9781442243583 20 36 GBP The Complete Guide to Using Google in Libraries: In 2015 40 struction, Administration, and Staff Productivity (Volume 1) 108 0020521 9781442246904 Carol Smallwood(Editor) 20 32 GBP The Complete Guide to Using Google in Libraries: Re 2015 40 search, User Applications, and Networking (Volume 2) 109 0020522 9781442247871 Carol Smallwood 20 32 GBP 110 0020589 The Data Librarian's Handbook 9781783300471 Robin C. Rice,John South 2016 55 10 49.5 GBP 111 1073247 The Europa World of Learning 2016 9781857437683 EUROPA PUBLICATIO 2016 760 20 608 GBP 112 1400031 The Facet Copyright Collection 9781783300860 Graham P. Cornish,Paul P 2015 135 10 121.5 GBP 113 2140442 The Fairchild Books Dictionary of Fashion 9781609014896 Bina Abling(Illustrator) 2014 68 20 54.4 GBP 2016 725 The International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who 2017: International and National Organisations, Countries of the World and over 2,300 Biographi 114 0030245 9780995497207 Jennifer Dilworth(Compil 20 580 EUR 115 0020605 The Librarians of Congress 9781442262607 Christian A. Nappo 2016 50 20 40 GBP 116 0020546 The Meaning of the Library: A Cultural History 9780691166391 Alice Crawford(Editor) 2015 35 20 28 USD 117 0020570 The No-Nonsense Guide to Archives and Recordkeeping 9781856048552 MARGARET CROCKET 2015 55 10 49.5 GBP The Pepys Library: And the Historic Collections of Magdalene 2015 15 College Cambridge 118 2060818 9781857599534 M.E.J. Hughes 20 12 GBP The Preservation Management Handbook: A 21st-Centur 2014 70 y Guide for Libraries, Archives, and Museums Martha R. Mahard 119 0020476 9780759123151 20 56 GBP 120 2031162 The Routledge Companion to Commedia dell'Arte 9780415745062 Oliver Crick(Editor) 2015 138 20 110.4 GBP The Small Library Manager's Handbook (Medical Libra 2015 38 ry Association Books Series) ALICE GRAVES 121 1151254 9781442230132 20 30.4 GBP Translating Expertise: The Librarian's Role in Tran 2016 55 slational Research (Medical Library Association Books Series) Marisa L. Conte(Editor) 122 1122194 9781442262676 20 44 GBP 123 2060670 Treasures from Lord Fairhaven's Library at Anglesey Abbey 9781857598261 William Hale 2013 20 20 16 GBP Usability Testing: A Practical Guide for Librarians 2014 45 (The Practical Guides for Librarians series) 124 0020536 9781442228993 Rebecca Blakiston 20 36 GBP 125 0020549 Vernetztes Wissen. Online. Die Bibliothek als Managementaufgabe 9783110441543 Rafael Ball 2015 80 15 68 EUR 126 0020544 Wearable Technology: Smart Watches to Google Glass for Libraries 9781442252905 Tom Bruno,Ellyssa Kroski 2015 55 20 44 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 3 DIS Sale Price LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE 127 0020577 World Guide to Libraries 2016 9783110451160 Not Available 2016 769 15 653.65 EUR REFERENCE & RESEARCH 128 0030249 Africa South of the Sahara 2017 9781857438482 Europa Publications(Edito 2016 690 20 552 GBP Altmetrics: A Practical Guide for Librarians, Resea 2016 50 rchers and Academics 129 0020573 9781783300105 ANDY TATTERSALL,A 10 45 GBP 130 1590152 Central and South-Eastern Europe 2017 9781857438444 Europa Publications(Edito 2016 690 20 552 GBP 131 2041555 Design as Research : Positions,Arguments,Perspectives 9783035609196 Gesche Joost,Katharina Br 2016 40 15 34 EUR DIRECTORY OF PUBLISHING 2011: UNITED KINGDOM AND 2010 110 THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND 132 0030234 9781441184429 THE PUBLISHERS ASS 70 33 GBP EASTERN EUROPE, RUSSIA AND CENTRAL ASIA 2010 2010 410 (EUROPA REGIONAL SURVEYS OF THE WORLD) 133 0030216 9781857435313 EUROPA PUBLICATIO 70 123 GBP 134 0030250 Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia 2017 (Volume 3) 9781857438512 Europa Publications(Edito 2016 690 20 552 GBP Economics of Research and Development (Internationa 2016 285 l Library of Critical Writings in Economics series, #322) Bronwyn H. Hall,Bronwy 135 1062450 9781783473458 20 228 GBP Entrepreneurship, Universities & Resources: Frontie 2016 75 rs in European Entrepreneurship Research Ulla Hytti,Robert Blackbu 136 1430132 9781786432537 20 60 GBP Finding Reliable Information Online: Adventures of 2015 18 an Information Sleuth 137 0020592 9781442253933 Leslie F. Stebbins 20 14.4 GBP 138 1112268 Handbook of Empirical Research on Islam and Economic Life 9781784710729 M. Kabir Hassan 2016 235 20 188 GBP Handbook of Employee Commitment (Research Handbooks 2016 195 in Business and Management series) 139 1151290 9781784711733 John P. Meyer,John P. Me 20 156 GBP 140 1460144 Handbook of Human Resource Management in the Middle East 9781784719517 Pawan S. Budhwar,Kamel 2016 170 20 136 GBP Handbook on Gender in World Politics (International 2016 150 Handbooks on Gender series) Jill Steans,Daniela Tepe-B 141 1830064 9781783470617 20 120 GBP Handbook on Research in Relationship Marketing (Res 2016 40 earch Handbooks in Business and Management series) Robert M. Morgan,Janet T 142 1850027 9781783479405 20 32 GBP 143 0030243 Practical Tips for Facilitating Research 9781783300174 MOIRA J. BENT 2015 50 10 45 GBP Regulation and Governance of Financial Institutions 2016 550 (RESERCH COLLECTION) James R. Barth,Ross Levi 144 1010672 9781784719531 20 440 GBP Repositioning Reference: New Methods and New Servic 2015 32 es for a New Age 145 0030242 9780810892118 Laura Saunders, Eileen G. 20 25.6 GBP 2016 120 Research Handbook of International and Comparative Perspectives on Diversity Management (Research Handbooks in Business and Management series) 146 1151291 9781784719685 Alain Klarsfeld,Eddy S. N 20 96 GBP Research Handbook on Electronic Commerce Law (Resea 2016 210 rch Handbooks in Information Law series) 147 1041501 9781783479917 John A. Rothchild,John A 20 168 GBP Research Handbook on Gender and Innovation (Researc 2016 110 h Handbooks in Business and Management series) 148 1460143 9781783478118 Gry Agnete Alsos,Ulla Hy 20 88 GBP Research Methods in Crime and Justice (Criminology 2016 56 and Justice Studies) 149 1280370 9781138124233 Brian L. Withrow 20 44.8 GBP Routledge Library Editions: Archaeology: Industrial 2015 90 Archaeology: An Introduction Kenneth Hudson 150 1030486 9781138816060 20 72 GBP 2015 90 Routledge Library Editions: Archaeology: The Archeology of the New Testament: The Mediterranean World of the Early Christian Apostles Jack Finegan 151 1030485 9781138813380 20 72 GBP 2015 90 Routledge Library Editions: The Economy of the Middle East: Economic and Political Change in the Middle East (RLE Economy of Middle East) Elias H. Tuma 152 1171000 9781138813120 20 72 GBP 153 0030248 South Asia 2017 9781857438451 Europa Publications(Edito 2016 690 20 552 GBP The Dictionary of the Book: A Glossary for Book Col 2016 85 lectors, Booksellers, Librarians, and Others Sidney E. Berger 154 0030246 9781442263390 20 68 GBP THE EUROPA INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION DIRECTORY 2010 285 2010 ROUTLEDGE 155 0030231 9781857435597 70 85.5 GBP 156 0030247 The Europa World of Learning 2017 9781857438321 Europa Publications(Edito 2016 875 20 700 GBP THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR BOOK AND STATESMEN'S 2008 546 WHO'S WHO 2009 157 0030199 9789004167285 JENNIFER DILWORTH 70 163.8 EUR 2016 725 The International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who 2017: International and National Organisations, Countries of the World and over 2,300 Biographi Jennifer Dilworth(Compil 158 0030245 9780995497207 20 580 EUR 159 1171343 The Middle East and North Africa 2017 9781857438475 Europa Publications(Edito 2016 690 20 552 GBP 160 2012306 The Reference Work:From Passivhaus to Energy-Plus House 9783038216438 Manfred Hegger,Caroline 2016 70 15 59.5 EUR The Research Companion: A practical guide for those 2016 32 in the social sciences, health and development Petra M. Boynton 161 1231323 9781138917613 20 25.6 GBP 162 1183091 The Routledge History of Medieval Christianity: 1050-1500 9780415660143 R. N. SWANSON(EDITO 2015 158 20 126.4 GBP Understanding Research in Early Childhood Education 2016 28 : Quantitative and Qualitative Methods 163 1350337 9780415714396 Nancy File,Jennifer J. Mu 20 22.4 GBP 164 0030240 What is Inclusive Research? (What Is Research Methods) 9781849668118 Melanie Nind 2014 18 20 14.4 GBP 165 1820117 Yearbook of International Religious Demography 2016 9789004321731 Brian J. Grim(Editor),Tod 2016 85 20 68 EUR Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 4 DIS Sale Price ACCOUNTING, BANKING & FINANCE 166 1010617 2015 Valuation Handbook: Guide to Cost of Capital (Wiley Finance) 9781119070221 DUFF & PHELPS 2015 340 20 272 USD 167 1010624 A Handbook of Alternative Theories of Public Economics 9781783472826 Francesco Forte,Ram Mu 2015 40 20 32 GBP 168 سفارش ثبت Accountants' Negligence and Liability 9781780434865 Simon Salzedo QC,Tony 2016 150 20 120 GBP ACCOUNTING AND EMPIRE: THE BRITISH LEGACY OF 2010 80 PROFESSION 169 1010355 9780415457712 SUKI SIAN(EDITOR) 70 24 GBP 170 1010694 Accounting and Social Theory: An introduction 9781138100718 Lisa Jack 2016 35 20 28 GBP Accounting for Financial Instruments: A Guide to Va 2017 35 luation and Risk Management 171 1010696 9781138237599 Emanuel Camilleri 20 28 GBP 172 1010654 Accounting for Non-Accountants 9780749472818 David Horner 2015 20 15 17 GBP 173 1010697 Analysing Financial Statements for Non-Specialists 9781138641532 Jim O'Hare 2016 30 20 24 GBP ANFECHTUNGSRECHTE BEI WERTPAPIERGESCHAFTEN ZU 2012 85 NICHT MAR ANNIKA CLAUSS 174 1010494 9783110261530 15 72.25 EUR 175 1010455 ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING COMPLEX, THE 9780415600767 VERHAGE 2011 85 70 25.5 GBP 176 1010699 Auditing: Assurance and Risk 9781138692794 W. Robert Knechel,Steve 2016 95 20 76 GBP 177 1010625 Balancing the Regulation and Taxation of Banking 9781785360268 Natasha Agarwal 2015 65 20 52 GBP Banking on Equality: Women, work and employment in 2015 104 the banking sector in India (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy) Supriti Bezbaruah 178 1010610 9781138778337 20 83.2 GBP Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: A Primer on 2016 70 Governance, History, and Legitimacy -- Part I (Brill Research Perspectives) Maziar Peihani 179 1010665 9789004328129 20 56 EUR Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: An Assessme 2016 70 nt of Governance and Legitimacy -- Part II (Brill Research Perspectives) 180 1010664 9789004337190 Maziar Peihani 20 56 EUR 181 1062436 Basic Mathematics for Economists Third Edition 9780415485920 Mike Rosser,Piotr Lis 2016 45 20 36 GBP 182 1010681 Bluff: The Game Central Banks Play and How It Leads to Crisis 9781780748139 Anjum Hoda 2016 13 20 10.4 GBP Business Model Analysis: Accounting, Finance and St 2017 35 rategy for Management Decisions 183 1041512 9781138013186 Colin Haslam,Nicholas Tsi 20 28 GBP Capital Controls (The International Library of Crit 2015 310 ical Writings in Economics series, #308) Jonathan D. Ostry,Atish R 184 1010626 9781783479498 20 248 GBP Case Studies for Corporate Finance: From a (Anheuse 2017 73 r) to Z (Zyps) (In 2 Volumes) 185 سفارش ثبت 9789814667272 Harold Bierman Jr 20 58.4 GBP Central Banking and Monetary Policy in Muslim-major 2015 95 ity Countries (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics) Akhand Hossain 186 1010627 9780857937827 20 76 GBP 187 سفارش ثبت Clearing and Settlement: Second Edition 9781784510695 Dermot Turing 2016 180 20 144 GBP Climate Finance: Theory and Practice (World Scienti 2016 123 fic Series on the Economics of Climate Change) 188 1090210 9789814641807 ANIL MARKANDYA,A 20 98.4 GBP Competition and Stability in Banking: The Role of R 2016 40 egulation and Competition Policy 189 1010684 9780691171791 Xavier Vives 20 32 USD Confidence Games: Lawyers, Accountants, and the Tax 2016 25 Shelter Industry (MIT Press) Tanina Rostain,Milton C. 190 1010680 9780262529778 20 20 USD 191 1062348 Consumer Optimization Problem Solving 9789814635288 Alfred L Norman 2015 81 20 64.8 GBP 192 1010685 Currency Politics: The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policy 9780691173849 Jeffry A. 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Ortiz 2016 28 20 22.4 GBP 2012 30 THE CONTROLLER AS LEAN LEADER: A NOVEL ON CHANGING BEHAVIOR WITH A LEAN COST MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 365 1680036 9781439882771 SUE ELIZABETH SOND 40 18 GBP 2015 35 The Influential Project Manager: Winning Over Team Members and Stakeholders (Best Practices and Advances in Program Management Series) 366 1470066 9781466596337 Alfonso Bucero MSc PM 20 28 GBP The Innovative Lean Enterprise: Using the Principle 2014 43 s of Lean to Create and Deliver Innovation to Customers 367 1680058 9781482203905 Anthony Sgroi Jr. 20 34.4 GBP The Kanban Playbook: A Step-by-Step Guideline for t 2016 28 he Lean Practitioner Chris A. Ortiz 368 1680065 9781498741750 20 22.4 GBP 369 1680069 The Lean IT Field Guide: A Roadmap for Your Transformation 9781498730389 Michael A. Orzen,Thomas 2016 34 20 27.2 GBP 370 1680042 THE LOGISTICS TOOLKIT 9780749468088 CHARTERED INSTITUT 2013 40 40 24 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 9 DIS Sale Price MANAGEMENT (BUSINESS MANAGEMENT) The Quality Improvement Field Guide: Achieving and Maintaining 2015 28 Value in Your Organization 371 1680070 9781498745741 Matthew A. Barsalou 20 22.4 GBP 2015 146 The Role of Service in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry: Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Management and Technology in ... 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Wang 2016 35 20 28 GBP 761 1062052 ENTERPRISE,DEPRIVATION & SOCIAL EX 9780415458153 ALAN SOUTHERN 2011 80 70 24 GBP ENTREPRENEURIAL IMAGINATION: TIME, TIMING, SPACE 2011 65 AND PL 762 1062179 9781849801782 HANS RAMO 70 19.5 GBP 763 1430128 Entrepreneurship and the Shadow Economy 9781784719876 Arnis Sauka,Friedrich Sch 2016 75 20 60 GBP 764 1062196 ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION IN ASIA 9781849809474 DONNA KELLEY 2011 70 70 21 GBP 765 1062170 ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN RECESSION 9781849800457 EDITED BY SIMON C. P 2011 195 70 58.5 GBP 2010 130 ENVIRONMENTAL AMENITIES AND REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (ROUTLEDGE EXPLORATIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS) 766 1061553 9780415486071 TODD L. 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Engel,Jerome S. 787 1062441 9781786434340 20 24 GBP 788 1202739 Global Corporations in Global Governance (Global Institutions) 9780415716055 Christopher May 2015 27 20 21.6 GBP 789 1061306 GLOBAL ECONOMIC PROSPECTS 2009 9780821377994 WORLD BANK 2008 38 70 11.4 USD GLOBAL ECONOMIC PROSPECTS 2010 : CRISIS, FINANCE, 2010 38 AND GROWTH 790 1061572 9780821382264 WORLD BANK 70 11.4 USD GLOBAL MONITORING REPORT 2009 : A DEVELOPMENT 2009 29.95 EMERGENCY 791 1061575 9780821378595 WORLD BANK 70 8.99 USD GLOBAL MONITORING REPORT 2010 : ACHIEVING THE 2010 29.95 MDGS IN T 792 1061917 9780821383162 WORLD BANK 70 8.99 USD Globalization and Development Volume I: Leading iss 2015 32 ues in development with globalization Shigeru Thomas Otsubo(E 793 1062385 9781138781542 20 25.6 GBP 794 1062389 Globalization and Development Volume II: Country experiences 9781138781597 Shigeru Otsubo(Editor) 2015 40 20 32 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 19 DIS Sale Price ECONOMICS Globalization and Development Volume III: In search 2015 40 of a new development paradigm 795 1062386 9781138932272 Shigeru Thomas Otsubo(E 20 32 GBP 796 سفارش ثبت Grave New World: The End of Globalization, the Return of History 9780300218046 Stephen D. 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Raynolds,Elizabe 2016 45 20 36 GBP Handbook of Research on Sport and Business (Elgar O 2015 40 riginal Reference) (Research Handbooks in Business and Management) 804 1240851 9781782544876 Sten Soderman, Harald D 20 32 GBP HANDBOOK OF SOCIAL CAPITAL : THE TROIKA OF 2010 37 SOCIOLOGY, P 805 1062188 9781849804332 GUNNAR LIND HAASE 70 11.1 GBP Handbook of the International Political Economy of Trade 2016 40 (Handbooks of Research on International Political Economy) David Deese 806 1340160 9781783477432 20 32 GBP 807 1112071 Handbook on Islam and Economic Life 9781783479818 Mervyn K. Lewis(Editor) 2015 185 20 148 GBP 808 1062337 Handbook on the Economics of Cultural Heritage 9781782547488 ANNA MIGNOSA 2013 45 20 36 GBP 809 1062447 Handbook on the Economics of Natural Resources 9781784715205 Robert Halvorsen,David F 2016 45 20 36 GBP 810 1062453 Handbook on the Economics of the Internet 9780857939845 Johannes M. Bauer,Micha 2016 205 20 164 GBP 811 1161291 Handbook on the Economics of the Media (Elgar Original Reference) 9780857938886 Robert G. Picard,Steven S 2015 140 20 112 GBP 812 1240759 Handbook on the Economics of Women in Sports 9781782545057 Michael A. Leeds(Editor) 2013 40 40 24 GBP 813 1010688 Handbook on the Geographies of Money and Finance 9781784718992 Ron Martin, Jane Pollard 2017 220 20 176 GBP Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis, Volum 2016 235 e 1: Great Economists Since Petty and Boisguilbert 814 1062456 9781849801102 Gilbert Faccarello,Heinz D 20 188 GBP Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis, Volum 2016 170 e II: Schools of Thought in Economics 815 1062458 9781849801119 Gilbert Faccarello,Heinz D 20 136 GBP Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis, Volum 2016 220 e III: Developments in Major Fields of Economics 816 1062460 9781849801126 Gilbert Faccarello,Heinz D 20 176 GBP 817 1062446 Handbook on Trade and Development (Elgar Original Reference) 9781781005309 Oliver Morrissey,Ricardo 2015 145 20 116 GBP HEIGHTENING COMPETITION IN THE POSTAL AND 2010 120 DELIVERY SECTOR 818 1061610 9781848446984 CREW, M.A. KLEINDO 70 36 GBP 819 1010561 High-Frequency Financial Econometrics 9780691161433 Jean Jacod 2014 55 20 44 USD Household Finance (The International Library of Cri 2015 950 tical Writings in Economics Series) Michael Haliassos(Editor) 820 1010629 9781783476046 20 760 GBP 821 1062463 Housing Wealth and Welfare (New Horizons in Social Policy series) 9781785360954 Caroline Dewilde,Richard 2017 90 20 72 GBP How to Attract Investors: A Subjective Guide to the 2016 32 Mindset of Investors and their Requirements Uffe Bundgaard-Jorgense 822 1041520 9789814745208 20 25.6 GBP How to Create a Successful Business Plan: For Entre 2016 24 preneurs, Scientists, Managers and Students Dan Galai,Lior Hillel,Dap 823 1041496 9789814651516 20 19.2 GBP 824 1500062 How to Report Economic News 9781138933514 Nicola Walton 2017 25 20 20 GBP 2011 65 IMPACT OF ECONOMIC CRISIS ON EAST ASIA: POLICY RESPONSE 825 1062121 9780857931696 BIH JANE LIU(EDITOR) 70 19.5 GBP 826 1062353 Inclusive Economic Theory 9789814566643 Ralph W Pfouts 2015 80 20 64 GBP 2014 90 Inclusive Growth and Development in the 21st Century: A Structural and Institutional Analysis of China and India (Series on Economic Development.. 827 1062346 9789814556880 Dilip Dutta(Editor) 20 72 GBP 2015 75 Industrial Policy in Developing Countries: Failing Markets, Weak States 828 1062405 9781781000250 Tilman Altenburg,Wilfried 20 60 GBP 2009 40 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT 2009 : EXTENDING REACH AND INCREASING IMPACT 829 1061621 9780821376058 WORLD BANK 70 12 USD 2009 29.95 INNOVATION AFRICA: ENRICHING FARMERS' LIVELIHOODS 830 1061995 9781844076727 Pascal Sanginga(Editor) A 70 8.99 GBP 2008 65 INTEGRATING CLIMATE CHANGE ACTIONS INTO LOCAL DEVELOPMENT (CLIMATE POLICY) 831 1062001 9781844075522 JOHN JOHNSON(EDITO 70 19.5 GBP 832 1061632 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND BUSINESS ; 2 VOLS SET 9781847209115 MARGOLIS, S.E. 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MEHOS, 2012 96 40 57.6 GBP 2013 37 INVESTING IN THE MODERN AGE (WORLD SCIENTIFIC SERIES IN FINANCE) 845 1062274 9789814504744 WILLIAM T ZIEMBA 40 22.2 GBP 846 1111245 INVESTMENT IN ISLAM 9789775059727 DR.ASHRAF MUHAMM 2012 14.07 20 11.26 USD 847 1062439 Is China a 21st Century Imperialist? 9789814667425 Han Shih Toh 2016 32 20 25.6 GBP 848 1111816 Islam and the Challenges of Western Capitalism 9781783478880 Murat Cizakca(Editor) 2014 195 20 156 GBP 2015 95 Islamic Banking in Pakistan (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series) Feisal Khan 849 1010622 9780415779753 20 76 GBP 2016 150 Islamic Finance - Performance and Efficiency (Middle East and the Gulf Region) Mehmet Asutay,Mehmet 850 1010663 9783940924186 20 120 GBP 851 1010661 Islamic Finance - Risk, Stability and Growth 9783940924162 Mehmet Asutay,Mehmet 2016 150 20 120 GBP 852 1062409 Joint Venture Strategies: Design, Bargaining, and the Law 9781783475032 Zenichi Shishido,Munetak 2016 90 20 72 GBP 853 1062231 Kantian Business Ethics 9781781004951 Arnold, D.G. 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Barth,Ross Levi 920 1010672 9781784719531 20 440 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 22 DIS Sale Price ECONOMICS Religious Activism in the Global Economy: Promoting 2016 28 , Reforming, or Resisting Neoliberal Globalization? 921 1183194 9781783486977 SABINE DREHER(EDIT 20 22.4 GBP 2013 29 REMOVING THE BARRIERS TO EFFICIENT MANUFACTURING:REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS OF LEAN PRODUCTIVITY 922 1062269 9781466555518 FERGUSON 40 17.4 GBP Research Handbook on Electronic Commerce Law (Resea 2016 210 rch Handbooks in Information Law series) 923 1041501 9781783479917 John A. Rothchild,John A 20 168 GBP Research Handbook on Insider Trading (Research Hand 2013 40 books in Corporate Law and Governance series) 924 1131232 9781782544814 Stephen M. 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Bergstrom,Alan R 20 92 GBP Rethinking Economic Evolution: Essays on Economic C 2016 80 hange and its Theory 929 1062452 9781848443044 Ulrich Witt 20 64 GBP 930 1062316 Revealed Biodiversity: An Economic History of the Human Impact 9789814522564 ERIC L JONES 2014 82 20 65.6 GBP RISE OF MODERN FIRM (INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF 2012 259 CRITICAL 931 1062159 9781848447813 WALTER A. FRIEDMA 40 155.4 GBP 932 1193540 Risk, Ambiguity and Decision 9781138985476 Daniel Ellsberg 2016 30 20 24 GBP 933 1062098 ROLE OF SCIENCE FOR CONSERVATION 9780415680714 WOLFF 2012 90 40 54 GBP 934 1062400 Routledge Handbook of Global Economic History 9781138838031 Francesco Boldizzoni(Edit 2016 150 20 120 GBP 2015 90 Routledge Library Editions: The Economy of the Middle East: Economic and Political Change in the Middle East (RLE Economy of Middle East) Elias H. Tuma 935 1171000 9781138813120 20 72 GBP 936 1061955 RURAL INFORMATIZATION IN CHINA 9780821380185 CHRISTINA ZHEN-WEI 2009 15 70 4.5 USD 2017 75 Science and Technology Development in the Gulf States: Economic Diversification Through Regional Collaboration Laura Diaz Anadon(Editor 937 1171254 9783959940023 20 60 GBP 2009 95 SECTORAL SYSTEMS OF INNOVATION AND PRODUCTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES MALERBA, F. MANI, S 938 1061725 9781848446564 70 28.5 GBP 2014 104 SERVICES TRADE REFORM: MAKING SENSE OF IT (WORLD SCIENTIFIC STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS) PHILIPPA DEE 939 1062272 9789814508742 20 83.2 GBP 940 1061858 SHAREHOLDING SYSTEM REFORM IN CHINA 9781848440517 MA, S.-Y. 2010 59.95 70 17.99 GBP Singapore's Economic Development: Retrospection and 2016 37 Reflections (World Scientific Series on Singapore's 50 Years of Nation-Bu) 941 1062440 9789814723466 Linda Y. C. Lim,Linda Y. 20 29.6 GBP Sociology of Crisis: Visualising Urban Austerity (R 2016 90 outledge Advances in Sociology) 942 1231322 9781138839915 Myrto Tsilimpounidi 20 72 GBP 2013 70 SOUTH ASIA IN THE NEW DECADE: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS PALIT AMITENDU & SP 943 1062244 9789814401067 40 42 GBP 944 1202863 South Asian Activists in the Global Justice Movement 9780199466276 Eva-Maria Hardtmann 2017 26 20 20.8 GBP 2016 90 Sports Agents and Labour Markets: Evidence from World Football (Routledge Research in Sport Business and Management) Giambattista Rossi,Anna 945 1240895 9781138015227 20 72 GBP 946 1062086 SRAFFA & MODERN ECONOMICS 9780415669351 CICCONE 2011 80 70 24 GBP 947 1062374 State and Local Public Finance 9780765644275 Ronald C. Fisher 2016 68 20 54.4 GBP 948 1060490 STATE COMPETENCE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN JAPAN 9780415328753 YOSHIRO MIWA 2004 85 70 25.5 GBP 2010 14.99 STATE OF THE WORLD 2010: TRANSFORMING CULTURES FROM CONSUMERISM TO SUSTAINABILITY WORLDWATCH INSTIT 949 1062002 9781849710541 70 4.5 GBP 950 1490074 Strategic Alliances: Leveraging Economic Growth and Development 9781138926110 Albert N. Link(Editor),Cri 2016 95 20 76 GBP 951 1490066 Strategic Business Decisions: A Quantitative Approach 9788132219002 R. Srinivasan 2014 68 20 54.4 GBP Strategic Project Management: Contemporary Issues a 2016 50 nd Strategies for Developing Economies 952 1470077 9781482225129 Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryso 20 40 GBP Strategies for Shaping Territorial Competitiveness 2015 100 (Routledge Studies in Global Competition) 953 1062375 9781138777712 Jesus M. Valdaliso, James 20 80 GBP 954 1061378 SUBLIME ECONOMY 9780415771917 JACK AMARIGLIO, JOS 2009 95 70 28.5 GBP 2015 56 Sustainable Investing and Environmental Markets: Opportunities in a New Asset Class Nathan Clark 955 1062349 9789814612432 20 44.8 GBP TAX FREE TRADE ZONES OF THE WORLD AND IN THE 2012 207 UNITED STA SUSAN TIEFENBRUN(E 956 1062180 9781849802437 40 124.2 GBP Tax Reform in Developing Countries (International L 2015 450 ibrary of Critical Writings in Economics series, #300) Jorge Martinez-Vazquez 957 1062411 9781782545811 20 360 GBP 958 1061960 TAX TREATMENT OF INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVANT 9789004178441 MARTHA 2010 130 70 39 EUR 959 1062186 TEACHING ENTRENEURSHIP TO UNDERGRADUATES 9781849804066 COLIN JONES 2011 65 70 19.5 GBP TEACHING INNOVATIONS IN ECONOMICS: STRATEGIES 2010 25 AND APPLICATIONS FOR INTERACTIVE INSTRUCTION 960 1062211 9780857933317 WILLIAM B. WALSTAD 70 7.5 GBP 961 1062467 The Birth of Austerity: Germany's Contribution to Ordoliberalism 9781786601117 Thomas Biebricher(Editor 2017 28 20 22.4 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 23 DIS Sale Price ECONOMICS The Changing Global Economy and Its Impact on Inter 2016 90 national Entrepreneurship (McGill International Entrepreneurship series) 962 1062455 9781783479832 Hamid Etemad,Stefano D 20 72 GBP 963 1061400 THE CHINA ECONOMY YEARBOOK, VOL. 3 9789004173514 J. CHEN(EDITOR) 2009 121 70 36.3 USD THE CHINA ECONOMY YEARBOOK, VOLUME 2: ANALYSIS 2009 71 AND FORECAST OF CHINA'S ECONOMY 964 1061401 9789004168022 JIAGUI CHEN(EDITOR) 70 21.3 USD 965 1010686 The Curse of Cash 9780691172132 Kenneth S. Rogoff 2016 30 20 24 USD The Decision Maker: Unlock the Potential of Everyon 2013 17 e in Your Organization, One Decision at a Time Dennis Bakke 966 1151260 9780983263326 40 10.2 GBP 2015 95 The Demise of Finance-Dominated Capitalism: Explaining the Financial and Economic Crises (New Directions in Modern Economics series) Nina Dodig 967 1062413 9781784715069 20 76 GBP The Economic and Political Aftermath of the Arab Sp 2014 75 ring: Perspectives from Middle East and North African Countries Massimiliano Ferrara(Edit 968 1062333 9781782540908 20 60 GBP 2013 239 THE ECONOMIC THEORY OF INCOME INEQUALITY (THE INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF CRITICAL WRITINGS IN ECONOMICS SERIES, #279) ROBERT A. BECKER(E 969 1062302 9780857939081 40 143.4 GBP The Economic Theory of Professional Team Sports: An 2014 70 Analytical Treatment Stefan Kesenne 970 1240760 9781781955383 20 56 GBP 971 1062418 The Economic Transformation of China 9789814612371 Dwight H Perkins 2015 104 20 83.2 GBP 972 1090208 The Economics of Climate-Resilient Development 9781785360305 Sam Fankhauser,Thomas 2016 75 20 60 GBP The Economics of Competitive Sports (New Horizons i 2015 75 n the Economics of Sport series) Placido Rodriguez,Stefan 973 1240852 9781783474752 20 60 GBP The Economics of Creative Industries (International 2016 295 Library of Critical Writings in Economics series, #317) Jason Potts,Jason Potts(E 974 1330087 9781785361500 20 236 GBP The Economics of E-Commerce (International Library 2016 265 of Critical Writings in Economics series, #323) 975 1062443 9781785361401 Michael R. Baye,John Mo 20 212 GBP The Economics of Standards (The International Libra 2016 245 ry of Critical Writings in Economics series, #312) 976 1062454 9781784717315 Albert N. Link,Albert N. L 20 196 GBP The Economics of Terrorism (The International Libra 2016 285 ry of Critical Writings in Economics series, #314) Walter Enders,Walter End 977 1270740 9781784711863 20 228 GBP 978 1062304 The Economics of Worker Cooperatives 9781781005330 EDITEDBYJOHNH.PEN 2013 229 40 137.4 GBP 979 1062289 THE ELGAR COMPANION TO MARXIST ECONOMICS 9781781001981 MARCO BOFFO(EDITO 2012 41 40 24.6 GBP The EU and the Global Financial Crisis: New Varieti 2014 70 es of Capitalism (New Horizons in European Politics series) Christian Schweiger 980 1062330 9781781003886 20 56 GBP The Future of Capitalism After the Financial Crisis 2015 100 : The Varieties of Capitalism Debate in the Age of Austerity Robert Albritton(Editor) 981 1062360 9780415722841 20 80 GBP The Global Commercial Aviation Industry (Routledge Studies in the 2016 100 Modern World Economy) 982 1062373 9780415818216 Soren Eriksson, Harm-Jan 20 80 GBP The Global Financial Crisis and Housing: A New Poli 2014 95 cy Paradigm (KDI series in Economic Policy and Development) 983 1062336 9781783472871 Moon Joong Tcha(Editor) 20 76 GBP The Global Financial Crisis: From US subprime mortg 2015 32 ages to European sovereign debt George K. Zestos 984 1062387 9781138800212 20 25.6 GBP 985 1062427 The Globalization of Inequality 9780691160528 Thomas Scott-Railton(Tra 2015 28 20 22.4 USD The Globalization of Merchant Banking before 1850: The case of 2016 100 Huth & Co. MANUEL LLORCA-JAñ 986 1010623 9781848936072 20 80 GBP The Great Financial Meltdown: Systemic, Conjunctura 2016 95 l or Policy-Created? (New Directions in Modern Economics series) Turan Subasat,Turan Suba 987 1010677 9781784716486 20 76 GBP The Great Recession and the Contradictions of Contemporary 2014 75 Capitalism (New Directions in Modern Economics series) 988 1062332 9780857938527 Giovanna Vertova(Editor) 20 60 GBP The Green Economy in the Gulf (Routledge Exploratio 2016 95 ns in Environmental Studies) 989 1062372 9781138927421 Mari Luomi(Editor) 20 76 GBP The Gulf Region: Economic Development and Diversifi 2012 295 cation:4 volume 990 1062207 9783940924001 RICHARD YOUNGS(ED 40 177 GBP The Impact of Oil Revenues on Arab Gulf Development 2016 90 (Routledge Library Editions: The Gulf) (Volume 8) M.S. El Azhary(Editor) 991 1171327 9781138181731 20 72 GBP The Islamic Republic of Iran: Reflections on an Eme 2014 100 rging Economy (Europa Perspectives: Emerging Economies) Jahangir Amuzegar 992 1290283 9781857437485 20 80 GBP 993 1430133 The Market Oriented University: Transforming Higher Education 9781781004913 John A. Davis,Mark A. Fa 2016 80 20 64 GBP 994 1062218 The Mind and Method of the Legal Academic 9780857936547 Smits, J.M. 2012 70 40 42 GBP 2015 100 The Origin of the Prolonged Economic Stagnation in Contemporary Japan: The factitious deflation and meltdown of the Japanese firm as an entity Masayuki Otaki 995 1062383 9780415734448 20 80 GBP The Oxford Handbook of Professional Economic Ethics 2016 97 (Oxford Handbooks) George F. DeMartino(Edit 996 1062469 9780199766635 20 77.6 GBP 997 1062234 THE POLITICS OF RECESSION 9781848448711 MAURICE MULLARD 2011 69.95 70 20.99 GBP 998 1062288 THE POLITICS OF RECESSION 9781781001950 MULLARD, M. 2011 26 70 7.8 GBP THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE RECESSION ON THE 2013 96 WORKPLACE 999 1062307 9780857933836 COOPER, C.L. ANTONI 40 57.6 GBP 1000 1131168 The Regulation of Executive Compensation 9780857938329 Sheehan, K.M. 2012 75 40 45 GBP 1001 1250321 The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Sustainability 9780415662482 Daniel Scott(Editor) 2015 138 20 110.4 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 24 DIS Sale Price ECONOMICS The Status Quo Crisis: Global Financial Governance After the 2008 2014 20 Meltdown 1002 1062369 9780199973637 Eric Helleiner 20 16 GBP The University and the Economy: Pathways to Growth 2015 75 and Economic Development 1003 1062412 9781782549482 Federica Rossi 20 60 GBP The World Scientific Handbook of Futures Markets (W 2015 154 orld Scientific Handbook in Financial Economics) Anastasios G Malliaris,An 1004 1010643 9789814566919 20 123.2 GBP 1005 1062053 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TRIPLE HELIX 9780415475167 MOHAMMED SAAD 2011 80 70 24 GBP 1006 1250346 Tourism in the Green Economy 9780415709217 Keith Wilkes(Editor) 2015 89 20 71.2 GBP TRADE FACILITATION: DEFINING, MEASURING, 2012 69 EXPLAINING AND RICHARD POMFRET 1007 1062130 9780857937421 40 41.4 GBP Trade in Asia (The International Library of Critica 2015 215 l Writings in Economics series, #301) Richard Pomfret(Editor) 1008 1062414 9781783479481 20 172 GBP 1009 1041383 Trade in Health: Economics, Ethics and Public Policy 9781782547204 David Reisman 2014 75 20 60 GBP Trade Law, Domestic Regulation and Development (Wor 2015 139 ld Scientific Studies in International Economics) 1010 1131342 9789814635714 Joel P Trachtman 20 111.2 GBP 1011 1061746 TRADE LIBERALISATION AND THE POVERTY OF NATIONS 9781848448148 PENELOPE PACHECO- 2009 19.95 70 5.99 GBP TRADE, DEVELOPMENT AND AGRICULTURE: ESSAYS IN 2013 106 ECONOMIC POLICY ANALYSIS 1012 1062245 9789814401784 ANDERSON KYM 40 63.6 GBP 1013 1062352 Trade-Related Investment Measures : Theory and Applications 9781783264780 Eden S H Yu 2014 65 20 52 GBP TRUTH ABOUT TRADE: THE REAL IMPACT OF 2010 16.99 LIBERALIZATION, T CLIVE GEORGE 1014 1061966 9781848132986 70 5.1 GBP 1015 2012294 Turning Point in Timber Construction: A New Economy 9783035610253 Ulrich Dangel 2016 30 15 25.5 EUR 1016 1010615 Understanding Central Banking: The New Era of Activism 9780765642516 David M Jones 2015 35 20 28 GBP Understanding Dollarization: Causes and Impact of P 2016 100 artial Dollarization on Developing and Emerging Markets Emre Ozsoz,Erick W. Ren 1017 1062462 9783110442182 15 85 EUR UNDERSTANDING ENTREPRENEURIAL FAMILY 2011 75 BUSINESSES IN UNCE ESTEBAN BRENES 1018 1062189 9781849804653 70 22.5 GBP UNDERSTANDING OF MICROECONOMICS, 2011 46.99 INTERNATIONAL EDITION 1019 1062044 9780538756198 SOBEL/GWARTNEY/ST 70 14.1 GBP 2016 22.5 Understanding Ponzi Schemes: Can Better Financial Regulation Prevent Investors from Being Defrauded? (New Horizons in Money and Finance series) 1020 1010678 9781786433404 Mervyn K. Lewis 20 18 GBP 1021 1062420 Understanding the Political Economy of the Arab Uprisings 9789814596008 Ishac Diwan(Editor) 2014 46 20 36.8 GBP 1022 1062382 Urban Economics 9781138885646 John M. Hartwick 2015 55 20 44 GBP 1023 1062359 Urban Growth in Emerging Economies: Lessons from the BRICS 9780415718769 George Martine(Editor) 2014 32 20 25.6 GBP Vanity Economics: An Economic Exploration of Sex, M 2014 80 arriage and Family 1024 1062322 9781783472307 C. Simon Fan 20 64 GBP 1025 1062437 Varieties of Economic Inequality 9781138928015 Sebastiano Fadda(Editor), 2016 95 20 76 GBP 2013 103 War Finance and Logistics in Late Imperial China: A Study of the Second Jinchuan Campaign (1771-1776) (Monies, Markets, and Finance in East Asia, 1026 1101136 9789004253100 ULRICH THEOBALD 40 61.8 EUR 1027 1290265 War With Iran: Political, Military, and Economic Consequences 9781442221970 JOHN ALLEN GAY 2013 30 20 24 GBP What Every Economics Student Needs to Know and Does 2015 27 n't Get in the Usual Principles Text 1028 1062384 9780765639233 John Komlos 20 21.6 GBP What They Do With Your Money: How the Financial Sys 2016 32.5 tem Fails Us and How to Fix It 1029 1010683 9780300194418 Stephen Davis,Jon Lukom 20 26 USD 1030 1360229 Why Does College Cost So Much? 9780190214104 DAVID H. FELDMAN 2014 17 20 13.6 GBP WHY DOESN'T MICROFINANCE WORK?: THE 2010 18.99 DESTRUCTIVE RISE OF 1031 1061968 9781848133327 MILFORD BATEMAN 70 5.7 GBP WHY POVERTY PERSISTS: POVERTY DYNAMICS IN ASIA 2011 75 AND AFRI BOB BAULCH(EDITOR) 1032 1062119 9780857930248 70 22.5 GBP WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS AND THE GLOBAL 2010 89.95 ENVIRONMENT FOR GROW CANDIDA G. BRUSH(E 1033 1061969 9781847209146 70 26.99 GBP Women, Work and Welfare in the Middle East and Nort 2016 154 h Africa: The Role of Socio-demographics, Entrepreneurship and Public Policies 1034 1062438 9781783267330 Nadereh Chamlou,Nadere 20 123.2 GBP 1035 1061970 WORK AND WEALTH : A HUMAN VALUATION 9780415602433 J. A. HOBSON 2010 80 70 24 GBP WORLD BANK EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC ECONOMIC 2010 35 UPDATE 2010, 1036 1061971 9780821382752 WORLD BANK 70 10.5 USD 1037 1062421 World Development and Economic Systems: Theory and Applications 9789814632324 S I Cohen 2015 134 20 107.2 GBP WORLD DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2009: RESHAPING 2008 26 ECONOMIC GEOGR WORLD BANK GROUP 1038 1061392 9780821376072 70 7.8 USD 1039 1062103 WORLD ECONOMY IN TRANSITION, THE 9780415682398 BEENSTOCK 2011 75 70 22.5 GBP 1040 1062451 World Statistics on Mining and Utilities 2016 9781786433466 United Nations Industrial 2016 95 20 76 GBP 1041 1062388 World Trade Organization (WTO): Law, Economics, and Politics 9781138823150 Bernard M. Hoekman,Petr 2015 21 20 16.8 GBP ECONOMIC (AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY) Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 25 DIS Sale Price ECONOMIC (AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY) AGRICULTURAL LAND REDISTRIBUTION : TOWARD 2009 40 GREATER CONSENSUS 1042 1670000 9780821376270 HANS P. 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KERR, VA 2010 65 70 19.5 GBP DETERMINANTS OF CHINESE OUTWARD DIRECT 2011 65 INVESTMENT, THE HINRICH VOSS, UNIVE 1048 1310059 9781848448964 70 19.5 GBP Developing Countries in the World Economy (World Sc 2015 154 ientific Studies in International Economics) Jaime de Melo 1049 1310089 9789814494892 20 123.2 GBP 1050 1310090 Economic Growth and Development: 3rd Edition 9789814733335 Hendrik Van den Berg 2016 81 20 64.8 GBP 1051 1310091 Economic Reform in Asia: China, India, and Japan 9781784711535 Sara Hsu 2016 75 20 60 GBP 1052 1310031 EMPIRICAL INTERNATIONAL TRADE 9781848443013 BERNHOFEN, D. 2010 195 70 58.5 GBP 1053 1310055 IMPACT OF CHINA GLOBAL FAROOKI, THE 9780415597890 FAROOKI 2012 95 40 57 GBP 2016 75 Innovation Networks and the New Asian Regionalism: A Knowledge Platform on Economic Productivity 1054 1310092 9781785364488 Hans-Peter Brunner 20 60 GBP 2010 100 INTERNATIONAL TRADE, CONSUMER INTERESTS AND REFORM OF T 1055 1310046 9780415570190 SENIOR NELLO 70 30 GBP 1056 1310094 International Trade: Theory, Evidence and Policy 9789814725071 Richard Pomfret 2016 79 20 63.2 GBP MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISE IN DEVELOPING 2010 85 COUNTRIES, THE RICK MOLZ 1057 1310048 9780415492522 70 25.5 GBP 1058 1310080 NUCLEAR WEAPONS, JUSTICE AND THE LAW 9780857939791 LOUKA, E. 2011 37 70 11.1 GBP 2016 80 Performance Requirements and Investment Incentives Under International Economic Law David Collins 1059 1310088 9781784712037 20 64 GBP 1060 1310066 PRIVATE STANDARDS AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE 9781849808743 MARX, A. MAERTENS 2012 91 40 54.6 GBP 1061 1310093 The Economics of International Integration 9781784718121 Miroslav Jovanovic 2016 45 20 36 GBP The International Monetary System and the Theory of 2016 80 Monetary Systems (New Thinking in Political Economy) Pascal Salin 1062 1010675 9781786430298 20 64 GBP The Legal and Economic Analysis of the Wto/Fta Syst 2016 115 em (World Scientific Studies in International Economics) 1063 1310095 9789814704342 Dukgeun Ahn 20 92 GBP 1064 1310054 TIME ZONES AND TRADE - KIKUCHI 9780415593120 KIKUCHI 2011 95 70 28.5 GBP 1065 1310062 Transnational Culture in the Internet Age 9780857931337 Pager, S.A. Candeub, A. 2012 105 40 63 GBP VULNERABLE PLACES, VULNERABLE PEOPLE : TRADE 2010 35 LIBERALIZA 1066 1310051 9780821380994 JONATHAN COOK; OW 70 10.5 USD 1067 1310082 WORLD ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE 9781848448483 RAO, D.S.P. VAN ARK, 2013 106 40 63.6 GBP ECONOMICS (MACROECONOMICS) An Introduction to Macroeconomics: A Heterodox Appr 2016 35 oach to Economic Analysis Louis-Philippe Rochon,Se 1068 1320072 9781782549376 20 28 GBP CURRENCY UNION AND EXCHANGE RATE ISSUES : 2010 59.95 LESSONS FOR T ABDULRAZAK AL FAR 1069 1320034 9781848448575 70 17.99 GBP GEOGRAPHY, STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC 2009 90 DEVELOPMENT: THEORY AND EMPIRICS EDWARD ELGAR(EDIT 1070 1320028 9781848442290 70 27 GBP GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE 2010 : EXTERNAL DEBT 2010 75 OF DEVE 1071 1320036 9780821382295 WORLD BANK 70 22.5 USD 1072 1320038 LITTLE DATA BOOK ON EXTERNAL DEBT 2010, THE 9780821382462 WORLD BANK 2010 15 70 4.5 USD 1073 1062397 Macroeconomics: Economic Growth: Analysis and Policy (Volume 9) 9781138944794 Walter Eltis 2016 80 20 64 GBP 1074 1320059 Non-profit Organizations and the Intellectual Commons 9781781001578 Lee, J.-A. 2012 75 40 45 GBP POSTCRISIS GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT : A 2011 39.95 DEVELOPMENT AGEND 1075 1320041 9780821385180 SHAHROKH FARDOUS 70 11.99 USD 1076 1320071 Principles of Macroeconomics: Activist vs Austerity Policies 9780765636119 Howard Sherman, Michae 2015 34 20 27.2 GBP 2013 239 THE ECONOMIC THEORY OF INCOME INEQUALITY (THE INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF CRITICAL WRITINGS IN ECONOMICS SERIES, #279) 1077 1062302 9780857939081 ROBERT A. BECKER(E 40 143.4 GBP The Macroeconomic Environment of Business : Core Co 2014 46 ncepts and Curious Connections 1078 1320070 9789814304344 Maurice D Levi 20 36.8 GBP WHAT'S RIGHT WITH MACROECONOMICS? (THE 2012 28 COURNOT CENTRE SERIES) JEAN-PHILIPPE TOUFF 1079 1320065 9781781007440 40 16.8 GBP WORLD BANK EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC ECONOMIC 2010 35 UPDATE 2010, 1080 1320044 9780821384954 WORLD BANK 70 10.5 USD WORLD BANK SOUTH ASIA ECONOMIC UPDATE 2010 : 2010 35 MOVING UP, 1081 1320045 9780821383889 WORLD BANK 70 10.5 USD Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 26 DIS Sale Price ECONOMICS (MICROECONOMICS & INDUSTRIAL) COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISE: FACING THE CHALLENGE OF 2010 15.95 GLOBALIZATION 1082 1330073 9781849803144 VERA ZAMAGNI 70 4.79 GBP 1083 1330014 DEFENCE PROCUREMENT AND INDUSTRY POLICY 9780415362887 S.MARKOWSKI & P.HA 2010 80 70 24 GBP 2009 70 DEREGULATION, INNOVATION AND MARKET LIBERALIZATION ELECTRICITY REGULATION IN A CONTINUALLY EVOLVING 1084 1330032 9780415772822 L. LYNNE KIESLING 70 21 GBP 1085 1330001 DOES COMPANY OWNERSHIP MATTER? 9781848447974 JEAN-PHILIPPE TOUFF 2009 25 70 7.5 GBP ENERGIZING MANAGEMENT THROUGH INNOVATION 2009 70 AND ENTREPRENE 1086 1330027 9780415439299 MILE TERZIOVSKI 70 21 GBP 1087 1430093 Entrepreneurship in a Regional Context (Regions and Cities) 9781138912090 Michael Fritsch(Editor),D 2015 95 20 76 GBP 1088 1330084 Essentials of Microeconomics 9781138891364 Andrew Wait 2016 42 20 33.6 GBP EVOLUTIONARY ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY LOCATION OF 2009 80 PRODUCTION AND THE EUROPEAN UNION 1089 1330022 9780415423465 MIROSLAV JOVANOVI 70 24 GBP 1090 1330028 FLYING OFF COURSE IV 9780415447379 RIGAS DOGANIS 2010 31.99 70 9.6 GBP 1091 1330066 GLOBAL FOOD PRICES SHOCK AND POOR 9780415682985 MELINDA SMALE(EDIT 2012 115 40 69 GBP 1092 1330075 INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMICS 9789814322720 HOAG JOHN H 2013 73 40 43.8 GBP 1093 1330058 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS 9780415495172 WASCHIK, ROBERT | F 2010 34.99 70 10.5 GBP 1094 1330082 Public Microeconomics: Efficiency and Equity in Public Policy 9781781951903 Joaquim Silvestre 2014 25 20 20 GBP 2015 124 Studies in Medium-Run Macroeconomics: Growth, Fluctuations, Unemployment, Inequality and Policies Hideyuki Adachi,Hideyuk 1095 1330085 9789814619578 20 99.2 GBP 1096 1330065 SUPPLY CHAIN AND TRANSPORT - LIU 9780415618960 LIU 2012 47 40 28.2 GBP The Economics of Creative Industries (International 2016 295 Library of Critical Writings in Economics series, #317) Jason Potts,Jason Potts(E 1097 1330087 9781785361500 20 236 GBP ECONOMICS (POLITICAL ECONOMY) A Brief History of Political Economy: Tales of Marx 2016 70 , Keynes and Hayek Lars Magnusson,Bo Stråt 1098 1340161 9781785369049 20 56 GBP BEYOND THE PROFITS SYSTEM: POSSIBILITIES FOR THE 2010 12.99 POST-CAPITALIST ERA 1099 1340088 9781848134171 HARRY SHUTT 70 3.9 GBP 1100 1340126 CAPITAL,EXPLOT & ECO CRISIS 9780415610551 WEEKS 2010 80 70 24 GBP 1101 2150008 Cultural Political Economy of Small Cities (Regions and Cities) 9780415818636 BAS VAN HEUR(EDITO 2013 30 20 24 GBP 1102 1010685 Currency Politics: The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policy 9780691173849 Jeffry A. Frieden 2016 23 20 18.4 USD DEVELOPMENTAL AND CULTURAL NATIONALISMS: 1 2009 85 (THIRDWORLDS) 1103 1340035 9780415469289 RADHIKA DESAI 70 25.5 GBP 1104 سفارش ثبت Economic Crisis and the Resilience of Regions 9781785363993 Gillian Bristow 2017 65 20 52 GBP 1105 1340111 ECONOMIC READER, AUGELLO, THE 9780415554435 MASSIMO M. AUGELL 2012 95 40 57 GBP 1106 1340036 ECONOMICS VERSUS HUMAN RIGHTS 9780415470179 MANUEL COURET BRA 2009 75 70 22.5 GBP 2014 70 Elinor Ostrom and the Bloomington School of Political Economy: Polycentricity in Public Administration and Political Science (Volume 1) 1107 1340156 9780739191002 ROBERT WARREN(CO 20 56 GBP GLOBAL POLITICAL ECONOMY OF INTELLECTUAL 2010 20.99 PROPERTY RIGHTS, 2ND ED,THE 1108 1340023 9780415427531 CHRISTOPHER MAY 70 6.3 GBP 1109 1340168 Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice 9781138958746 Theodore H. Cohn 2016 50 20 40 GBP GOVERNANCE OF HIV/AIDS : MAKING PARTICIPATION 2009 75 AND ACCOUNTABILITY COUNT 1110 1340039 9780415485647 SOPHIE HARMAN AND 70 22.5 GBP Greed, Corruption, and the Modern State: Essays in 2015 95 Political Economy Paul Lagunes 1111 1340149 9781784714697 20 76 GBP 2016 37.5 Handbook of the International Political Economy of Agriculture and Food (Handbooks of Research on International Political Economy series) 1112 1340157 9781786434975 Alessandro Bonanno,Law 20 30 GBP Handbook of the International Political Economy of Governance 2015 45 (Handbooks of Research on International Political Economy Series) Anthony Payne(Editor) 1113 1340151 9781783473090 20 36 GBP 2014 150 Handbook of the International Political Economy of Monetary Relations (Handbooks of Research on International Political Economy series) W. Kindred Winecoff(Edit 1114 1340141 9780857938367 20 120 GBP Handbook of the International Political Economy of 2015 185 Production (Handbooks of Research on International Political Economy series) Kees Van Der Pijl(Editor) 1115 1340147 9781783470204 20 148 GBP Handbook of the International Political Economy of 2016 40 Production (Handbooks of Research on International Political Economy series) 1116 1340163 9781784712587 Kees Van Der Pijl,Kees V 20 32 GBP 2014 185 Handbook of the International Political Economy of Trade (Handbooks of Research on International Political Economy series, #3) David A. Deese(Editor) 1117 1340143 9781781954980 20 148 GBP Handbook of the International Political Economy of Trade 2016 40 (Handbooks of Research on International Political Economy) David Deese 1118 1340160 9781783477432 20 32 GBP 1119 1340135 HANDBOOK ON INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY 9789814366977 PETTMAN RALPH 2012 134 40 80.4 GBP 1120 1340150 Handbook on the Economics of Foreign Aid 9781783474578 Byron Lew(Editor) 2015 210 20 168 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 27 DIS Sale Price ECONOMICS (POLITICAL ECONOMY) 1121 1340110 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ECONOMIC 9780415497541 THANH TRI VO(EDITO 2011 80 70 24 GBP 2017 30 International Political Economy in the 21st Century: Contemporary Issues and Analyses 1122 1340166 9781138808416 Roy Smith,Imad El-Anis, 20 24 GBP 2015 195 International Trade and the New Global Economy (New Horizons in Leadership Studies Series) 1123 1062407 9781784712594 Edward Mansfield(Editor) 20 156 GBP 1124 1340120 INTERROGATING DEMOCRACY WORLD POLIT 9780415595315 HOOVER 2011 90 70 27 GBP 1125 1010662 Islamic Finance - Political Economy, Values and Innovation 9783940924148 Mehmet Asutay(Editor),A 2015 150 20 120 GBP LECTURES ON POLITICAL ECONOMY (ROUTLEDGE 2010 158 REVIVALS) : TW WICKSELL 1126 1340069 9780415602419 70 47.4 GBP 1127 1340059 MARKETS VERSUS HIERARCHIES 9781847208118 BRANCATO, E. 2009 69.95 70 20.99 GBP 1128 1340070 MARXISM AND WORLD POLITICS 9780415478038 ALEXANDER ANIEVAS 2010 28.99 70 8.7 GBP MONETARY POLICY AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF 2014 95 FINANCIAL REGULATION 1129 1010558 9781848443679 JANE W. DARISTA 20 76 GBP Neither Free Trade Nor Protection: A Critical Polit 2015 75 ical Economy of Trade Theory and Practice Bill Dunn 1130 1340152 9781783471928 20 60 GBP 1131 1340072 NEW POLITICAL ECONOMY OF SOUTHEAST ASIA, THE 9781849802659 RAJAH RASIAH, PROF 2010 79.95 70 23.99 GBP OMPARATIVE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF DEVELOPMENT: 2010 85 AFRICA AND 1132 1340073 9780415552882 JUDITH HEYER(EDITO 70 25.5 GBP 2015 115 On the Formation of Marxism: Karl Kautsky's Theory of Capitalism, the Marxism of the Second International and Karl Marx's Critique of Political Econo 1133 1193372 9789004306646 Jukka Gronow 20 92 EUR POLITICAL ECONOMY OF INTER-REGIONAL FISCAL 2010 95 FLOWS, THE 1134 1340076 9781848443730 N?RIA BOSCH, MARTA 70 28.5 GBP Politics As a Peculiar Business: Insights from a Th 2016 75 eory of Entangled Political Economy (New Thinking in Political Economy series) 1135 1340162 9781785365478 Richard E. Wagner 20 60 GBP 2011 130 POLITICS OF TRADE : EGYPT AND LOWER NUBIA IN THE 4TH MI 1136 1340081 9789004196100 JANE ROY 70 39 EUR 1137 1340109 POVERTY IN THE INNER CITY, MOSLEY 9780415460392 PAMELA LENTON, PAU 2012 95 40 57 GBP 2014 115 PRIORITIES AND PATHWAYS IN SERVICES REFORM: PART II - POLITICAL ECONOMY STUDIES (WORLD SCIENTIFIC STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS) Christopher Findlay 1138 1340137 9789814504683 20 92 GBP 1139 1340049 RADICAL ECONOMICS AND LABOUR 9780415777230 FREDERIC LEE AND JO 2009 80 70 24 GBP 1140 1340011 REPRESENTATION AND STRUCTURE IN ECONOMICS 9780415362832 HSIANG-KE CHAO 2009 75 70 22.5 GBP 1141 سفارش ثبت Research Handbook on Economic D[plomacy 9781784710835 Peter A.G. van Bergeijk 2017 140 20 112 GBP ROBUST POLITICAL ECONOMY : CLASSICAL LIBERALISM 2011 75 AND THE 1142 1340083 9781845426217 MARK PENNINGTON 70 22.5 GBP 1143 1340115 SCHOFIELD ET AL: POLITICAL ECON 4V 9780415576130 SCHOFIELD 2011 725 70 217.5 GBP 2011 95 SEEKING SUSTAINABILITY : ON THE PROSPECT OF AN ECOLOGIC 1144 1340084 9780415566100 PATON 70 28.5 GBP 2016 110 Settlements at the Edge: Remote Human Settlements in Developed Nations (New Horizons in Regional Science series) Andrew Taylor,Dean B. C 1145 1340159 9781784711955 20 88 GBP 1146 1340131 SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURES 9781439828021 NEDOVIC-BUDIC 2011 63.99 70 19.2 GBP 1147 1340091 THE CASE FOR NON- SOVEREIGNTY 9780415455503 GOD BALDACCHINO 2009 80 70 24 GBP The New Economic Diplomacy: Decision-Making and Neg 2016 25 otiation in International Economic Relations (Global Governance) 1148 1340169 9781472483195 Nicholas Bayne(Editor),St 20 20 GBP 1149 1340158 The Political Economy of International Law: A European Perspective 9781785364396 Alberta Fabbricotti,Albert 2016 110 20 88 GBP The Political Economy of International Trade (World 2015 125 Scientific Studies in International Economics) 1150 1340155 9789814644280 Edward D Mansfield,Edw 20 100 GBP The Political Economy of Iraq: Restoring Balance in 2013 28 a Post-Conflict Society Frank R. Gunter 1151 1340142 9781782544319 40 16.8 GBP The Political Economy of U.S. Monetary Policy: How 2016 95 the Federal Reserve Gained Control and Uses It Edwin Dickens 1152 1340167 9781138909311 20 76 GBP The Political Economy of Wto Implementation and Chi 2016 80 na's Approach to Litigation in the Wto Yenkong Hodu,Zhang Qi 1153 1340153 9781783473847 20 64 GBP 1154 سفارش ثبت The Strong State and the Free Economy 9781783486281 Prof. Werner Bonefeld 2017 25 20 20 GBP The Struggle for Influence in the Middle East: The Arab Uprisings 2016 95 and Foreign Assistance 1155 1171113 9781138937246 FEDERICA BICCHI(EDI 20 76 GBP The Transnational Middle East: People, Places, Bord 2016 95 ers (The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series) 1156 1171353 9781138690899 Leïla Vignal(Editor) 20 76 GBP Towards a Cultural Political Economy: Putting Cultu 2015 45 re in Its Place in Political Economy Ngai-Ling Sum,Bob Jesso 1157 1340154 9781783472437 20 36 GBP 1158 1340051 UNIONS AND CLASS TRANSFORMATION 9780415996167 Mulder, Catherine P.| 2009 70 70 21 GBP UNITED STATES AND GLOBAL ECONOMY: FROM 2011 18.95 BRETTON WOODS TO FREDERICK S. WEAVE 1159 1340132 9781442208896 70 5.69 GBP 1160 1340086 WORLD INVESTMENT AND POLITICAL RISK 2010 9780821384787 DANIEL VILLAR; STEP 2011 28 70 8.4 USD MANAGEMENT (ENTREPRENEURSHIP) Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 28 DIS Sale Price MANAGEMENT (ENTREPRENEURSHIP) A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Context 2017 25 (Elgar Research Agendas) 1161 سفارش ثبت 9781784716851 Friederike Welter,William 20 20 GBP Academic Entrepreneurship: Translating Discoveries 2016 80 to the Marketplace (Johns Hopkins University Series on Entrepreneurship) 1162 1430126 9781785363436 Phillip Phan 20 64 GBP Advanced Introduction to Corporate Venturing (Elgar 2016 20 Advanced Introductions series) Robert D. Hisrich 1163 1430122 9781782546504 20 16 GBP Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy 2 2015 40 014 (Annals in Entrepreneurship Education Series) Michael H. Morris(Editor) 1164 1430094 9781783471461 20 32 GBP Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy 2 2016 105 016 (Annals in Entrepreneurship Education) Michael H. Morris,Eric Li 1165 1430124 9781784719159 20 84 GBP 1166 1430114 Architecting the Future Enterprise 9780262028820 Donna H. Rhodes 2015 30 20 24 USD 2015 24 Case Studies in Cultural Entrepreneurship: How to Create Relevant and Sustainable Institutions (American Association for State and Local History) Gretchen Sorin, Lynne A. 1167 1430113 9781442230088 20 19.2 GBP Cities and Private Planning: Property Rights, Entre 2015 85 preneurship and Transaction Costs Stefano Moroni 1168 1131228 9781783475056 20 68 GBP Coaching for Women Entrepreneurs (New Horizons in M 2016 70 anagement series) 1169 1430123 9781783475100 Carianne M. Hunt,Sandra 20 56 GBP 1170 1430033 COMMUNITY CO-PRODUCTION 9781849808408 FARMER, J. HILL, C. 2012 75 40 45 GBP 1171 1430070 Corporate Venturing: Organizing for Innovation 9781783476596 Geert Duysters 2014 65 20 52 GBP Decision Making in Entrepreneurship: Selected Joint 2016 110 Papers of Dean A. Shepherd 1172 1430120 9781784716035 Dean A. Shepherd 20 88 GBP Dynamics of International Business: Comparative Per 2016 31 spectives of Firms, Markets and Entrepreneurship Andrea Colli 1173 1041454 9780415559171 20 24.8 GBP Enhancing Entrepreneurial Excellence: Tools for Mak 2014 25 ing the Possible Real Robert A. Baron 1174 1430074 9781782544227 20 20 GBP Enterprise Risk Management: 2nd Edition (Financial Engineering and 2015 73 Risk Management) 1175 1430116 9789814632768 David L Olson,Desheng D 20 58.4 GBP 1176 1430097 Entrepreneurial Creativity in a Virtual World 9781849808163 Denise Tsang 2015 65 20 52 GBP 1177 1430091 Entrepreneurial Finance: Concepts and Cases 9781138013605 Gina Vega,Miranda S. La 2016 42 20 33.6 GBP 1178 1430085 Entrepreneurial New Venture Skills 9780415825306 David Kimball 2015 50 20 40 GBP 1179 1430119 Entrepreneurial Process and Social Networks: A Dynamic Perspective 9781785364877 Alain Fayolle,Sarah L. Jac 2016 95 20 76 GBP 1180 1250373 Entrepreneurialism and Tourism in Contemporary Vietnam 9780739173305 Jamie Gillen 2016 48 20 38.4 GBP ENTREPRENEURSHIP : AN INTERNATIONAL 2011 36.99 INTRODUCTION 1181 1430002 9780415561204 KARIV 70 11.1 GBP ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION IN SECOND TIER 2011 70 REGIONS 1182 1430029 9781847203595 HEIKE MAYER 70 21 GBP Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Exchange (Routledge 2015 100 Studies in Entrepreneurship) John Edmondson(Editor) 1183 1430081 9780415750387 20 80 GBP 1184 1430005 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND OPENNESS 9781847207791 AUDRETSCH, D.B. LIT 2009 69.95 70 20.99 GBP Entrepreneurship and Talent Management from a Globa 2016 90 l Perspective: Global Returnees (New Horizons in Management series) Huiyao Wang,Yipeng Liu, 1185 1430121 9781783479122 20 72 GBP 1186 1430128 Entrepreneurship and the Shadow Economy 9781784719876 Arnis Sauka,Friedrich Sch 2016 75 20 60 GBP 1187 1430111 Entrepreneurship as Organizing 9781783471140 WILLIAM B. 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Bennett 1194 1430083 9780415645416 20 32 GBP Entrepreneurship, Universities & Resources: Frontie 2016 75 rs in European Entrepreneurship Research Ulla Hytti,Robert Blackbu 1195 1430132 9781786432537 20 60 GBP 1196 1430069 Essentials of Entrepreneurship: Evidence and Practice 9781783471782 Robert A. Baron 2014 30 20 24 GBP 1197 1041451 Family Entrepreneurship: Rethinking the research agenda 9781138841192 Kathleen Randerson(Edito 2016 100 20 80 GBP 1198 1041460 Firms Within Families: Enterprising in Diverse Country Contexts 9781782546511 Jennifer E. Jennings, Ravi 2015 80 20 64 GBP Gender and Entrepreneurship in Iran: Microenterpris 2013 68 e and the Informal Sector 1199 1290293 9781137342867 Roksana Bahramitash 40 40.8 GBP Global Clusters of Innovation: Entrepreneurial Engi 2016 30 nes of Economic Growth Around the World 1200 1062441 9781786434340 Jerome S. Engel,Jerome S. 20 24 GBP Global Entrepreneurship: Case Studies of Entreprene 2015 40 urial Firms Operating around the World Mathew J. Manimala(Edit 1201 1430084 9780415703246 20 32 GBP GUIDE TO FASHION ENTREPRENEURSHIP: THE PLAN, THE 2014 80 PRODUCT, THE PROCESS LISA HOPKINS NEWEL 1202 1430061 9781609014933 20 64 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 29 DIS Sale Price MANAGEMENT (ENTREPRENEURSHIP) 2015 25 Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (Handbooks of Research Methods and Applications Series) Malin Brannback(Editor) 1203 1430103 9781783472819 20 20 GBP 1204 1430125 Handbook of Research on Corporate Entrepreneurship 9781785368721 Shaker A. Zahra(Editor) 2016 120 20 96 GBP Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Creati 2015 40 vity (Research Handbooks in Business and Management Series) Gerhard Krauss(Editor) 1205 1430098 9781783475315 20 32 GBP 2015 38 Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship: What We Know and What We Need to Know (Research Handbooks in Business and Management series) Alain Fayolle,Alain Fayoll 1206 1430104 9781783473663 20 30.4 GBP 1207 1430066 Handbook of Research on Small Business and Entrepreneurship 9781849809238 Elizabeth Chell, Mine Kar 2014 140 20 112 GBP 2015 40 Handbook of Research on Techno-Entrepreneurship: How Technology and Entrepreneurship are Shaping the Development of Industries and Companies, Second François Thérin,François 1208 1430095 9781783472802 20 32 GBP 2010 85 INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURIAL NETWORKS IN EUROPE PALOMA FERN?NDEZ 1209 1430012 9780415454513 70 25.5 GBP 1210 1430090 Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Routledge Classics) 9781138019195 Peter Drucker 2015 20 20 16 GBP 2015 90 Innovation Spaces in Asia: Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and Policy Maureen McKelvey, Shar 1211 1430107 9781783475674 20 72 GBP 1212 1430134 Institutional Case Studies on Necessity Entrepreneurship 9781783472321 Jeremi Brewer,Stephen W 2016 80 20 64 GBP 1213 1430056 Managing Intensity and Play at Work: Transient Relationships 9781782545958 NIELS?KERSTR?MAND 2013 85 40 51 GBP 1214 1430108 Marketing for Entrepreneurs and SMEs: A Global Perspective 9781783471751 Maja Konecnik Ruzzier,M 2015 25 20 20 GBP Political Entrepreneurship: Regional Growth and Ent 2016 75 repreneurial Diversity in Sweden 1215 1430130 9781785363498 Charlie Karlsson,Charlotte 20 60 GBP 2017 80 Public Policy, Productive and Unproductive Entrepreneurship: The Impact of Public Policy on Entrepreneurial Outcomes (New Thinking in Political Econo 1216 1430127 9781781005804 Gregory M. Randolph,Mic 20 64 GBP Research Handbook of Entrepreneurial Exit (Research 2015 110 Handbooks in Business and Management series) (Elgar Original Reference) 1217 1430109 9781782546962 Karl Wennberg(Editor) 20 88 GBP Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Finance (Resea 2016 110 rch Handbooks in Business and Management) 1218 1430110 9781783478781 Javed Hussain,Jonathan S 20 88 GBP Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Teams: Theory 2017 120 and Practice (Research Handbooks in Business and Management series) Cyrine Ben-Hafaïedh,Tho 1219 1430118 9781784713195 20 96 GBP 2016 30 Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation: International Case Studies and Practice Ken Banks(Editor) 1220 1430135 9780749475918 15 25.5 GBP 2014 75 Social Entrepreneurship in the Water Sector: Getting Things Done Sustainably Franziska Mohaupt 1221 1430078 9781783471300 20 60 GBP 1222 1430063 Teaching Entrepreneurship to Postgraduates 9781781004746 Colin Jones 2014 67 20 53.6 GBP 1223 1430064 Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach 9781782540694 Heidi M. Neck, Candida G 2014 30 20 24 GBP The Changing Global Economy and Its Impact on Inter 2016 90 national Entrepreneurship (McGill International Entrepreneurship series) 1224 1062455 9781783479832 Hamid Etemad,Stefano D 20 72 GBP 2016 15 The Daily Telegraph Tax Guide 2016: Understanding the Tax System, Completing Your Tax Return and Planning How to Become More Tax Efficient 1225 1710033 9780749476793 David Genders 15 12.75 GBP 1226 1430089 The Entirepreneur: The All-In-One Entrepreneur-Leader-Manager 9780415858663 John Thompson 2015 25 20 20 GBP The Entrepreneurial University: Context and Institu 2015 100 tional Change (Riot! Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizaion and Technology) 1227 1430086 9781138830776 Lene Foss, David v. Gibso 20 80 GBP 1228 1430077 The Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition 9781781006580 Brandon Randolph-Seng( 2014 150 20 120 GBP 1229 1430046 The Landscape of Family Business 9781782547532 EDITEDBYRITCHL.SOR 2013 80 40 48 GBP 1230 1430133 The Market Oriented University: Transforming Higher Education 9781781004913 John A. Davis,Mark A. Fa 2016 80 20 64 GBP 1231 1430092 The Routledge Companion to International Entrepreneurship 9780415829199 Stephanie A. Fernhaber(E 2015 158 20 126.4 GBP The Social Enterprise Zoo: A Guide for Perplexed Sc 2016 85 holars, Entrepreneurs, Philanthropists, Leaders, Investors and Policymakers 1232 1430129 9781784716059 Dennis R. Young,Elizabet 20 68 GBP UNLOCKING THE ENTERPRISER INSIDE!: A BOOK OF WHY, 2011 25 WHAT AND HOW! 1233 1430034 9789812818744 NEAL HARTMAN 70 7.5 GBP WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN THE GLOBAL 2013 101 MARKETPLACE 1234 1430047 9781848441705 ANDREA E. 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Schaff(Editor) 20 64 GBP 1240 1202675 Globalization and Democracy 9781442218093 Jim George 2014 19 20 15.2 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 30 DIS Sale Price GLOBALISATION Globalization and Development Volume I: Leading iss 2015 32 ues in development with globalization 1241 1062385 9781138781542 Shigeru Thomas Otsubo(E 20 25.6 GBP 1242 1062389 Globalization and Development Volume II: Country experiences 9781138781597 Shigeru Otsubo(Editor) 2015 40 20 32 GBP Globalization and Development Volume III: In search 2015 40 of a new development paradigm 1243 1062386 9781138932272 Shigeru Thomas Otsubo(E 20 32 GBP GLOBALIZATION AND GROWTH : IMPLICATIONS FOR A 2010 40 POST-CRIS 1244 1690007 9780821382202 MICHAEL SPENCE; DA 70 12 USD Globalization and Labour in the Twenty-First Centur 2016 90 y (Routledge Advances in International Political Economy) Verity Burgmann 1245 1202846 9780415528535 20 72 GBP 1246 1690021 Globalization and Migration: A World in Motion 9781442254978 Eliot Dickinson 2016 18 20 14.4 GBP 1247 1690022 Globalization and Militarism: Feminists Make the Link 9781442265448 Cynthia Enloe 2016 19 20 15.2 GBP Globalization and the Making of Religious Modernity 2014 159 in China: Transnational Religions, Local Agents, and the Study Christian Meyer(Editor) 1248 1182972 9789004271500 20 127.2 EUR 1249 1202707 Globalization Revisited (Critical Issues in Global Politics) 9781138782969 Grahame Thompson 2015 35 20 28 GBP 1250 1690019 Globalization: The Key Concepts 9780857857422 Thomas Hylland Eriksen 2014 20 20 16 GBP 1251 1142088 Globalizing Literary Genres: Literature, History, Modernity 9781138898325 Jernej Habjan(Editor),Fabi 2016 95 20 76 GBP Governing Globalization: Challenges for Democracy a 2016 25 nd Global Society 1252 1690024 9781783487639 Edward A. Kolodziej For 20 20 GBP Handbook on the Law of Cultural Heritage and Intern 2014 180 ational Trade (Research Handbooks on Globalisation and the Law series) 1253 1131235 9781781007334 Robert Kirkwood Paterso 20 144 GBP 2016 29 Iranian Identity and Cosmopolitanism: Spheres of Belonging (Suspensions: Contemporary Middle Eastern and Islamicate Thought) Lucian Stone(Editor),Luci 1254 1290414 9781474273169 20 23.2 GBP 2015 100 Islamism and Globalisation in Jordan (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series) Daniel Atzori 1255 1112008 9781138820968 20 80 GBP 2014 53 Power, Powerlessness, and Globalization: Contemporary Politics in the Global South Opoku Agyeman 1256 1202781 9780739195215 20 42.4 GBP The Globalization of Internationalization: Emerging 2017 30 Voices and Perspectives (Internationalization in Higher Education Series) 1257 1360249 9781138100664 Hans de Wit(Editor),Jocel 20 24 GBP The Middle East in the World: An Introduction (Foun 2015 29 dations in Global Studies) 1258 1171044 9780765639769 Lucia Volk(Editor) 20 23.2 GBP The Routledge International Handbook of Globalizati 2016 137 on Studies: Second edition Bryan S Turner(Editor),R 1259 1231289 9780415718813 20 109.6 GBP Understanding Globalization: The Social Consequence 2016 25 s of Political, Economic, and Environmental Change Robert K. 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Stoianoff,Larry 1268 1131371 9781786431202 20 64 GBP 1269 1710027 PARTNERSHIP TAXATION 2013/14 9781780431741 SARAH LAING 2013 98 40 58.8 GBP 1270 1710021 PROPERTY TAX PLANNING: (THIRTEENTH EDITION) 9781780431734 PHILIP SPENCER 2013 125 40 75 GBP 1271 1710030 PROPERTY TAXES 2013/14 9781780431765 ROBERT MAAS 2013 130 40 78 GBP 1272 1710025 STAMP TAXES 2013/14 9781780431659 KEVIN GRIFFIN 2013 95 40 57 GBP 2013 105 TAX ASPECTS OF THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF A PRIVATE COMPANY'S SHARES: A SUMMARY OF TAX AND RELATED COMMERCIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR BUYERS AND SELLER 1273 1710016 9781780431673 SQUIRE SANDERS (UK) 40 63 GBP TAX PLANNING FOR FAMILY AND OWNER-MANAGED 2013 135 COMPANIES 2013/14 1274 1710019 9781780431666 PETER RAYNEY 40 81 GBP 2014 105 Taxation and Development: The Weakest Link? Essays in Honor of Roy Bahl (Studies in Fiscal Federalism and State-Local Finance series) 1275 1710031 9781783474325 Jorge Marinez-Vazquez(E 20 84 GBP 1276 1710017 THE BLOOMSBURY PROFESSIONAL TAX GUIDE 2013/14 9781780431529 THE TACS PARTNERSH 2013 30 40 18 GBP 2016 15 The Daily Telegraph Tax Guide 2016: Understanding the Tax System, Completing Your Tax Return and Planning How to Become More Tax Efficient David Genders 1277 1710033 9780749476793 15 12.75 GBP MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP 1278 1151296 A Guide to Discursive Organizational Psychology 9781786431714 Chris Steyaert,Julia Nentw 2016 30 20 24 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 31 DIS Sale Price MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP A Handbook for Managing Mentoring Programs: Startin 2016 35 g, Supporting and Sustaining 1279 1151324 9781138231566 Laura Gail Lunsford 20 28 GBP A Hotel Manager's Handbook: 189 Techniques for Achi 2016 46 eving Exceptional Guest Satisfaction 1280 1250345 9781771883481 Vincent P. Magnini,Carol 20 36.8 GBP A Research Agenda for Management and Organization S 2016 70 tudies (Elgar Research Agendas) Barbara Czarniawska,Barb 1281 1151297 9781784717018 20 56 GBP A Short Guide to People Management: For HR and line 2016 45 managers (Routledge Focus on Business and Management) Antonios Panagiotakopoul 1282 1151329 9781472478528 20 36 GBP APPLYING LEAN IN HEALTHCARE: A COLLECTION OF 2010 32.99 INTERNATIO JOHN WHELTON(EDIT 1283 1150939 9781439827390 70 9.9 GBP Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management: Using A 2016 30 I to Facilitate Organizational Development 1284 1151311 9780749477912 Jonathan Passmore,and St 15 25.5 GBP Armstrong's Handbook of Reward Management Practice: 2015 45 Improving Performance Through Reward 1285 1151279 9780749473891 Michael Armstrong 15 38.25 GBP BEACH MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES : PRINCIPLES AND 2009 65 PRACTICE 1286 1151038 9781844074358 ALLAN WILLIAMS AN 70 19.5 GBP 1287 1041433 Beyond E-Business: Towards Networked Structures 9781138801776 Paul Grefen 2016 35 20 28 GBP BEYOND THE KNOWLEDGE TRAP: DEVELOPING ASIA'S 2011 74 KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMIES ENG FONG PANG(EDIT 1288 1151159 9789814343671 70 22.2 GBP Bids, Tenders and Proposals: Winning Business Throu 2015 30 gh Best Practice Harold Lewis 1289 1151268 9780749474843 15 25.5 GBP Big Change, Best Path: Successfully Managing Organi 2015 30 zational Change with Wisdom, Analytics and Insight 1290 1151265 9780749469429 Warren Parry 15 25.5 GBP Book of Value: The Fine Art of Investing Wisely (Co 2016 30 lumbia Business School Publishing) 1291 1041504 9780231175425 Anurag Sharma 20 24 USD 1292 1041449 Brand Management: Research, Theory and Practice 9781138804692 TILDE HEDING,CHARL 2016 37 20 29.6 GBP Branding Masculinity: Tracing the Cultural Foundati 2016 45 ons of Brand Meaning Elizabeth Hirschman 1293 1041483 9781138933392 20 36 GBP Building Leadership Development Programmes: Zero-Co 2016 30 st to High-Investment Programmes that Work Nigel Paine 1294 1151301 9780749476939 15 25.5 GBP 1295 1041498 Business and Government (Elgar Mini) 9781783473052 David Coen,Wyn P. Grant 2016 325 20 260 GBP Business Communication: Rethinking your professiona 2015 41 l practice for the post-digital age Peter Chatterton 1296 1041411 9780415640282 20 32.8 GBP 1297 1041484 Business Continuity Management System 9780749469115 Wei Ning Zechariah Won 2014 30 15 25.5 GBP Business Model Analysis: Accounting, Finance and St 2017 35 rategy for Management Decisions 1298 1041512 9781138013186 Colin Haslam,Nicholas Tsi 20 28 GBP 1299 1041456 Business-to-Business: A Global Network Perspective 9780415740883 MARIO GLOWIK,SARA 2014 35 20 28 GBP 2016 30 Capital and the Common Good: How Innovative Finance Is Tackling the World's Most Urgent Problems (Columbia Business School Publishing) 1300 1041503 9780231178020 Georgia Levenson Keoha 20 24 USD 1301 1151189 CATEGORY MANAGEMENT IN PURCHASING 9780749464981 O'BRIEN, JONATHAN 2012 50 40 30 GBP 1302 1151216 Clean Tech Clean Profits 9780749470418 Adam Jolly 2014 30 15 25.5 GBP 1303 1041448 Consumer Psychology in a Social Media World 9780765646941 Claudiu V. 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Cropf 20 18.4 GBP Enterprise Change Management: How to Prepare Your O 2016 30 rganization for Continuous Change David Miller,Audra Procto 1318 1151318 9780749473013 15 25.5 GBP 1319 1151177 ENTERPRISE DYNAMICS SOURCEBOOK 9781420082562 HOFFMAN 2013 64 40 38.4 GBP Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Exchange (Routledge 2015 100 Studies in Entrepreneurship) John Edmondson(Editor) 1320 1430081 9780415750387 20 80 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 32 DIS Sale Price MANAGEMENT & LEADERSHIP 1321 1150955 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND RELIGION 9781847205728 DANA, L.-P. 2010 130 70 39 GBP Entrepreneurship and Talent Management from a Globa 2016 90 l Perspective: Global Returnees (New Horizons in Management series) 1322 1430121 9781783479122 Huiyao Wang,Yipeng Liu, 20 72 GBP 1323 1151080 EQUALITY ACT HILLS 9780415687683 HILLS, GERALDINE 2012 35 40 21 GBP Ethics for Managers: Philosophical Foundations and Business 2016 38 Realities 1324 1151326 9781138919501 Joseph Gilbert 20 30.4 GBP 2012 22 FACT AND FANTASY ABOUT LEADERSHIP (NEW HORIZONS IN LEADERSHIP STUDIES SERIES) MICHA POPPER 1325 1151192 9781781007112 40 13.2 GBP 2017 22 Fashion Buying: From Trend Forecasting to Shop Floor (Required Reading Range) Dimitri Koumbis,David S 1326 2140779 9781474252928 20 17.6 GBP 1327 1850016 Fashion Logistics: Insights Into the Fashion Retail Supply Chain 9780749472986 John Fernie,David B. Gra 2015 45 15 38.25 GBP 1328 1151181 FOLLOW THE LEADER 9780749469054 GOBILLOT, EMMANUE 2013 20 40 12 GBP 1329 1151256 Foresight in Organizations: Methods and Tools 9781138844919 Patrick van der Duin 2016 95 20 76 GBP 2010 19.99 FULL RANGE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT : PATHWAYS FOR PEOPLE 1330 1150960 9781848728066 SOSIK 70 6 GBP 1331 1151227 Fundamentals of Risk Management 9780749472443 Paul Hopkin,Institute of R 2014 40 15 34 GBP Fundamentals of Risk Management: Understanding, eva 2017 40 luating and implementing effective risk management 1332 1151315 9780749479619 Paul Hopkin 15 34 GBP 1333 1151231 Fundraising Management: Analysis, Planning and Practice 9780415831581 Elaine Jay 2014 45 20 36 GBP God-Conscious Organization and the Islamic Social E 2016 95 conomy (Islamic Business and Finance Series) 1334 1112193 9781472429001 Masudul Alam Choudhur 20 76 GBP 1335 1151084 GOOD ENOUGH MANAGER, NURICK 9780415885348 AARON J NURICK 2012 35 40 21 GBP Handbook of Employee Commitment (Research Handbooks 2016 195 in Business and Management series) John P. Meyer,John P. Me 1336 1151290 9781784711733 20 156 GBP Handbook of Healthcare Management (Research Handboo 2015 180 ks in Business and Management) Myron Fottler, Donna Slo 1337 1151249 9781783470143 20 144 GBP 1338 1151207 Handbook of Management and Creativity 9781783475278 Stephen Cummings(Edito 2014 40 20 32 GBP Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods on HRM: In 2016 110 novative Techniques (Handbooks of Research Methods in Management series) Keith Townsend,Rebecca 1339 1151294 9781784711177 20 88 GBP 2016 150 Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas: Adaptation and Context (Research Handbooks in Business and Management) Anders Ortenblad 1340 1151252 9781783475599 20 120 GBP Handbook of Research on Marketing and Corporate Soc 2014 140 ial Responsibility Ryan Langan(Editor) 1341 1041385 9781781003787 20 112 GBP 1342 1151124 HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON NEW VENTURE CREATION 9781847200952 KEVIN HINDLE, CHAIR 2011 140 70 42 GBP Handbook of Research on Work-life Balance in Asia (New Horizons 2015 120 in Management) 1343 1151250 9781783475087 Cary Cooper(Editor) 20 96 GBP Handbook of Service Business: Management, Marketing 2015 140 , Innovation and Internationalisation 1344 1041464 9781781000403 John R. 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Cooper, C. 2012 85 40 51 GBP The Innovation Tools Handbook, Volume 3: Creative T 2016 39 ools, Methods, and Techniques that Every Innovator Must Know H. 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LYONS, S. SC 2012 96 40 57.6 GBP Modern Humanities Research Association. Texts and D 2014 30 issertati(Mitos Cristianos En La Poesia del 27) (Spanish Edition) 1573 2060800 9781781880241 Rocio Ortuno Casanova 20 24 USD 1574 1460148 Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management 9781138950528 B. 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HALLETT 2012 30 40 18 GBP 2015 100 Educating Adolescent Girls Around the Globe: Challenges and Opportunities (Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education) Sandra L. 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Singer 2014 32 20 25.6 GBP 1846 1072644 EDUCATION IN SMALL STATES 9780415560399 PETER MAYO(EDITOR) 2010 80 70 24 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 45 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION 1847 1073296 Education Policy Unravelled 9781474270069 Gillian Forrester,Dean Gar 2016 25 20 20 GBP 1848 1073118 EDUCATION POLICY, SPACE AND THE CIT 9780415995566 GULSON, KALERVO N.| 2011 85 70 25.5 GBP 1849 1073109 EDUCATION RECONFIGURED 9780415889636 JANE ROLAND MARTI 2011 23.99 70 7.2 GBP 1850 1193136 EDUCATION, DIALOGUE AND HERMENEUTICS 9781441100702 PAUL FAIRFIELD(EDIT 2012 35 40 21 GBP Education, Leadership and Islam: Theories, discours 2016 100 es and practices from an Islamic perspective (Routledge Research in Education) 1851 1112003 9780415833578 Saeeda Shah 20 80 GBP 1852 1073248 Education, Poverty and Gender: Schooling Muslim Girls in India 9781138900844 Latika Gupta 2015 95 20 76 GBP 1853 1072849 EDUCATION, VALUES AND MIND 9780415562133 COOPER 2010 70 70 21 GBP EDUCATIONAL EQUALITY (KEY DEBATES IN 2010 14.99 EDUCATIONAL POLICY 1854 1072908 9781441184832 BRIGHOUSE, HARRY 70 4.5 GBP EFFECTIVE INNOVATION IN THE SECONDARY 2013 28 GEOGRAPHY CURRICULUM:A PRACTICAL GUIDE 1855 1073164 9780415519069 RAWDING 40 16.8 GBP E-Learning in the 21st Century: A Community of Inqu 2016 25 iry Framework for Research and Practice D. Randy Garrison 1856 1073322 9781138953567 20 20 GBP EMERGENT LITERACY AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: 2009 24 PROMOTING LEARNING IN EARLY CHILDHOOD PHD PAULA M. 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HIEBERT 70 6.3 GBP 1877 1073312 First Aid for Teacher Burnout: How You Can Find Peace and Success 9781138655478 Jenny Grant Rankin 2016 20 20 16 GBP FOSTERING COMPREHENSION IN ENGLISH CLASSES 2009 17.95 BEYOND THE B 1878 1072246 9781593858834 RAYMOND PHILIPPOT 70 5.39 GBP 2009 29.99 FOUNDATIONS OF CRITICAL RACE THEORY IN EDUCATION EDWARD TAYLOR 1879 1072663 9780415961448 70 9 GBP 2016 32 From the Laboratory to the Classroom: Translating Science of Learning for Teachers Jared Cooney Horvath(Ed 1880 1212786 9781138649644 20 25.6 GBP 1881 1072916 FUNDAMENTALS OF WORKPLACE LEARNING, THE 9780415579070 KNUD ILLERIS 2011 23.99 70 7.2 GBP 1882 1072918 GETTING THE BUGGERS EXCITED ABOUT ICT 9781441198556 KAREN ANDERSON 2011 16.99 70 5.1 GBP 1883 1072869 GETTING THE BUGGERS TO BEHAVE 9781441173140 SUE COWLEY 2010 16.99 70 5.1 GBP 1884 1073218 Getting the Buggers to Behave 9781472909213 Sue Cowley 2014 20 20 16 GBP 1885 1073224 Going to University Abroad: A guide to studying outside the UK 9780415538008 Anthony Hyde 2014 20 20 16 GBP GOVERNANCE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN INDIA : KEY 2010 20 ISSUES 1886 1072921 9780821383414 ANDREAS BLOM; JAN 70 6 USD Grammar to Get Things Done: A Practical Guide for T 2016 20 eachers Anchored in Real-World Usage 1887 1073315 9781138683709 Darren Crovitz,Michelle D 20 16 GBP 1888 1073059 GREAT LITERACY DEBATE GOODWYN 9780415597647 GOODWYN 2011 25.99 70 7.8 GBP 1889 1073122 HANDBOOK OF ASIAN EDUCATION 9780805864458 ZHAO 2011 190 70 57 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 46 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION HANDBOOK OF COLLEGE READING AND STUDY 2009 50 STRATEGY RESEARCH ; 2ED 1890 1072101 9780805860016 RONA FLIPPO 70 15 GBP Handbook of International Research in Mathematics E 2016 80 ducation (100 Cases) 1891 1073258 9780415832045 David Kirshner(Editor) 20 64 GBP 1892 1073288 Handbook of Motivation at School 9781138776203 Kathryn Wentzel(Editor), 2016 82 20 65.6 GBP HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON ADULT LEARNING AND 2009 70 DEVELOPMENT M CECIL SMITH AND 1893 1072676 9780805858204 70 21 GBP 1894 1072595 HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON LITERACY AND DIVERSITY 9781606232460 LESLEY MANDEL MOR 2009 43.5 70 13.05 GBP 1895 1072677 HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON SCHOOL CHOICE 9780805862249 HERBERT J. 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MCK 70 5.69 GBP 1906 1072852 ILLUSIONS OF EQUALITY 9780415561716 COOPER 2010 60 70 18 GBP 1907 1073171 IMPROVING COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION 9780415645379 KADIJEVICH 2013 23 40 13.8 GBP 1908 1072500 IMPROVING WORKING AS LEARNING 9780415496469 ALAN FELSTEAD, ALIS 2009 21.99 70 6.6 GBP 1909 1073246 Inclusive Education in the Middle East 9781138866737 Eman Gaad 2014 35 20 28 GBP 2010 23.99 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SUPPORTING DIVERSITY IN THE CLASSROOM 1910 1072873 9780415601481 TIM LOREMAN 70 7.2 GBP 1911 1073273 Inside Education: Exploring the art of good learning 9780415529204 Stephen O'Brien 2016 30 20 24 GBP 2011 22.99 INSPIRING CHILDREN TO READ AND WRITE FOR PLEASURE 1912 1072936 9780415565073 SEDGWICK, FRED 70 6.9 GBP 1913 1073094 INSTRUC STRAT FOR MIDDLE SEC SOC ST 9780415877060 TIMOTHY A. KEIPER 2011 29.99 70 9 GBP 1914 1073263 International Critical Pedagogy Reader 9781138017894 João Paraskeva(Editor) 2016 42 20 33.6 GBP 2010 65 INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON THE GOALS OF UNIVERSAL BASIC AND SECONDARY EDUCATION 1915 1072697 9780415997669 JOEL E. COHEN AND M 70 19.5 GBP 1916 1073107 INTERSECTIONALITY & RACE IN EDUCA 9780415888776 BHOPAL 2012 95 40 57 GBP 1917 1072853 JOHN DEWEY RECONSIDERED 9780415562522 PETERS 2010 60 70 18 GBP 2010 70 JOURNEY FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN THE INDIAN SUB-CONTINENT,THE MITHU ALUR AND MIC 1918 1072698 9780415988766 70 21 GBP 1919 1073313 Keeping Minds Happy and Healthy: A handbook for teachers 9781138672512 Pat Guy 2016 22 20 17.6 GBP 1920 1350211 KEY PERSONS NURSERY 2ED 9780415610391 DOROTHY Y. SELLECK 2012 22 40 13.2 GBP Language, Ideology and Education: The politics of t 2015 100 extbooks in language education 1921 1122096 9780415840385 CSILLA WENINGER(ED 20 80 GBP 1922 1073117 LANGUAGES OF EDUCATION (TROHLER) 9780415995085 TROHLER 2011 85 70 25.5 GBP Law, Lawyering and Legal Education: Building an Eth 2016 90 ical Profession in a Globalizing World (Challenges of Globalisation) Charles Sampford,Hugh B 1923 1131396 9781138793347 20 72 GBP Lead Like the Legends: Advice and Inspiration for T 2016 20 eachers and Administrators 1924 1073282 9781138948655 David I. Steinberg 20 16 GBP LEADERSHIP MINDSETS INNOVATION AND LEARNING IN 2009 22.99 THE TRAN 1925 1072303 9780415476942 LINDA KASER AND JU 70 6.9 GBP 1926 1072304 LEADING AND DEVELOPING SCHOOL-BASED NETWORKS 9780415464659 MARK HADFIELD AND 2009 23.99 70 7.2 GBP 1927 1073070 LEADING ON INCLUSION CORNWALL 9780415676229 CORNWALL 2012 30 40 18 GBP 1928 1073214 Leading Schools in Challenging Circumstances: Strategies for Success 9781441184054 Les Bell 2014 29 20 23.2 GBP 1929 1072835 LEARN TO TRANSFORM 9781441174383 DAVID CROSSLEY 2010 24.99 70 7.5 GBP 1930 1073053 LEARNING FUTURES FACER 9780415581431 KERI FACER 2011 20.99 70 6.3 GBP 1931 1073217 Learning to Learn 9781472906083 Sally Featherstone 2014 19 20 15.2 GBP 1932 1073115 LEARNING TO LIBERATE (WATSON) 9780415898379 WATSON, VAJRA 2012 30 40 18 GBP 1933 1073113 LEARNING TO TEACH IN URBAN SCHOOLS 9780415893862 HOLLINS, ETTA R. 2012 26 40 15.6 GBP 1934 1073035 LEGAL EDUCATION IN ASIA (ROUTLEDGE LAW IN ASIA) 9780415494335 STACEY STEELE AND 2010 95 70 28.5 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 47 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION Lesson Planning for Elementary Physical Education W 2016 40.5 ith Web Resource: Meeting the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes 1935 1240978 9781492513780 Shirley Holt/Hale,Tina Hal 10 36.45 GBP 1936 1072944 LIFELONG LEARNING IN PAID AND UNPAID WORK 9780415565646 D.W. LIVINGSTONE 2010 90 70 27 GBP Lifespan Transitions and Disability: A holistic per 2016 32 spective (Foundations and Futures of Education) 1937 1073264 9780415738873 Therese Cumming 20 25.6 GBP 1938 1072574 LINKING READING ASSESSMENT TO INSTRUCTION 9780415802093 ARLEEN SHEARER MA 2010 29.99 70 9 GBP 1939 1073209 LIS Education in Developing Countries (IFLA Publications) 9783110355291 C. R. Karisddappa(Editor) 2014 95 15 80.75 EUR 1940 1072575 LISTENING TO CHILDREN READ (DAVID FULTON / NASEN) 9780415498364 HUGHES, MARGARET | 2009 29.99 70 9 GBP Literacies, Learning, and the Body: Putting Theory 2016 32 and Research into Pedagogical Practice Grace Enriquez,Elisabeth 1941 1073269 9781138906211 20 25.6 GBP LITERACY AND POWER (LANGUAGE, CULTURE, AND 2010 27.99 TEACHING SERIES) JANKS, HILARY| 1942 1073030 9780415999632 70 8.4 GBP LITERACY GROWTH FOR EVERY CHILD : 2009 18.95 DIFFERENTIATED SMALL GROUP INSTRUCTION K-6 1943 1072509 9781606230688 DIANE LAPP, DOUGLA 70 5.69 GBP 1944 1072836 LITERACY IN ACTION: FOOTBALL 9780415564854 BUTLER, HEATHER 2010 19.99 70 6 GBP 2013 28 LITERACY IN THE DIGITAL UNIVERSITY:CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON LEARNING, SCHOLARSHIP, AND TECHNOLOGY 1945 1073165 9780415537971 GOODFELLOW 40 16.8 GBP 1946 1073303 Literacy in the Disciplines: A Teacher's Guide for Grades 5-12 9781462527922 Thomas DeVere Wolsey 2016 26 20 20.8 USD LITERACY INSTRUCTION FOR ADOLESCENTS : 2009 25.95 RESEARCH-BASED PRACTICE KAREN D. WOOD AND 1947 1072510 9781606231180 70 7.79 GBP 1948 1073298 Literacy, Media, Technology: Past, Present and Future 9781474257992 Becky Parry(Editor),Cath 2016 90 20 72 GBP LITERACY: HELPING STUDENTS CONSTRUCT MEANING, 2012 44.99 INTERNATIONAL EDITION 1949 1073024 9781111357498 COOPER/KIGER/ROBIN 70 13.5 GBP LOST GENERATION?: NEW STRATEGIES FOR YOUTH AND 2010 16.99 EDUCATIO 1950 1072945 9781441134707 ALLEN, MARTIN 70 5.1 GBP 1951 1073276 Making a Difference in Education: What the evidence says 9780415529228 Anna Vignoles 2015 27 20 21.6 GBP Managing Staff for Improved Performance: Human Reso 2017 25 urce Management 1952 1460145 9781474262057 David Middlewood,Ian A 20 20 GBP MasterClass in Geography Education: Transforming Te 2015 29 aching and Learning Sue Brindley(Series Editor 1953 1080565 9781472535719 20 23.2 GBP Math Intervention P-2: Building Number Power with F 2016 20 ormative Assessments, Differentiation, and Games, Grades PreK-2 Jennifer Taylor-Cox 1954 1073289 9781138915626 20 16 GBP 1955 1072578 MATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS 9780415559232 SUGGATE, JENNIFER | 2010 21.99 70 6.6 GBP MATHEMATICAL LITERACY DEVELOPING IDENTITIES OF 2009 30.99 INCLUSIO 1956 1072321 9780805846874 YVETTE SOLOMON 70 9.3 GBP Mathematics Education: A Critical Introduction (Cri 2017 25 tical Introductions in Education) 1957 1073310 9781138243286 Mark Wolfmeyer 20 20 GBP 1958 1073096 MATHEMATICS TEACHER NOTICING 9780415878630 SHERIN 2011 30.99 70 9.3 GBP MATHEMATICS TEACHING, LEARNING AND LIBERATION 2009 39.99 IN THE LIVES OF BLACK CHILDREN DANNY MARTIN(EDIT 1959 1072712 9780805864649 70 12 GBP MATHS HOMEWORK FOR KEY STAGE 2 (ACTIVE 2011 24.99 HOMEWORK) PARFITT, VICKI | FORS 1960 1072947 9780415496254 70 7.5 GBP 2013 25 MAXIMISING THE IMPACT OF TEACHING ASSISTANTS:GUIDANCE FOR SCHOOL LEADERS AND TEACHERS RUSSELL 1961 1073170 9780415661287 40 15 GBP 1962 1072322 MAXIMISING THE POTENTIAL OF YOUR TAS 9780415457217 SUE CUNNINGHAM, SU 2009 20 70 6 GBP MEETING THE NEEDS OF YOUR MOST ABLE PUBLIS IN 2006 25 ART EARLE 1963 1071733 9781843123316 70 7.5 GBP 1964 1073204 Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils: Geography 9781843123354 JANE FERRETTI 2007 32.99 70 9.9 GBP 1965 1073201 Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils: History 9781843122876 BARNES, STEVE 2007 32.99 70 9.9 GBP 1966 1073203 Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils: Mathematics 9781843123286 MCCLURE, LYNNE | PI 2007 32.99 70 9.9 GBP 1967 1073200 Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils: MFL 9781843123323 INGRAM, GRETCHEN 2008 32.99 70 9.9 GBP 1968 1072717 MINDFUL EDUCATION FOR ADHD STUDENTS 9781441179937 PROULX-SCHIRDUAN, 2009 18.99 70 5.7 GBP MORE SECONDARY STARTERS AND PLENARIES: 2013 13 CREATIVE ACTIVITIES, READY-TO-USE IN ANY SUBJECT 1969 1073188 9781441177186 MIKE GERSHON 40 7.8 GBP Motivating Unwilling Learners in Further Education: 2017 20 The key to improving behaviour 1970 1073294 9781472942395 Susan Wallace 20 16 GBP 1971 1072855 NEW ESSAYS IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF EDU 9780415564519 LANGFORD 2010 70 70 21 GBP NEW LIVES OF TEACHERS (TEACHER QUALITY AND 2010 25.99 SCHOOL DEVEL 1972 1072952 9780415484602 DAY, CHRIS | GU, QIN 70 7.8 GBP New Perspectives in Philosophy of Education: Ethics 2016 29 , Politics and Religion David Lewin(Editor),Alex 1973 1073325 9781474282642 20 23.2 GBP Nurturing Wellbeing Development in Education: From 2016 30 little things, big things grow 1974 1073274 9781138793835 Faye McCallum(Editor),D 20 24 GBP 1975 1073134 ON COURSE STUDY SKILLS PLUS EDITION, IE 9781439085233 DOWNING 2011 45.99 70 13.8 GBP Organizing the Early Literacy Classroom: How to Pla 2016 18 n for Success and Reach Your Goals (Essential Library of Prek-2 Literacy) Sharon Walpole PhD,Mic 1976 1073323 9781462526529 20 14.4 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 48 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION 1977 1073262 Outstanding Assessment for Learning in the Classroom 9781138824508 Jayne Bartlett 2015 20 20 16 GBP 1978 1073295 Pedagogy of the Heart (Bloomsbury Revelations) 9781474299114 Paulo Freire 2016 15 20 12 GBP Pedagogy, Politics and Philosophy of Peace: Interro 2017 90 gating Peace and Peacemaking (Bloomsbury Critical Education) 1979 1073299 9781474282796 Carmel Borg(Editor),Mich 20 72 GBP 2010 27.99 PERSISTENT INEQUALITY: CONTEMPORARY REALITIES IN THE EDUCATION OF UNDOCUMENTED LATINA/O STUDENTS (CRITICAL EDUCATOR) 1980 1072726 9780415957946 PABON LOPEZ, MARIA 70 8.4 GBP 1981 2041519 Perspectives on Art Education: Conversations Across Cultures 9783110440782 Ruth Mateus-Berr,Michael 2015 35 15 29.75 EUR 1982 1072856 PHILOSOPHERS AS EDUCAT REFORMERS 9780415564748 GORDON 2010 80 70 24 GBP 1983 1073219 Pimp Your Lesson!: Prepare, Innovate, Motivate and Perfect 9781472905154 Leah Kirkman 2014 17 20 13.6 GBP PLACE- AND COMMUNITY-BASED EDUCATION IN 2010 26.99 SCHOOLS 1984 1072953 9780415875196 SMITH 70 8.1 GBP 1985 1350208 PLAN APPROP CURRIC EARLY YEARS 9780415583046 ROSEMARY RODGER 2012 27 40 16.2 GBP Planning to Teach Writing: A practical guide for pr 2016 25 imary school teachers 1986 1073291 9781138844414 Emma Caulfield 20 20 GBP 1987 1072858 PLATO, UTILITARIANISM AND EDUCATION 9780415562508 BARROW 2010 70 70 21 GBP 1988 1073076 PLAYFUL PRACTICE CORKE 9780415687676 CORKE, MARGARET 2012 23 40 13.8 GBP 1989 1072956 PRACTICAL SECONDARY SCIENCE 9781847065049 IAN ABRAHAMS 2011 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 1990 1073281 Practical Statistics for Educators 9781442242869 Ruth Ravid professor eme 2014 33 20 26.4 GBP 1991 1073072 PREVENTING CLASSROOM DISRUPTION (RL 9780415682626 TIM HARPER 2012 99 40 59.4 GBP 1992 1072361 PRIMARY TEACHING TODAY AN INTRODUCTION 9780415475549 DENIS HAYES 2009 16.99 70 5.1 GBP 2010 11.95 PRIVILEGED THINKING IN TODAY'S SCHOOLS: THE IMPLICATION DAVID BARNETT 1993 1072959 9781607099703 70 3.59 GBP 2009 70 PROBLEM WITH BOYS' EDUCATION BEYOND THE BACKLASH,THE WAYNE MARTINO, MI 1994 1072816 9781560236825 70 21 GBP 2010 40 PROMISE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN,THE 1995 1072742 9780821377598 EMILIANA VEGAS; LU 70 12 USD 1996 1072745 RACE, WHITENESS, AND EDUCATION 9780415993173 Leonardo, Zeus| 2009 24.99 70 7.5 GBP RAISING THE ACHIEVEMENT OF ALL PUPILS WITHIN AN 2010 18.99 INCLUSIVE SETTING 1997 1072880 9780415549493 Wallace, Belle | Leyden, S 70 5.7 GBP 1998 1073159 READING - FROM WORDS TO MULTIPLE TEXTS 9780415501958 JEAN-FRANCOIS ROUE 2013 32 40 19.2 GBP 1999 1072516 READING MORE, READING BETTER 9781606232859 ELFRIEDA H. HIEBERT 2009 21.95 70 6.59 GBP READING TO LEARN IN THE CONTENT AREAS, 2012 38.99 INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2000 1073039 9781111827335 RICHARDSON/MORGA 70 11.7 GBP Readings for Reflective Teaching in Further, Adult 2015 95 and Vocational Education Margaret Gregson(Editor), 2001 1073283 9781472586506 20 76 GBP 2002 1072961 REALLY USEFUL ELEMENTARY SCIENCE BOOK, THE 9780415958196 BLOOM, JEFFREY W. 2011 21.99 70 6.6 GBP 2003 1073058 REALLY USEFUL ICT BOOK, THE 9780415592772 JESSON 2012 28 40 16.8 GBP 2004 1071240 REALLY USEFUL MATHS BOOK 9780415252089 T.BROWN 2005 17.99 70 5.4 GBP REALLY USEFUL PHYSICAL EDUCATION BOOK (REALLY 2011 23.99 USEFUL SERIES),THE SID HAYES(EDITOR) 2005 1072839 9780415498272 70 7.2 GBP 2006 1073284 Reflective Teaching in Further, Adult and Vocational Education 9781780937922 Margaret Gregson,Yvonne 2015 25 20 20 GBP 2007 1073213 Reforms in Islamic Education: International Perspectives 9781441101341 Yasir Suleiman(Editor) 2014 95 20 76 GBP RE-FRAMING LITERACY (LANGUAGE, CULTURE, AND 2011 29.99 TEACHING SE 2008 1073032 9780415995535 ANDREWS, RICHARD 70 9 GBP 2009 1072962 REINVENTING OUR SCHOOLS 9780415561341 BANGS, JOHN | GALTO 2011 24.99 70 7.5 GBP Relationships That Work: Four Ways to Connect (and Set 2016 20 Boundaries) with Colleagues, Students, and Parents (100 Cases) 2010 1073253 9781138843035 Jeremy Dew 20 16 GBP Religion in the Primary School: Ethos, diversity, c 2015 100 itizenship (Foundations and Futures of Education) 2011 1073257 9780415714877 Peter Hemming 20 80 GBP RESEARCHING VIOLENCE, DEMOCRACY AND THE RIGHTS 2010 24.99 OF PEOPLE SCHOSTAK, JOHN F. | 2012 1072802 9780415478786 70 7.5 GBP 2013 1073012 RESOURCES FOR TEACHING ENGLISH 9781441102119 HELENA CERANIC 2011 29.99 70 9 GBP 2014 1072964 RESOURCES FOR TEACHING ENGLISH: 14-16 9780826421005 DAVID A. HILL 2010 29.99 70 9 GBP 2015 1072965 RESOURCES FOR TEACHING HISTORY : 11-14 9780826424556 SUSIE HODGE 2010 29.99 70 9 GBP 2016 1072966 RESOURCES FOR TEACHING HISTORY : 14-16 9780826422385 SUSIE HODGE 2010 29.99 70 9 GBP 2017 1072967 RESOURCES FOR TEACHING MATHEMATICS: 14-16 9780826436030 COLIN FOSTER 2010 29.99 70 9 GBP Rethinking Education through Critical Psychology: C 2016 29 ooperative schools, social justice and voice (Concepts for Critical Psychology) Gail Davidge 2018 1212787 9781138937741 20 23.2 GBP Rethinking Field Experiences in Preservice Teacher 2015 32 Preparation: Meeting New Challenges for Accountability Etta R. Hollins 2019 1073250 9781138823860 20 25.6 GBP 2015 32 Rethinking Learning in an Age of Digital Fluency: Is being digitally tethered a new learning nexus? (Current Debates in Educational Psychology) Maggi Savin-Baden 2020 1073252 9780415738187 20 25.6 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 49 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION RETHINKING SCHOOL FEEDING : SOCIAL SAFETY NETS, 2009 22 CHILD DEVELOPMENT, AND THE EDUCATION SECTOR 2021 1072758 9780821379745 DONALD BUNDY; CAR 70 6.6 USD RIGHT TO CHILDHOODS: CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON 2008 70 RIGHTS, D 2022 1072381 9780826495686 DIMITRA HARTAS 70 21 GBP 2023 1073320 Rigor and Assessment in the Classroom (A to Z) 9781138936140 Barbara R. Blackburn 2017 16 20 12.8 GBP 2024 1072804 ROUTLEDGE EDUCATION STUDIES READER,THE 9780415482363 JAMES ARTHUR AND I 2010 25.99 70 7.8 GBP 2010 135 ROUTLEDGE INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH, LANGUAGE AND LITERACY TEACHING (ROUTLEDGE INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOKS OF EDUCATION),THE 2025 1073028 9780415469036 DOMINIC WYSE, RICH 70 40.5 GBP ROUTLEDGE INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF THE 2010 135 SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION,THE 2026 1072760 9780415486637 MICHAEL W. APPLE, S 70 40.5 GBP RTI IN THE CLASSROOM: GUIDELINES AND RECIPES FOR 2009 23 SUCCESS 2027 1072543 9781606232972 KELLY MCGRAW 70 6.9 GBP 2028 1640423 School Counseling in the 21st Century 9781138838291 Sejal Parikh Foxx,Stanley 2016 70 20 56 GBP 2029 1170929 Schools for Conflict or for Peace in Afghanistan 9780231169288 Dana Burde 2014 40 20 32 USD 2030 1072876 SCIENCE 5-11 9780415480451 HOWE, ALAN | DAVIE 2009 19.99 70 6 GBP 2031 1073060 SECOND LANG THROUGH DRAMA WINSTON 9780415597791 WINSTON 2012 25 40 15 GBP 2011 19.99 SECONDARY ENGLISH: PLANNING FOR LEARNING IN THE CLASSRO NICOLA ONYETT 2032 1072976 9781441143136 70 6 GBP 2013 17 SECONDARY STARTERS AND PLENARIES: ENGLISH: CREATIVE ACTIVITIES, READY-TO-USE FOR TEACHING ENGLISH (CLASSROOM STARTERS AND PLENARIES) 2033 1073187 9781441199782 JOHNNIE YOUNG 40 10.2 GBP 2014 17 SECONDARY STARTERS AND PLENARIES: GEOGRAPHY: READY-TO-USE ACTIVITIES FOR TEACHING GEOGRAPHY (CLASSROOM STARTERS AND PLENARIES) BRIN BEST 2034 1073192 9781441110916 20 13.6 GBP 2013 15 SECONDARY STARTERS AND PLENARIES: HISTORY: READY-TO-USE ACTIVITIES FOR TEACHING HISTORY 2035 1073189 9781441171931 MIKE GERSHON 40 9 GBP 2036 1073074 SELECTED WORKS OF MICHAEL PETERS 9780415686051 PETERS, MICHAEL A 2012 95 40 57 GBP 2037 1072977 SHAPING A NEW EDUCATIONAL LANDSCAPE 9780826432582 COATES, MAX 2010 24.99 70 7.5 GBP 2009 80 SOCCER, SCHOOLMASTERS AND THE SPREAD OF ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL J. A. Mangan Colm F. Hic 2038 1072795 9780415348348 70 24 GBP 2039 1072978 SOCIAL CLASS, GENDER AND EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL 9780415553025 KANE 2011 24.99 70 7.5 GBP 2040 1073266 Sociology of Education: A Critical Reader 9781138843004 Ryan W. Coughlan(Editor 2016 43 20 34.4 GBP 2015 75 Spatial Design Education: New Directions for Pedagogy in Architecture and Beyond Ashraf M. Salama 2041 2012202 9781472422873 20 60 GBP 2042 1073260 Speak, Listen and Learn: Teaching resources for ages 7-13 9781138840560 Tony Wood 2015 23 20 18.4 GBP 2043 1073044 SPEAKING LISTENING CLASSROOM DAWES 9780415481519 DAWES 2011 20.99 70 6.3 GBP 2044 1072528 SPECIAL EDUCATION HANDBOOK: AN A-Z GUIDE,THE 9780415490207 MICHAEL FARRELL 2009 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2045 1073149 STARTING OUT RIGHT: BEGINNING-BAND PEDAGOGY 9780810883017 ROWMAN 2012 38 40 22.8 GBP 2046 1073279 Study Guide to Dealing with Difficult Parents 9781138963467 TODD WHITAKER,DOU 2016 11 20 8.8 GBP 2047 1072806 STUDYING PGCE GEOGRAPHY AT M-LEVEL 9780415490757 CLARE BROOKS 2010 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2048 1380097 Supporting Children with Cerebral Palsy (David Fulton / Nasen) 9781138187429 Hull City Council 2016 19 20 15.2 GBP 2049 1073265 Supporting Children with Down's Syndrome (David Fulton / Nasen) 9781138914858 Hull City Council 2016 19 20 15.2 GBP 2050 1380096 Supporting Children with Dyslexia (David Fulton / Nasen) 9781138185616 Hull City Council 2016 19 20 15.2 GBP 2051 1073256 Supporting Children with Medical Conditions (David Fulton / Nasen) 9781138914919 Hull City Council 2016 24 20 19.2 GBP Supporting Children with... 11 pack: Supporting Chi 2015 19 ldren with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (David Fulton / Nasen) 2052 1350301 9781138855144 Hull City Council 20 15.2 GBP Supporting Children with... 11 pack: Supporting Chi 2015 20 ldren with Speech and Language Difficulties (David Fulton / Nasen) 2053 1073255 9781138855113 Hull City Council 20 16 GBP 2009 19.99 SUPPORTING TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE SECONDARY SCHOO MARILYN LEASK AND 2054 1072409 9780415358842 70 6 GBP 2014 26 Sustained Shared Thinking in the Early Years: Linking theory to practice (David Fulton Books) Kathy Brodie 2055 1350292 9780415713436 20 20.8 GBP 2010 15 SUSTAINING EDUCATIONAL AND ECONOMIC MOMENTUM IN AFRICA 2056 1073006 9780821383773 THE WORLD BANK 70 4.5 USD 2057 1072010 SYMBOLIC CLOTHING IN SCHOOLS 9780826497666 DIANNE GERELUK 2008 15 70 4.5 GBP Teacher Learning and Leadership: Of, By, and For Te 2016 30 achers (Teacher Quality and School Development) 2058 1073321 9781138941885 Ann Lieberman,Carol Ca 20 24 GBP TEACHER PREPARATION FOR BILINGUAL STUDENT 2011 35.99 POPULATIONS 2059 1072984 9780415877404 BELINDA BUSTOS FLO 70 10.8 GBP Teaching Advanced Literacy Skills: A Guide for Lead 2016 32 ers in Linguistically Diverse Schools PhD Nonie K. Lesaux Ph 2060 1073301 9781462526468 20 25.6 USD 2061 1073287 Teaching and Learning Strategies in South Africa 9781473709195 Mncedisi Christian Mapha 2016 20 20 16 GBP 2009 23.99 TEACHING BY NUMBERS: DECONSTRUCTING THE DISCOURSE OF STANDARDS AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN EDUCATION 2062 1072522 9780415962742 PETER TAUBMAN 70 7.2 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 50 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION Teaching Children and Adolescents Physical Educatio 2016 44.5 n 4th Edition With Web Resource 2063 1240956 9781450452939 George Graham,Eloise Elli 10 40.05 GBP Teaching Chinese Literacy in the Early Years: Psych 2015 100 ology, pedagogy and practice (Routledge Research in Language Education) 2064 1122009 9780415841290 Hui Li 20 80 GBP Teaching Emergent Bilingual Students: Flexible Appr 2016 30 oaches in an Era of New Standards C. Patrick Proctor EdD(Ed 2065 1073302 9781462527182 20 24 USD Teaching English as an Additional Language in Secon 2016 22 dary Schools: Theory and practice 2066 1073317 9781138783539 Seán Bracken,Catharine D 20 17.6 GBP Teaching English to Young Learners: Critical Issues 2015 29 in Language Teaching with 3-12 Year Olds Janice Bland(Editor) 2067 1122174 9781472588562 20 23.2 GBP Teaching for EcoJustice: Curriculum and Lessons for 2015 30 Secondary and College Classrooms 2068 1073251 9781138832923 Rita J. Turner 20 24 GBP 2069 1073306 Teaching Online: A Practical Guide 9780415832434 Susan Ko,Steve Rossen 2017 32 20 25.6 GBP Teaching Science Creatively (Learning to Teach in t 2016 25 he Primary School Series) 2070 1350356 9781138909779 Dan Davies,Deb McGrego 20 20 GBP TEACHING SECONDARY MATHEMATICS AS IF THE 2013 26 PLANET MATTERS COLES 2071 1073168 9780415688444 40 15.6 GBP Teaching Secondary Science: Constructing Meaning an 2015 26 d Developing Understanding Jim Baker 2072 1073245 9781138833425 20 20.8 GBP Teaching Tactical Creativity in Sport: Research and 2015 95 Practice (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport) DANIEL MEMMERT 2073 1240822 9780415745901 20 76 GBP 2074 1073261 Teaching the Holocaust: Practical approaches for ages 11-18 9781138791008 Michael Gray 2015 24 20 19.2 GBP TEACHING TOUGH KIDS: SIMPLE AND PROVEN 2010 24.99 STRATEGIES FOR STUDENT SUCCESS 2075 1072778 9780415460606 Mark le Messurier 70 7.5 GBP TECHNOLOGY, LITERACY, LEARNING A MULTIMODAL 2009 22.99 APPROACH 2076 1072427 9780415478830 CAREY JEWITT 70 6.9 GBP 2077 1073309 Ten Steps for Genuine Leadership in Schools 9781138223592 David M. Fultz 2017 20 20 16 GBP The Adult Learner: The definitive classic in adult 2015 40 education and human resource development Richard A. Swanson 2078 1151230 9780415739023 20 32 GBP 2079 1073180 THE ART AND CRAFT OF PEDAGOGY 9780567299154 RICHARD HICKMAN 2013 29 40 17.4 GBP THE BEHAVIOUR GURU: BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT 2010 16.99 SOLUTIONS FOR TOM BENNETT 2080 1072990 9781441128607 70 5.1 GBP 2081 1820133 The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood 9781474251099 Anna Strhan(Editor),Step 2017 29 20 23.2 GBP The Classes They Remember: Using Role-Plays to Brin 2016 20 g Social Studies and English to Life David Sherrin 2082 1073275 9781138938694 20 16 GBP 2083 1072845 THE DESIGN OF LEARNING SPACES 9781855397743 WOOLNER, PAMELA 2010 24.99 70 7.5 GBP The Elephant in the Staffroom: How to reduce stress 2016 17 and improve teacher wellbeing 2084 1073314 9781138681484 Chris Eyre 20 13.6 GBP The End of Public Schools: The Corporate Reform Age 2016 30 nda to Privatize Education 2085 1073268 9781138804494 David W. Hursh 20 24 GBP 2086 1073247 The Europa World of Learning 2016 9781857437683 EUROPA PUBLICATIO 2016 760 20 608 GBP 2087 0030247 The Europa World of Learning 2017 9781857438321 Europa Publications(Edito 2016 875 20 700 GBP THE GRASSROOTS GUIDE TO PRIMARY ICT: EMBEDDING 2014 20 THE BASICS AND BEYOND 2088 1073194 9781441144003 JON AUDAIN 20 16 GBP 2089 1071989 THE HOME-SCHOOL CONNECTION 9780805857856 RODRIGUEZ-BROWN 2009 24 70 7.2 GBP THE IF MACHINE: PHILOSOPHICAL ENQUIRY IN THE 2011 17.99 CLASSROOM, 2090 1072991 9781441155832 PETER WORLEY 70 5.4 GBP The Literacy Coaching Handbook: Working With Teache 2017 20 rs to Increase Student Achievement Diana Sisson,Betsy Sisson 2091 1073316 9781138692602 20 16 GBP The Posthuman Child: Educational transformation thr 2016 30 ough philosophy with picturebooks (Contesting Early Childhood) 2092 1073319 9781138858442 Karin Murris 20 24 GBP THE READING SPECIALIST (SOLVING PROBLEMS IN THE 2009 20 TEACHING OF LITERACY) 2093 1072589 9781606234068 RITA M. BEAN 70 6 GBP The Really Useful Physical Education Book: Learning 2016 25 and teaching across the 11-16 age range Gary Stidder(Editor),Sid 2094 1073307 9781138187153 20 20 GBP 2095 1231314 The Sociology of Education: A Systematic Analysis 9781138237360 Jeanne Ballantine,Floyd 2017 90 20 72 GBP 2096 1073212 The Spider Strategy: Six Steps To Outstanding 9781472908643 Marcella McCarthy 2014 19 20 15.2 GBP The STEM Coaching Handbook: Working with Teachers t 2016 20 o Improve Instruction Terry Talley 2097 1390296 9781138651036 20 16 GBP The Trouble with Maths: A practical guide to helpin 2016 30 g learners with numeracy difficulties Steve Chinn 2098 1073308 9781138187467 20 24 GBP 2099 1071076 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LEARNING 9780749438593 PETER JARV 2003 27.99 70 8.4 GBP 2100 1073065 TRANSFORMATION CHILDREN'S SERVICES 9780415618496 FORBES 2012 35 40 21 GBP 2101 1073075 TRANSFORMING EDUCATION CALDWELL 9780415687027 CALDWELL, BRIAN V 2012 30 40 18 GBP Transforming Schools: Creativity, Critical Reflecti 2017 25 on, Communication, Collaboration 2102 1073297 9781474232623 Miranda Jefferson,Michae 20 20 GBP Translation and Language Education: Pedagogic Appro 2014 29 aches Explored (Translation Theories Explored) 2103 1122014 9781138789890 Sara Laviosa 20 23.2 GBP 2104 1073052 TURNING PUPILS LEARNING ELKINGTON 9780415577748 ROB ELKINGTON 2012 23 40 13.8 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 51 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION 2105 1072993 UILDING BLOCKS OF PRESCHOOL SUCCESS , THE 9781606236932 SHARON WALPOLE PH 2010 16 70 4.8 GBP 2106 1072994 UNDERSTANDING ADULT FUNCTIONAL LITERACY 9780415882484 WHITE, SHEIDA 2011 34.99 70 10.5 GBP UNDERSTANDING ART EDUCATION: ENGAGING 2010 22.99 REFLEXIVELY WITH PRACTICE 2107 1072796 9780415367400 NICHOLAS ADDISON 70 6.9 GBP Understanding Early Years Education across the UK: Comparing 2016 26 practice in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales 2108 1350310 9781138022720 Nicky Hirst(Editor) 20 20.8 GBP UNDERSTANDING PUPIL BEHAVIOUR CLASSROOM 2009 18.99 MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES FOR TEACHERS RAMON LEWIS 2109 1072786 9780415483537 70 5.7 GBP 2110 1073091 URBAN EDUCATION 9780415872416 ROBERT RUEDA(EDIT 2012 62 40 37.2 GBP Using Debate in the Classroom: Encouraging Critical 2016 24 Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration Karyl A. Davis(Editor),M. 2111 1390298 9781138899544 20 19.2 GBP 2112 1073285 Using Emerging Technologies to Develop Professional Learning 9781138186446 JEAN MURRAY(EDITO 2016 90 20 72 GBP Using Games and Simulations for Teaching and Assessment: Key 2016 32 Issues Harold F. O'Neil(Editor),E 2113 1073305 9780415737883 20 25.6 GBP 2114 1072788 USING THE MEDICAL MODEL IN EDUCATION 9781847061171 TURNER, DAVID A. 2010 70 70 21 GBP USING THE RESULTS OF A NATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF 2009 25 EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT, VOL. 5 2115 1072789 9780821379295 SCOTT MURRAY 70 7.5 USD 2116 1072861 VALUES, EDUCATION AND THE ADULT 9780415563598 PATERSON 2010 80 70 24 GBP 2117 1072791 VOCATIONAL AND PROFESSSIONAL CAPABILITY 9781847061188 GERARD LUM 2009 70 70 21 GBP 2118 1073033 Wasted: Why Education Isn't Educating 9781847064165 FRANK FUREDI 2009 16.99 70 5.1 GBP 2119 1072997 WHAT ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS NEED TO KNOW I 9780415806398 MURRAY, DENISE E. | 2011 25.99 70 7.8 GBP 2120 1072998 WHAT ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS NEED TO KNOW II 9780415806411 MURRAY, DENISE E. | 2011 25.99 70 7.8 GBP 2016 50 What Is a Public Education and Why We Need It: A Philosophical Inquiry into Self-Development, Cultural Commitment, and Public Engagement (Philosophy 2121 1193548 9781498517225 Walter Feinberg 20 40 GBP What's the Buzz? For Early Learners: A complete soc 2015 31 ial skills foundation course 2122 1073267 9781138777040 Madhavi Nawana Parker 20 24.8 GBP WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING AT US?: THE DOS AND DON'TS 2015 17 OF BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT 2123 1073186 9781441185150 LISA MARIE HALL(ILL 20 13.6 GBP 2124 1072841 WHY DO I NEED A TEACHER WHEN I'VE GOT GOOGLE? 9780415468336 GILBERT, IAN 2011 16.99 70 5.1 GBP WINNING THE H FACTOR: THE SECRETS OF HAPPY 2010 17.99 SCHOOLS SMITH, ALISTAIR 2125 1072999 9781855395701 70 5.4 GBP 2126 1073000 WOMEN AND EDUCATION ; 4 VOLS SET 9780415549394 JANE MARTIN 2011 685 70 205.5 GBP 2127 1073146 Working with Children in Art Therapy 9780415017381 CASE, CAROLINE | DA 2009 25 70 7.5 GBP 2128 1073271 Writing Essays: A Guide for Students in English and the Humanities 9781138916692 Richard Marggraf Turley 2016 15 20 12 GBP 2129 1073197 Writing Models Year 4 9781843120957 CORBETT, PIE 2004 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2130 1073202 Writing Models Year 6 9781843120971 CORBETT, PIE 2004 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2131 1073064 WYBE 2012 POLICY BORROWING & LENDIN 9780415615242 FLORIAN WALDOW(E 2012 100 40 60 GBP YOUNG ADULT LITERATURE AND ADOLESCENT 2010 28.99 IDENTITY ACROSS C JANET ALSUP 2132 1073003 9780415876995 70 8.7 GBP 2013 35 YOUNG CHILDREN BECOMING THE CURRICULUM: DELEUZE, TE WHARIKI AND CURRICULAR UNDERSTANDINGS MARG SELLERS 2133 1073152 9780415536110 40 21 GBP YOUNG PEOPLE AND EVERYDAY MULTICULTURALISM 2013 34 (CRITICAL YOUTH STUDIES) ANITA HARRIS 2134 1073156 9780415881968 40 20.4 GBP EDUCATION (EARLY YEARS & CHILDHOOD STUDIES) 2011 12.99 100+ IDEAS FOR SUPPORTING CHILDREN WITH DYSLEXIA (CONTINUUMS ONE HUNDREDS) 2135 1073010 9780826434166 GAVIN REID 70 3.9 GBP 2136 1350202 33 WAYS TO HELP WITH SPELLING 9780415560801 MORRIS, HEATHER | S 2011 20.99 70 6.3 GBP A A PASTORAL LEADER'S HANDBOOK: STRATEGIES FOR 2011 24.99 SUCCESS 2137 1350199 9781441102560 MARILYN NATHAN 70 7.5 GBP Abuse and Violence Towards Young Children: Perspect 2015 95 ives on Research and Policy 2138 1350302 9781138855205 Roy Evans(Editor) 20 76 GBP Adventure Education: Fun games and activities for c 2016 23 hildren and young people Linda Ritson 2139 1350341 9781138119963 20 18.4 GBP An Anthology of Educational Thinkers: Putting theor 2017 20 y into practice in the early years Sally Featherstone 2140 1350332 9781472934710 20 16 GBP An Introduction to the Foundation Phase: Early Year 2016 22 s Curriculum in Wales Amanda Thomas,Alyson 2141 1350329 9781474264273 20 17.6 GBP 2142 1350315 Assessment and Evaluation for Transformation in Early Childhood 9781138909748 Júlia Formosinho(Editor), 2016 28 20 22.4 GBP 2143 1350238 BOYS AND THEIR SCHOOLING 9780415879170 JOHN WHELEN 2011 85 70 25.5 GBP BREAKING BARRIERS TO LEARNING IN PRIMARY 2010 21.99 SCHOOLS (DAVID FULTON BOOKS) 2144 1350201 9780415479448 Hughes, Pat| 70 6.6 GBP BRINGING THE HIGH SCOPE APPROACH TO YOUR EARLY 2010 65 YEARS PRACTICE 2145 1350135 9780415564991 HOLT, NICKY 70 19.5 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 52 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION (EARLY YEARS & CHILDHOOD STUDIES) CARE AND EDUCATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD A 2009 21.99 STUDENT'S GUIDE TO THEORY AND PRACTICE 2146 1350023 9780415457576 Audrey Curtis and Maure 70 6.6 GBP CARING FOR SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN, INTERNATIONAL 2012 42.99 EDITION 2147 1350189 9781111351991 CLICK/PARKER 70 12.9 GBP Challenging Perceptions in Primary Education: Explo 2015 22 ring Issues in Practice MARGARET SANGSTE 2148 1073210 9781472578372 20 17.6 GBP 2149 1350150 CHANGING URBAN EDUCATION 9781847060242 PRATT-ADAMS, SIMON 2010 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2013 49.99 CHILD, FAMILY, SCHOOL, COMMUNITY8218SOCIALIZATION AND SUPPORT, INTERNATIONAL EDITION BERNS 2150 1350252 9781133049920 70 15 GBP 2151 1350316 Childhood Sexuality and AIDS Education: The Price of Innocence 9781138853003 DEEVIA BHANA 2016 100 20 80 GBP Child-Initiated Play and Learning: Planning for pos 2017 22 sibilities in the early years Annie Woods(Editor) 2152 1350349 9781138688193 20 17.6 GBP 2153 1350235 CHILDREN AND LEARNING TO READ 9780415694490 GOODACRE 2012 90 40 54 GBP 2154 1350213 CHILDREN IN DIFFICULTY ELLIOTT 9780415672634 ELLIOTT, JULIAN PLA 2012 28 40 16.8 GBP 2155 1350234 CHILDREN INTO PUPILS (RLE EDU I) 9780415694292 WILLES 2012 99 40 59.4 GBP 2156 1350314 Children Reading Picturebooks: Interpreting visual texts 9781138014084 EVELYN ARIZPE,MOR 2015 28 20 22.4 GBP 2010 35 CHILDREN, THEIR WORLD, THEIR EDUCATION: FINAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PRIMARY REVIEW Alexander, Robin | Armst 2157 1350001 9780415548717 70 10.5 GBP COUNTDOWN TO CREATIVE WRITING STEP BY STEP 2009 24.99 APPROACH TO STEPHEN BOWKETT 2158 1350143 9780415468558 70 7.5 GBP 2159 1350053 COUNTDOWN TO NON-FICTION WRITING 9780415492591 Bowkett, Steve| 2010 24.99 70 7.5 GBP COUNTDOWN TO POETRY WRITING STEP BY STEP 2009 22.99 APPROACH TO WR STEVE BOWKETT 2160 1350037 9780415477529 70 6.9 GBP 2161 1350055 CREATING AN EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY CLASSROOM 9780415497282 Gutteridge, Daphne | Smit 2010 20.99 70 6.3 GBP CREATING DRAMA WITH 7-11 YEAR OLDS (DAVID FULTON 2010 19.99 BOOKS) Tandy, Miles | Howell, Jo| 2162 1350044 9780415483506 70 6 GBP Creating Safe and Supportive Schools and Fostering Students' Mental 2016 63 Health 2163 1350338 9780415737005 Michael L. Sulkowski,Phil 20 50.4 GBP CREATIVE ENGLISH, CREATIVE CURRICULUM: 2010 19.99 PRACTICAL, FRESH APPROACHES FOR KEY STAGE 2 2164 1350024 9780415466851 PAUL GARDNER 70 6 GBP CREATIVE RESOURCES FOR THE EARLY CHILDHOOD 2012 52 CLASSROOM, INTERNATIONAL EDITION HERR 2165 1350256 9781111837136 20 41.6 GBP Designing Games for Children: Developmental, Usabil 2015 34 ity, and Design Considerations for Making Games for Kids Carla Fisher 2166 1350300 9780415729178 20 27.2 GBP Designing Gamified Systems: Meaningful Play in Inte 2016 25 ractive Entertainment, Marketing and Education Sari Gilbert 2167 1350319 9780415725705 20 20 GBP Developing Play for the Under 3s: The Treasure Bask 2016 20 et and Heuristic Play 2168 1350312 9781138779198 Anita M. Hughes 20 16 GBP Disrupting Early Childhood Education Research: Imag 2016 25 ining New Possibilities 2169 1350321 9781138839113 Will Parnell(Editor),Jeann 20 20 GBP Early Childhood and Neuroscience: Theory, Research 2017 20 and Implications for Practice Mine Conkbayir 2170 1350333 9781474231909 20 16 GBP EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS EDUCATION 2009 45.99 RESEARCH SARAMA, JULIE | CLE 2171 1350003 9780805863093 70 13.8 GBP 2172 1350004 EARLY CHILDHOOD MATTERS 9780415482431 BRENDA TAGGART(ED 2010 24.99 70 7.5 GBP EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES: A SOCIAL SCIENCE 2013 29 PERSPECTIVE 2173 1350273 9781441156143 EWAN INGLEBY 40 17.4 GBP Early Childhood Studies: Enhancing Employability an 2015 22 d Professional Practice 2174 1350285 9781472506825 Rita Winstone 20 17.6 GBP Early Years Education and Care: New issues for prac 2015 26 tice from research 2175 1350296 9781138783454 Susan Hay(Editor) 20 20.8 GBP 2176 1350289 Early Years Policy: The impact on practice 9780415627092 Jan Gourd(Editor) 2014 28 20 22.4 GBP 2177 1350233 EDUCATION RELIGION 9780415693523 WATSON 2012 95 40 57 GBP EMERGENT COMPUTER LITERACY A DEVELOPMENTAL 2009 70 PERSPECTIVE HELEN MELE ROBINS 2178 1350063 9780415961318 70 21 GBP 2179 1350298 Emergent Science: Teaching science from birth to 8 9781408237649 JANE JOHNSTON 2014 29 20 23.2 GBP Encounters With Materials in Early Childhood Educat 2016 25 ion (Changing Images of Early Childhood) Veronica Pacini-Ketchaba 2180 1350350 9781138821460 20 20 GBP Engaging Families in Schools: Practical strategies 2016 25 to improve parental involvement Nicola S. Morgan 2181 1350347 9781138646261 20 20 GBP ENGLISH HOMEWORK FOR KEY STAGE 2 (ACTIVE 2010 24.99 HOMEWORK) 2182 1350032 9780415474559 McGowan, Andrea | Parfi 70 7.5 GBP 2183 1350212 ENHANCING LEARNING THROUGH PLAY 9780415671255 MACINTYRE 2014 22 20 17.6 GBP 2184 1350209 ESSENTIAL SKILLS MANAGERS ISLES 9780415585545 ISLES-BUCK, EMMA | 2012 20 40 12 GBP 2185 1350229 EVERYDAY MATHS BENNETT 9780415664363 BENNETT, ELAINE W 2012 20 40 12 GBP 2186 1350207 EVOLUTIONARY PLAYWORK 2E, HUGHES 9780415550857 HUGHES 2012 29 40 17.4 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 53 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION (EARLY YEARS & CHILDHOOD STUDIES) Examining Levels of Involvement in the Early Years: 2016 20 Engaging with children's possibilities 2187 1350322 9781138885011 Annie Woods(Editor) 20 16 GBP EXPERIENCES IN MATH FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, 2012 44.99 INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2188 1350191 9781111355791 CHARLESWORTH 70 13.5 GBP 2189 1350219 EXPLORING CHILDREN'S CREATIVE NARRA 9780415565639 ELIZABETH COATES(E 2011 29.99 70 9 GBP 2190 1350344 Exploring Children's Learning: 3 - 11 years 9781138190306 Christine Ritchie(Editor) 2016 25 20 20 GBP Exploring Education and Childhood: From current cer 2015 26 tainties to new visions (Understanding Primary Education) Dominic Wyse, Sue Roge 2191 1350305 9780415841115 20 20.8 GBP Exploring Poetry with Young Children: Sharing and c 2016 23 reating poems in the early years Ann Watts 2192 1350340 9781138100503 20 18.4 GBP 2016 20 Family Engagement in the Digital Age: Early Childhood Educators as Media Mentors Chip Donohue(Editor) 2193 1350339 9781138100367 20 16 GBP 2194 1350352 Flourishing in th Early years 9781138841130 Jan 2016 22 20 17.6 GBP 2195 1350279 Foundations of Early Childhood: Principles and Practice 9781446255292 Louise Dryden(Editor) 2014 26 20 20.8 GBP 2196 1350244 GEOMETRY AS OBJECTIVE SCIENCE 9780415891578 WOLFF-MICHAEL ROT 2011 85 70 25.5 GBP 2197 0020551 Global Action on School Library Guidelines (Ifla Publications) 9783110362435 Barbara A. Schultz-Jones, 2015 90 15 76.5 EUR GOING BEYOND THE THEORY/PRACTICE DIVIDE IN 2010 23.99 EARLY CHILDH 2198 1350157 9780415464451 LENZ TAGUCHI, HILLE 70 7.2 GBP GROWING ARTISTS: TEACHING THE ARTS TO YOUNG 2012 46.99 CHILDREN, INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2199 1350190 9781111353650 KOSTER 70 14.1 GBP 2200 1122097 Guided Reader to Primary and Early Years English 9780415661973 MARGARET MALLETT 2016 27 20 21.6 GBP GUIDING CHILDREN'S SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND 2012 50.99 LEARNING, INTERNATIONAL EDITION KOSTELNIK/WHIREN/S 2201 1350188 9781111351953 70 15.3 GBP HANDBOOK OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND EARLY 2009 57 EDUCATION OSCAR A. BARBARIN 2202 1350006 9781606233023 70 17.1 GBP 2010 24.99 HANDBOOK OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S PARTICIPATION : PERSPECTIVES FROM THEORY AND PRACTICE,A BARRY PERCY-SMITH 2203 1350145 9780415468527 70 7.5 GBP 2204 1350311 Handbook of Early Childhood Teacher Education 9780415736763 Leslie Couse, Susan L. Re 2016 77 20 61.6 GBP Handbook of Preschool Mental Health, Second Edition 2016 55 : Development, Disorders, and Treatment Joan L. Luby MD(Editor) 2205 1350336 9781462527854 20 44 USD HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON CHILDREN'S AND YOUNG 2011 74.99 ADULT LITE CHRISTINE JENKINS 2206 1350158 9780415965064 70 22.5 GBP HISTORY OF CHILDREN'S PLAY AND PLAY 2010 34.99 ENVIRONMENTS,A 2207 1350009 9780415806206 Frost, Joe L.| 70 10.5 GBP 2208 1350177 HISTORY OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 9780415893534 BLYTHE F. HINITZ 2011 45.99 70 13.8 GBP 2209 1350278 How Children Learn 9781446272183 Sean MacBlain 2014 24 20 19.2 GBP 2016 30 How Children Learn to Read: Current Issues and New Directions in the Integration of Cognition, Neurobiology and Genetics of Reading and Dyslexia Rese 2210 1350359 9781138991767 Ken Pugh(Editor),Peggy 20 24 GBP 2211 1350124 HOW TO BE AN OUTSTANDING CHILDMINDER 9781847064967 ALLISON LEE 2009 12.99 70 3.9 GBP 2212 1350123 HOW TO SURVIVE YOUR FIRST YEAR IN TEACHING 9781847064714 SUE COWLEY 2009 16.99 70 5.1 GBP HOW TO TEACH POETRY WRITING: WORKSHOPS FOR 2011 19.99 AGES 5-9 2213 1350204 9780415590136 MORGAN 70 6 GBP 2214 1350056 IMPLEMENTING THE EVERY CHILD MATTERS STRATEGY 9780415498241 CHEMINAIS, RITA| 2010 24.99 70 7.5 GBP 2009 19.99 IMPROVING PRIMARY MATHEMATICS: LINKING HOME AND SCHOOL 2215 1350010 9780415363938 MARTIN HUGHES ET A 70 6 GBP 2016 35 Interventions for Disruptive Behaviors: Reducing Problems and Building Skills (Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools) 2216 1350334 9781462526611 Gregory A. Fabiano PhD 20 28 USD 2217 1350221 INTRODUCING BRUNER SMIDT 9780415574211 SANDRA SMIDT 2011 18.99 70 5.7 GBP 2009 12.99 JUMPSTART! SCIENCE: GAMES AND ACTIVITIES FOR AGES 5-11 2218 1350041 9780415482127 PIE CORBETT ROSEMA 70 3.9 GBP 2219 1350026 KEY ISSUES IN CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH STUDIES 9780415468893 ELIZABETH TAYLOR(E 2010 21.99 70 6.6 GBP 2220 1350211 KEY PERSONS NURSERY 2ED 9780415610391 DOROTHY Y. SELLECK 2012 22 40 13.2 GBP 2221 1350160 KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORLD 9781441137623 JANE JOHNSTON 2010 16.99 70 5.1 GBP KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORLD IN 2009 17.99 THE EARLY Y STELLA LOUIS 2222 1350029 9780415473040 70 5.4 GBP 2223 1350069 LEARNING AND TEACHING EARLY MATH 9780415995924 Clements, Douglas H. | S 2009 32.99 70 9.9 GBP 2009 19.99 LEARNING FOR THEMSELVES : PATHWAYS FOR THINKING AND INDEPENDENT LEARNING IN THE PRIMARY CLASSROOM KATH MURDOCH AND 2224 1350050 9780415486996 70 6 GBP Learning from Picturebooks: Perspectives from child 2015 100 development and literacy studies. (Explorations in Developmental Psychology) Katharina Rohlfing(Editor 2225 1800013 9780415720793 20 80 GBP 2226 1350253 LEARNING OUTSIDE THE PRIMARY CLASSROOM 9780415608671 SEDGWICK 2012 24 40 14.4 GBP 2015 29 Learning to Teach PE Bundle: Learning to Teach Physical Education in the Secondary School: A companion to school experience (Learning to Teach Subjec 2227 1350306 9781138785991 Susan Capel, Margaret W 20 23.2 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 54 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION (EARLY YEARS & CHILDHOOD STUDIES) 2228 1350161 MAKING ASSESSMENT MATTER 9781847063830 BUTT, GRAHAM 2010 17.99 70 5.4 GBP 2229 2041530 Making Childhood Colorful: Designing Books for Children 9781864706604 Images Publishing 2016 28 20 22.4 GBP MAKING MUSIC IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL : WHOLE 2011 21.99 CLASS INSTRU 2230 1350205 9780415561303 BEACH 70 6.6 GBP MATH & SCIENCE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, 2013 54.99 INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2231 1350254 9780840030818 CHARLESWORTH/LIN 70 16.5 GBP 2232 1350268 Mathematics in Early Years Education 9780415674690 ALISON J. PRICE 2012 26 40 15.6 GBP MOVEMENT AND EXPERIMENTATION IN YOUNG 2009 24.99 CHILDREN'S LEARNI 2233 1350162 9780415468671 OLSSON, LISELOTT M 70 7.5 GBP Music 3-5 (The Nursery World/Routledge Essential Gu 2009 15.99 ides for Early Years Practitioners) 2234 1350015 9780415430579 MS SUSAN YOUNG 70 4.8 GBP 2235 1350216 NARRATIVES FROM NURSERY OSGOOD 9780415556224 OSGOOD, JAYNE 2012 30 40 18 GBP 2015 21 Observing Young Children: The role of observation and assessment in early childhood settings (Essential Guides for Early Years Practitioners) Sandra Smidt 2236 1350308 9781138823563 20 16.8 GBP 2237 1350022 OUTDOOR LEARNING IN THE EARLY YEARS 9780415454773 BILTON, HELEN| 2010 18.99 70 5.7 GBP OUTDOOR LEARNING THROUGH THE SEASONS:AN 2013 20 ESSENTIAL GUIDE FOR THE EARLY YEARS WATTS 2238 1350264 9780415656306 40 12 GBP 2239 1350242 PARALLEL LEARNING OF READING & WRIT 9780415882996 MARY SHEA 2011 19.99 70 6 GBP 2009 70 PARTICIPATORY LEARNING IN THE EARLY YEARS RESEARCH AND DONNA BERTHELSEN, 2240 1350067 9780415989749 70 21 GBP PEER RELATIONSHIPS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 2011 24.99 AND CAR 2241 1350163 9780415574617 MARGARET KERNAN 70 7.5 GBP 2242 1350164 PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT 9781847065674 JANE JOHNSTON 2010 16.99 70 5.1 GBP 2243 1350345 Philosophy for Children: Theories and praxis in teacher education 9781138191754 Babs Anderson(Editor) 2016 30 20 24 GBP PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT (SUPPORTING DEVELOPMENT 2010 16.99 IN THE EAR 2244 1350165 9781441192448 JONATHAN DOHERTY 70 5.1 GBP 2009 17.93 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAG ANGELA D NURSE 2245 1350039 9780415479059 70 5.38 GBP 2246 1350057 PHYSICAL EDUCATION FUTURES 9780415549936 DAVID KIRK 2010 85 70 25.5 GBP 2247 1350208 PLAN APPROP CURRIC EARLY YEARS 9780415583046 ROSEMARY RODGER 2012 27 40 16.2 GBP 2016 23 Planning an Appropriate Curriculum in the Early Years: A guide for early years practitioners and leaders, students and parents Rosemary Rodger 2248 1350354 9781138905757 20 18.4 GBP 2013 23 PLANNING FOR SCHEMATIC LEARNING IN THE EARLY YEARS:A PRACTICAL GUIDE CONSTABLE 2249 1350265 9780415697125 40 13.8 GBP 2250 1350036 PLANNING FOR THE EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE 9780415477291 SANDRA SMIDT 2009 18 70 5.4 GBP 2251 1350303 Play from Birth to Twelve: Contexts, Perspectives, and Meanings 9781138804135 DORIS PRONIN FROMB 2015 37 20 29.6 GBP 2252 1350065 PLAY, CREATIVITY AND DIGITAL CULTURES 9780415963114 REBEKAH WILLETT, M 2009 70 70 21 GBP 2008 16.99 PLAYING AND LEARNING OUTDOORS MAKING PROVISION FOR HIGH QUALITY EXPERIENCES IN THE OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENT JAN WHITE 2253 1350011 9780415412117 70 5.1 GBP 2254 1350126 PLAYING OUTDOORS IN THE EARLY YEARS (2ND EDITION) 9781847065476 GARRICK, ROS 2009 12.99 70 3.9 GBP 2011 20.99 PLAYING TO LEARN : THE ROLE OF PLAY IN THE EARLY YEARS SMIDT 2255 1350166 9780415558822 70 6.3 GBP POCKET GUIDE TO EVERY CHILD MATTERS : AN 2010 13.99 AT-A-GLANCE OVERVIEW FOR THE BUSY TEACHER,THE 2256 1350040 9780415479172 RITA CHEMINAIS 70 4.2 GBP 2257 1350059 POETRY - FROM READING TO WRITING 9780415554084 Hull, Robert| 2010 16.99 70 5.1 GBP Preparing Children for Reading Success: Hands-On Ac 2015 25 tivities for Librarians, Educators, and Caregivers 2258 0020533 9780810892538 JULIA IRWIN, DINA M 20 20 GBP 2259 1350232 PRINCIPLES EFFECTIVE PEDAGOGY 9780415676625 ANDREW POLLARD(E 2012 95 40 57 GBP 2260 1350167 PROBLEM SOLVING, REASONING AND NUMERACY 9781441164742 JANE JOHNSTON 2010 16.99 70 5.1 GBP 2016 35 Promoting Student Happiness: Positive Psychology Interventions in Schools (Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools) 2261 1350335 9781462526802 Shannon M. Suldo PhD 20 28 USD 2262 1350324 Readings for Reflective Teaching in Early Education 9781472512642 Jennifer Colwell(Editor),A 2015 25 20 20 GBP 2263 1350018 REALLY USEFUL BOOK OF ICT IN THE EARLY YEARS,THE 9780415434188 HARRIET PRICE 2009 19.99 70 6 GBP RECLAIMING CHILDHOOD FREEDOM AND PLAY IN AN 2009 17.99 AGE OF FEAR 2264 1350035 9780415477239 HELENE GULDBERG 70 5.4 GBP Reconsidering Primary Literacy: Enabling Children t 2017 30 o Become Critically Literate Kelly Stone 2265 1350348 9781138671911 20 24 GBP Re-examining Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Scien 2015 32 ce Education (Teaching and Learning in Science Series) 2266 1350307 9781138833005 Armanda Berry, John Lou 20 25.6 GBP 2267 1350102 REFLECTIVE PLAYWORK 9780826497642 KILVINGTON, JACKY 2010 19.99 70 6 GBP 2268 1350323 Reflective Teaching in Early Education 9781441177988 Jennifer Colwell,Helen Be 2015 95 20 76 GBP RESEARCHING YOUNG CHILDREN'S PERSPECTIVES : 2011 29.99 DEBATING TH 2269 1350168 9780415604949 HARCOURT 70 9 GBP 2270 1350077 RESPECTING CHILDHOOD 9780826433701 LOREMAN, TIM 2009 65 70 19.5 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 55 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION (EARLY YEARS & CHILDHOOD STUDIES) RETHINKING CHILDREN AND FAMILIES: THE 2011 19.99 RELATIONSHIP BETW 2271 1350169 9781847060808 NICK FROST 70 6 GBP Rethinking Children and Inclusive Education: Opport 2016 22 unities and Complexities (New Childhoods) 2272 1350331 9781472568366 Sue Pearson,Phil Jones(Se 20 17.6 GBP Rethinking Children as Consumers: The changing stat 2016 25 us of childhood and young adulthood Cyndy Hawkins(Editor) 2273 1350351 9781138832442 20 20 GBP 2274 1350271 RETHINKING CHILDREN'S PLAY (NEW CHILDHOODS) 9781441194695 PHIL JONES(SERIES ED 2013 29 40 17.4 GBP 2275 1350170 RETHINKING CHILDREN'S RIGHTS 9781847063243 WELCH, SUE 2010 19.99 70 6 GBP 2276 1350330 Rethinking Children's Spaces and Places (New Childhoods) 9781472581471 David Blundell,Phil Jones( 2016 20 20 16 GBP RETHINKING GENDER AND SEXUALITY IN CHILDHOOD 2013 29 (NEW CHILDHOODS) 2277 1350270 9781847060822 PHIL JONES(SERIES ED 40 17.4 GBP RETHINKING PLAY AND PEDAGOGY IN EARLY 2011 25.99 CHILDHOOD EDUCATI SUE ROGERS(EDITOR) 2278 1350171 9780415480765 70 7.8 GBP Risk, Challenge and Adventure in the Early Years: A 2015 20 practical guide to exploring and extending learning outdoors 2279 1350291 9780415667401 Kathryn Susan Solly 20 16 GBP 2280 1350247 RUNNING RECORDS 9780415503815 SHEA 2012 23 40 13.8 GBP 2281 1350276 Safeguarding and Protecting Children in the Early Years 9780415527507 Steven Burton(Editor) 2014 26 20 20.8 GBP SCIENCE HOMEWORK FOR KEY STAGE 2 : 2010 24.99 ACTIVITY-BASED LEARNING 2282 1350031 9780415474542 COLIN FORSTER, VICK 70 7.5 GBP 2014 28 Six Steps to Successful Child Advocacy: Changing the World for Children KENNETH J. JAFFE 2283 1350284 9781452260945 20 22.4 GBP 2015 30 Spatial Reasoning in the Early Years: Principles, Assertions, and Speculations Brent Davis 2284 1350304 9781138792043 20 24 GBP 2014 26 Special Needs in the Early Years: Supporting collaboration, communication and co-ordination John Parry 2285 1350286 9780415504768 20 20.8 GBP Storytelling in Early Childhood: Enriching language 2016 30 , literacy and classroom culture 2286 1350358 9781138932142 Teresa Cremin(Editor),Ro 20 24 GBP Supporting Children with... 11 pack: Supporting Chi 2015 19 ldren with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (David Fulton / Nasen) 2287 1350301 9781138855144 Hull City Council 20 15.2 GBP 2288 1350139 SUPPORTING EARLY MATHEMATICAL DEVELOPMENT 9780415491617 MCGRATH, CAROLINE 2010 20.99 70 6.3 GBP 2289 1350228 SUPPORTING TRANSITION KS1 ORLANDI 9780415612432 ORLANDI, KATHLEEN 2012 24 40 14.4 GBP 2014 26 Sustained Shared Thinking in the Early Years: Linking theory to practice (David Fulton Books) Kathy Brodie 2290 1350292 9780415713436 20 20.8 GBP 2015 13 Teach Your Baby to Sign, Revised and Updated 2nd Edition: An Illustrated Guide to Simple Sign Language for Babies and Toddlers - Includes 30 New P MONICA BEYER 2291 1380093 9781592336982 20 10.4 GBP 2292 1350313 Teaching and Learning in the Early Years 9780415722537 David Whitebread, Penny 2015 30 20 24 GBP 2293 1350309 Teaching Art to Young Children 9781138022553 Rob Barnes 2015 29 20 23.2 GBP 2294 1350224 TEACHING EAL 5 11 SCOTT 9780415586566 SCOTT 2012 152 40 91.2 GBP 2295 1350217 TEACHING LANGUAGES PRIMARY MAYNARD 9780415557429 MAYNARD, SALLY 2012 24 40 14.4 GBP Teaching Science Creatively (Learning to Teach in t 2016 25 he Primary School Series) Dan Davies,Deb McGrego 2296 1350356 9781138909779 20 20 GBP 2297 1350267 TEACHING YOUNG CHILDREN MATHEMATICS 9780415641630 MINETOLA 2014 41 20 32.8 GBP 2298 1350287 The Early Years Reflective Practice Handbook (David Fulton Books) 9780415529938 Avril Brock 2015 29 20 23.2 GBP The Future of Child Development Lab Schools: Applie 2016 30 d Developmental Science in Action Nancy Barbour(Editor),Br 2299 1350353 9781138898660 20 24 GBP The ICT Handbook for Primary Teachers: A guide for 2015 28 students and professionals David Hall 2300 1390288 9781138853706 20 22.4 GBP 2301 1350197 THE LITERATE CLASSROOM 9780415584081 GOODWIN 2011 21.99 70 6.6 GBP 2302 1390283 The Primary Teacher's Career Handbook 9781138814059 Keith Richmond, Richard 2015 21 20 16.8 GBP 2303 1350275 The Really Useful Maths Book: A guide to interactive teaching 9780415829496 HENRY LIEBLING 2014 28 20 22.4 GBP The Routledge International Handbook of Philosophie 2016 158 s and Theories of Early Childhood Education and Care 2304 1350317 9781138022812 Tricia David(Editor),Kath 20 126.4 GBP The School I'd Like: Children and Young People's Re 2015 25 flections on an Education for the Future 2305 1350320 9780415704878 Ian Grosvenor 20 20 GBP Theories of Early Childhood Education: Developmenta 2017 30 l, Behaviorist, and Critical Lynn E. Cohen(Editor),Sa 2306 1350343 9781138189485 20 24 GBP 2307 1350140 THETHINKING CHILD 9781855394728 CALL, NICOLA 2010 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2308 1350173 THETHINKING CHILD RESOURCE BOOK 9781855397415 CALL, NICOLA 2010 24.99 70 7.5 GBP 2309 1350203 THIRTY THREE WAYS TO HELP WITH WRITING 9780415553407 HICKEY, RAEWYN| 2010 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2310 1350174 TOWARDS EXCELLENCE IN EARLY YEARS EDUCATION 9780415566087 GOOUCH, KATHLEEN 2010 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2311 1350215 TRANSFORMING CHILDREN'S SPACES 9780415458597 CLARK 2010 85 70 25.5 GBP 2312 1350355 Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics 9781138906402 Tony Cotton 2016 28 20 22.4 GBP 2313 1350299 Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics 9781447929994 Tony Cotton 2013 30 40 18 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 56 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION (EARLY YEARS & CHILDHOOD STUDIES) UNDERSTANDING BEHAVIOUR & DEVELOPMENT IN 2011 20.99 EARLY CHILDHOO 2314 1350175 9780415565615 ROBINSON, MARIA 70 6.3 GBP Understanding Early Years Education across the UK: Comparing 2016 26 practice in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales 2315 1350310 9781138022720 Nicky Hirst(Editor) 20 20.8 GBP Understanding Research in Early Childhood Education 2016 28 : Quantitative and Qualitative Methods Nancy File,Jennifer J. Mu 2316 1350337 9780415714396 20 22.4 GBP 2317 1350328 Understanding Schematic Learning at Two 9781474257541 Julie Brierley,Cathy Nutbr 2017 95 20 76 GBP 2318 1350283 Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education 9781446270622 Margaret McCulloch(Edit 2014 22 20 17.6 GBP WORLD YEARBOOK OF EDUCATION 2009 CHILDHOOD 2009 90 STUDIES AND MARILYN FLEER, MAR 2319 1350068 9780415994118 70 27 GBP YOUNG CHILDREN, PEDAGOGY, AND THE ARTS:WAYS OF 2013 30 SEEING MCARDLE 2320 1350266 9780415626996 40 18 GBP EDUCATION (EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY) ATTACHMENT THEORY AND THE TEACHER-STUDENT 2011 25.99 RELATIONSHIP 2321 1660025 9780415562621 RILEY, PHILIP| 70 7.8 GBP 2322 1212754 Children's Problems 9789777171939 ABD ALKARIM BAKK 2015 3.63 20 2.9 USD CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVES ON READING AND 2009 24.99 SPELLING 2323 1660014 9780415497176 CLARE WOOD AND VI 70 7.5 GBP 2324 1660007 EDUCATIONAL DIALOGUES 9780415462167 KAREN LITTLETON AN 2010 24.99 70 7.5 GBP 2325 1660011 IMPROVING THE CONTEXT FOR INCLUSION 9780415473422 ANDY HOWES, S.M.B. 2009 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2326 1660010 INTRODUCING NEUROEDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 9780415472012 Howard Jones, Paul| 2010 24.99 70 7.5 GBP 2327 1660015 PEDAGOGY OF CREATIVITY,THE 9780415548878 Anna Herbert 2010 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2328 1660017 THAT'S THE WAY I THINK 9780415564649 GRANT, DAVID| 2010 15.99 70 4.8 GBP 2009 25.99 TRANSFORMATION OF KNOWLEDGE THROUGH CLASSROOM INTERACTION (NEW PERSPECTIVES ON LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION) 2329 1660013 9780415492256 BARUCH SCHWARZ 70 7.8 GBP EDUCATION (POST-COMPULSORY & HIGHER EDUCATION) Academic Identities in Higher Education: The Changi 2016 29 ng European Landscape 2330 1360259 9781350011038 Linda Evans(Editor),Jon 20 23.2 GBP 2331 1360252 Academics Going Public: How to Write and Speak Beyond Academe 9781138671652 Marybeth Gasman(Editor) 2016 22 20 17.6 GBP American Higher Education: Issues and Institutions 2017 29 (Core Concepts in Higher Education) John R. Thelin 2332 1360254 9781138888142 20 23.2 GBP An Evidence-based Guide to College and University T 2016 30 eaching: Developing the Model Teacher Aaron S. Richmond,Guy 2333 1360257 9781138915251 20 24 GBP 2010 24.99 ARGUMENTATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION: IMPROVING PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE THROUGH THEORY AND RESEARCH Andrews, Richard| 2334 1360002 9780415995016 70 7.5 GBP 2335 1360235 Bullying Among University Students: Cross-national perspectives 9781138809260 Carrie Anne Myers(Editor 2016 30 20 24 GBP CHALLENGING BOUNDARIES MANAGING THE 2009 22.99 INTEGRATION OF POST NEIL GARROD AND BR 2336 1360064 9780415989329 70 6.9 GBP 2337 1360212 COLLEGE COST DISEASE, THE 9781849806169 ROBERT E. MARTIN, E 2011 65 70 19.5 GBP Cosmopolitan Learning for a Global Era: Higher educ 2016 100 ation in an interconnected world Sarah Richardson 2338 1360240 9780415717908 20 80 GBP CREATING THE ETHICAL ACADEMY : A SYSTEMS 2011 27.99 APPROACH TO UN 2339 1360115 9780415874694 BERTRAM GALLANT 70 8.4 GBP CROSS-CURRICULAR TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE 2011 21.99 SECONDARY 2340 1360117 9780415550451 FAUTLEY, MARTIN | S 70 6.6 GBP 2341 1360118 DECENTRING OF THE TRADITIONAL UNIVERSITY, THE 9780415550536 FRANCIS, RUSSELL 2010 75 70 22.5 GBP 2342 1360256 Developing Academics: The essential higher education handbook 9781138910119 Shelda Debowski 2016 30 20 24 GBP 2343 1360194 DIVERSITY IN AMERICAN HIGHER EDUC 9780415874526 STULBERG 2011 29.99 70 9 GBP E-Learning in the 21st Century: A Community of Inqu 2016 25 iry Framework for Research and Practice D. Randy Garrison 2344 1073322 9781138953567 20 20 GBP 2345 1360233 Elite Education: International perspectives 9781138799615 Peter Aggleton(Editor) 2016 30 20 24 GBP 2346 1360160 E-MODERATING 9780415881746 SALMON 2011 24.99 70 7.5 GBP 2347 1360195 ENGAGED UNIVERSITY, THE 9780415874656 DAVID WATSON 2011 100 70 30 GBP 2014 23 Enjoy Writing Your Science Thesis or Dissertation: A Step by Step Guide to Planning and Writing a Thesis or Dissertation for Undergraduate and ... Richard Thompson 2348 1360222 9781783264216 20 18.4 GBP Experiential Education in the College Context: What 2016 21 It Is, How It Works, And Why It Matters Jay W. Roberts 2349 1360239 9781138025608 20 16.8 GBP 2016 22 Further Wellness Issues for Higher Education: How to Promote Student Health During and After College David S. Anderson(Editor 2350 1360250 9781138101029 20 17.6 GBP Geography of Education: Scale, Space and Location i 2015 95 n the Study of Education Colin Brock 2351 1360247 9781474223249 20 76 GBP 2352 1073224 Going to University Abroad: A guide to studying outside the UK 9780415538008 Anthony Hyde 2014 20 20 16 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 57 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION (POST-COMPULSORY & HIGHER EDUCATION) GUIDE TO AUTHENTIC E-LEARNING (CONNECTING WITH 2010 24.99 E-LEARNING),A 2353 1360074 9780415998000 HERRINGTON, JAN | R 70 7.5 GBP 2354 1360206 GUIDE TO FUNDRAISING AT HBCUS, A 9780415892735 NELSON BOWMAN III 2012 24 40 14.4 GBP HANDBOOK OF UNIVERSITY-WIDE ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2009 85 EDUCATION 2355 1360163 9781847204554 WEST III, G.P. GATEW 70 25.5 GBP 2356 1360186 HERE COMES THE BOGEYMAN MELROSE 9780415617536 MELROSE, ANDREW 2012 23 40 13.8 GBP 2357 1360122 HIGHER EDUCATION ; 5 VOLS SET 9780415497756 MALCOLM TIGHT 2011 920 70 276 GBP 2015 100 Higher Education Access and Choice for Latino Students: Critical Findings and Theoretical Perspectives (Routledge Research in Higher Education) 2358 1360231 9781138857940 Patricia Perez, Miguel Cej 20 80 GBP 2359 1360210 HIGHER EDUCATION IN A GLOBAL SOCIETY 9781848447523 JOHNSTONE, D.B. D?A 2010 68 70 20.4 GBP Higher Education Investment in the Arab States of t 2017 75 he Gulf: Strategies for Excellence and Diversity 2360 1171258 9783959940122 Rogaia Mustafa Abushara 20 60 GBP 2010 23.99 IMPROVING LEARNING BY WIDENING PARTICIPATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2361 1360059 9780415495424 MIRIAM E. DAVID, AN 70 7.2 GBP 2009 22 IMPROVING LEARNING IN COLLEGE RETHINKING LITERACIES ACR 2362 1360053 9780415469128 ROZ IVANIC, RICHARD 70 6.6 GBP 2363 1360125 IMPROVING LEARNING THROUGH THE LIFE-COURSE 9780415573733 BIESTA, GERT | FIELD, 2011 23.99 70 7.2 GBP 2364 1360126 IMPROVING LITERACY AT WORK 9780415548724 WOLF, ALISON | EVAN 2011 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2010 25.99 IMPROVING MATHEMATICS AT WORK (IMPROVING LEARNING) HOYLES, CELIA | NOS 2365 1360127 9780415480086 70 7.8 GBP 2366 1360128 IMPROVING RESEARCH THROUGH USER ENGAGEMENT 9780415461696 RICKINSON, MARK | E 2011 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2367 1360184 IMPROVING STUDENT EXPERIENCE MORGAN 9780415598798 MORGAN 2012 31 40 18.6 GBP 2010 22.99 IMPROVING WHAT IS LEARNED AT UNIVERSITY AN EXPLORATION OF THE SOCIAL AND... 2368 1360005 9780415480161 JOHN BRENNAN, ROB 70 6.9 GBP 2011 19.99 IN AT THE DEEP END: A SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR TEACHERS IN POST-COMPULSORY EDUCATION 2369 1360108 9780415499897 CRAWLEY 70 6 GBP 2014 60 Information and Communications Technology: In the 21st Century Classroom Diana Perez Marin 2370 1390292 9783110401448 15 51 EUR 2015 32 Inside the Role of Dean: International perspectives on leading in higher education Renee Tipton Clift, Cheryl 2371 1360238 9781138828629 20 25.6 GBP 2015 95 Institutional Research and Planning in Higher Education: Global Contexts and Themes Karen L. Webber, Angel J 2372 1360232 9781138021433 20 76 GBP 2009 70 INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE AND STATE-UNIVERSITY RELATIONS 2373 1360067 9780415990745 JO BASTIAENS 70 21 GBP 2016 30 International Faculty in Higher Education: Comparative Perspectives on Recruitment, Integration, and Impact 2374 1360253 9781138685178 Maria Yudkevich(Editor), 20 24 GBP 2375 1360060 KNOWLEDGE POWER 9780415553117 WILSON, ALAN| 2010 18.99 70 5.7 GBP Law and Social Justice in Higher Education (Core Co 2016 31 ncepts in Higher Education) Crystal Renée Chambers 2376 1360248 9781138021174 20 24.8 GBP 2377 1360075 LEARNING TO LEARN FOR LIFE 3 9780826435934 GOODBOURN, REBECC 2009 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2378 1360246 Managing Academics: A Question of Perspective 9781781006689 Richard Philip Winter 2017 75 20 60 GBP 2379 1360168 MENTORING POST COMPULSORY 9780415669405 CUNNINGHAM, BRYA 2012 25 40 15 GBP MERITOCRACY AND THE UNIVERSITY : ELITE 2016 70 UNIVERSITIES AND ADMISSIONS IN THE USA AND UK ANNA ZIMDARS 2380 1360220 9781849665223 20 56 GBP Narratives of Doctoral Studies in Science Education 2016 100 : Making the transition from educational practitioner to researcher 2381 1360234 9781138890282 ILKA PARCHMANN(ED 20 80 GBP ONLINE COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION: A 2010 24.99 READER 2382 1360011 9780415564786 HELEN DONELAN, KA 70 7.5 GBP 2383 1360251 Organization and Administration in Higher Education 9781138641204 Kristina Powers(Editor),P 2017 31 20 24.8 GBP 2384 1360196 POWER OF ROLE-BASED E-LEARNING, THE 9780415877855 ALBERT IP 2011 24.99 70 7.5 GBP RECOGNIZING AND SERVING LOW-INCOME STUDENTS IN 2011 27.99 HIGHER E 2385 1360138 9780415803229 ADRIANNA KEZAR 70 8.4 GBP 2386 1360236 Research in the College Context: Approaches and Methods 9781138824782 Kathleen Manning(Editor) 2016 30 20 24 GBP 2387 1360139 RESOURCES FOR TEACHING FRENCH: 14-16 9780826409928 JAMES, GILL 2010 29.99 70 9 GBP RETHINKING KNOWLEDGE WITHIN HIGHER EDUCATION: 2013 120 ADORNO AND SOCIAL JUSTICE JAN MCARTHUR 2388 1360217 9781441197535 40 72 GBP 2389 1360140 RETHINKING LEARNING FOR A DIGITAL AGE 9780415875431 SHARPE, RHONA | BEE 2010 28.99 70 8.7 GBP 2016 95 Sexual Assault Prevention on College Campuses (Researching Social Psychology) Matt J. Gray,Christina M. 2390 1212794 9781138940802 20 76 GBP 2391 1360244 Speaking of Universities 9781786631398 Stefan Collini 2017 17 20 13.6 GBP 2015 31 Stepping up to the Second Year at University: Academic, psychological and social dimensions (Research into Higher Education) Elena Zaitseva(Editor) 2392 1360225 9780415718516 20 24.8 GBP 2011 17.99 SUCCESSFUL DISSERTATIONS: THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR EDUCAT CARON CARTER 2393 1360144 9781441112750 70 5.4 GBP Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education: Theoretical and 2017 30 Practical Issues (Routledge Chinese Language Pedagogy) Yang Lu(Editor) 2394 1420128 9781138697676 20 24 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 58 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION (POST-COMPULSORY & HIGHER EDUCATION) 2395 1360145 TEACHING MATHEMATICS USING ICT 9781441156884 OLDKNOW, ADRIAN 2010 27.99 70 8.4 GBP Teaching, Coaching and Mentoring Adult Learners: Le 2016 30 ssons for professionalism and partnership 2396 1360258 9781138961050 Heather Fehring(Editor),S 20 24 GBP 2397 1360181 TECHNOLOGY EFFECTIVELY POST-COMP ED 9780415591331 CLARKE 2011 19.99 70 6 GBP 2398 1360245 The Civic University: The Policy and Leadership Challenges 9781784717711 John Goddard,Ellen Hazel 2016 90 20 72 GBP The Crisis of Campus Sexual Violence: Critical Pers 2016 30 pectives on Prevention and Response 2399 1360242 9781138849419 Sara Carrigan Wooten(Edi 20 24 GBP 2400 1360230 The Essentials of Academic Writing for International Students 9781138885622 Stephen Bailey 2015 19 20 15.2 GBP The Globalization of Internationalization: Emerging 2017 30 Voices and Perspectives (Internationalization in Higher Education Series) Hans de Wit(Editor),Jocel 2401 1360249 9781138100664 20 24 GBP The Idea of the PhD: The doctorate in the twenty-fi 2017 30 rst-century imagination Frances Jennifer Kelly 2402 1360255 9781138900233 20 24 GBP 2403 1430133 The Market Oriented University: Transforming Higher Education 9781781004913 John A. Davis,Mark A. Fa 2016 80 20 64 GBP 2404 1193577 The Value of the Humanities 9780198728054 Helen H. Small 2016 15 20 12 GBP 2405 1360147 THEART AND DESIGN TEACHER'S HANDBOOK 9781847061508 HODGE, SUSIE 2010 19.99 70 6 GBP 2406 1360148 TOOLS FOR DOSSIER SUCCESS 9780415998925 BURNHAM, JOY J. | HO 2010 21.99 70 6.6 GBP TRACKING ADULT LITERACY AND NUMERACY SKILLS 2009 70 FINDINGS FROM LONGITUDINAL RESEARCH STEPHEN REDER AND 2407 1360062 9780415958585 70 21 GBP TRANSITIONS AND LEARNING THROUGH THE 2010 23.99 LIFECOURSE 2408 1360015 9780415481748 KATHRYN ECCLESTO 70 7.2 GBP 2409 1360150 UNDERSTANDING SUPERVISION AND THE PHD 9781441177544 MORIA PEELO 2011 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2009 27.99 UNIVERSITY AND ITS DISCIPLINES: TEACHING AND LEARNING WITHIN AND BEYOND DISCIPLINARY BOUNDARIES,THE 2410 1360063 9780415965217 CAROLIN KREBER 70 8.4 GBP 2411 1360198 URBAN HIGH SCHOOLS (HEMMINGS) 9780415878715 ANNETTE B. HEMMING 2012 34 40 20.4 GBP USING STORY: IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND 2010 20.99 PROFESSIONAL DEVEL 2412 1360154 9780415564694 MOON, JENNIFER A. 70 6.3 GBP Wellness Issues for Higher Education: A Guide for S 2016 23 tudent Affairs and Higher Education Professionals 2413 1360237 9781138020979 David S. Anderson(Editor 20 18.4 GBP What's Happened To The University?: A sociological 2016 15 exploration of its infantilisation Frank Furedi 2414 1231313 9781138212930 20 12 GBP 2415 1193505 Who's Afraid of Academic Freedom? 9780231168816 Akeel Bilgrami(Editor),Jo 2016 27 20 21.6 USD 2416 1360229 Why Does College Cost So Much? 9780190214104 DAVID H. FELDMAN 2014 17 20 13.6 GBP 2417 1360156 WORK INTEGRATED LEARNING 9780415556774 COOPER, LESLEY | OR 2010 24.99 70 7.5 GBP EDUCATION (RESEARCH METHODS) 2418 1370066 DOING RESEARCH/READING RESEARCH 9780415376020 ANDREW BROWN AN 2010 23.99 70 7.2 GBP DOING YOUR UNDERGRADUATE SOCIAL SCIENCE 2009 13.99 DISSERTATION 2419 1370052 9780415467490 SMITH, KAREN | TODD 70 4.2 GBP EDUCATION RESEARCH ON TRIAL POLICY REFORM AND 2009 26.99 THE CALL FOR SCIENTIFIC RIGOR PAMELA B. WALTERS, 2420 1370025 9780415989893 70 8.1 GBP 2421 1370087 Educational Research: Contemporary Issues and Practical Approaches 9781472534705 Jerry Wellington 2015 29 20 23.2 GBP 2422 1370016 GLOBALISING THE RESEARCH IMAGINATION 9780415412223 JANE KENWAY AND J 2009 20.99 70 6.3 GBP HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH METHODS ON TRUST (ELGAR 2012 33 ORIGINAL REFERENCE) 2423 1370080 9780857938237 MARK N.K. SAUNDERS 40 19.8 GBP 2424 1370029 HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON NEW LITERACIES 9780805856521 DONALD J. LEU, JULIE 2008 65 70 19.5 GBP 2425 1370074 METACOGNITION IN YOUNG CHILDREN 9780415463584 SHIRLEY LARKIN 2010 25.99 70 7.8 GBP Place-Based Methods for Researching Schools (Blooms 2016 22 bury Research Methods for Education) 2426 1370090 9781474242882 Pat Thomson,Christine Ha 20 17.6 GBP Research Methods for Education in the Digital Age (Bloomsbury 2017 22 Research Methods for Education) 2427 1370092 9781474245623 Maggi Savin-Baden,Gem 20 17.6 GBP Research Methods for Pedagogy (Bloomsbury Research Methods for 2016 22 Education) Melanie Nind,Alicia Curti 2428 1370091 9781474242813 20 17.6 GBP RESEARCHING PRIMARY EDUCATION: METHODS AND 2010 80 ISSUES ROSEMARY WEBB(EDI 2429 1370067 9780415567527 70 24 GBP RETHINKING THE CASE STUDY IN INTERNATIONAL 2011 25 BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH 2430 1370079 9780857933331 CATHERINE WELCH(E 70 7.5 GBP 2431 1370048 TACKLING WICKED PROBLEMS 9781844079254 Brown A, Russell J 2010 34.99 70 10.5 GBP 2432 1370072 THE ROUTLEDGE DOCTORAL STUDENT'S COMPANION 9780415484121 PAT THOMSON 2010 26.99 70 8.1 GBP 2433 1370073 THE ROUTLEDGE DOCTORAL SUPERVISOR'S COMPANION 9780415484145 MELANIE WALKER 2010 28.99 70 8.7 GBP USING ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORKS FOR CLASSROOM 2010 22.99 RESEARCH 2434 1370012 9780415553070 SUSAN RODRIGUES(E 70 6.9 GBP 2435 1370083 WHAT IS ONLINE RESEARCH? : 9781849665247 DR. TRISTRAM HOOLE 2013 18 40 10.8 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 59 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION (SPECIAL NEEDS) 2436 1380095 Autism Spectrum Disorders: Identification, Education, and Treatment 9781138015708 Dianne Zager(Editor),Davi 2016 50 20 40 GBP Bloomsbury CPD Library: Supporting Children with Sp 2017 23 ecial Educational Needs and Disabilities 2437 1380094 9781472928092 Cherryl Drabble,Sarah Fin 20 18.4 GBP Children and Disability: Independence Training for Visually 2016 80 Handicapped Children (Volume 6) 2438 1380087 9781138123359 Doris Tooze 20 64 GBP Children and Disability: The Disabled Schoolchild: A Study of 2016 99 Integration in Primary Schools (Volume 2) Anderson Elizabeth M. 2439 1380088 9781138101289 20 79.2 GBP 2440 1380085 Commonsense Methods for Children with Special Educational Needs 9781138022522 Peter Westwood 2015 31 20 24.8 GBP 2441 1380058 CONFRONTING THE OBSTACLES TO INCLUSION 9780415493635 RICHARD ROSE 2010 29.99 70 9 GBP CONTEXTUALIZING INCLUSIVE EDUCATION 2009 23.99 EVALUATING OLD AND DAVID MITCHELL 2442 1380020 9780415478823 70 7.2 GBP 2443 1380073 CREATIVE LEARNING SEN SELLMAN 9780415570817 EDWARD SELLMAN 2011 19.99 70 6 GBP 2444 1380059 DEBATING SPECIAL EDUCATION 9780415567282 FARRELL, MICHAEL| 2010 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2445 1380060 DYSLEXIA (SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS) 9781441165855 GAVIN REID 2011 19.99 70 6 GBP Dyslexia and Early Childhood: An essential guide to 2016 22 theory and practice Barbara E. 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Glickman 2461 1380099 9781138916937 20 20 GBP PROMOTING HEALTH AND WELLBEING THROUGH 2010 22.99 SCHOOLS 2462 1380023 9780415493420 IAN WARWICK(EDITO 70 6.9 GBP 2463 1380070 PSYCHOLOGY FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION 9780415390507 P.HICK 2009 24 70 7.2 GBP Serving Students with Special Needs: A Practical Gu 2016 23 ide for Administrators 2464 1380080 9780415736084 Tom E. C. Smith 20 18.4 GBP 2016 28 Shining a Light on the Autism Spectrum: Experiences and Aspirations of Adults Debra Costley,Susanna B 2465 1380100 9781138957275 20 22.4 GBP 2466 1380056 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS 9781441180155 WARNOCK, MARY 2010 14.99 70 4.5 GBP 2017 25 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Schools: A Critical Introduction 2467 سفارش ثبت 9781474287623 Janice Wearmouth 20 20 GBP 2468 1380069 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS: THE KEY CONCEPTS 9780415207201 Philip Garner 2009 14.99 70 4.5 GBP 2016 20 Strategies to Support Children with Autism and Other Complex Needs: Resources for teachers, support staff and parents CHRISTINE MACINTYR 2469 1380086 9781138918931 20 16 GBP 2470 1380097 Supporting Children with Cerebral Palsy (David Fulton / Nasen) 9781138187429 Hull City Council 2016 19 20 15.2 GBP 2471 1380096 Supporting Children with Dyslexia (David Fulton / Nasen) 9781138185616 Hull City Council 2016 19 20 15.2 GBP 2472 1380089 Supporting Children with Sensory Impairment 9781138919198 Hull City Council 2016 19 20 15.2 GBP 2473 1380053 SUPPORTING INCLUSIVE PRACTICE 9780415578998 GIANNA KNOWLES 2011 21.99 70 6.6 GBP 2474 1380084 Supporting Young Children with Communication Problems 9781138779211 Myra Kersner, Jannet A. 2015 25 20 20 GBP 2015 13 Teach Your Baby to Sign, Revised and Updated 2nd Edition: An Illustrated Guide to Simple Sign Language for Babies and Toddlers - Includes 30 New P MONICA BEYER 2475 1380093 9781592336982 20 10.4 GBP TEACHING AND LEARNING IN DIVERSE AND INCLUSIVE 2011 19.99 CLASSROO GILL RICHARDS 2476 1380067 9780415564632 70 6 GBP Teaching Gifted Children with Special Educational N 2015 26 eeds: Supporting dual and multiple exceptionality 2477 1380083 9781138890572 Diane Montgomery 20 20.8 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 60 DIS Sale Price EDUCATION (SPECIAL NEEDS) UNDERSTANDING AND PROMOTING ACCESS FOR PEOPLE 2010 22.99 WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES 2478 1380003 9780415479486 JANE SEALE 70 6.9 GBP 2016 23 Understanding and Supporting Pupils with Moderate Learning Difficulties in the Secondary School: A practical guide (David Fulton / Nasen) 2479 1380081 9781138019102 PIPPA WHITTAKER 20 18.4 GBP VYGOTSKY AND SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION: 2011 24.99 RETHINKING SUPPOR 2480 1380068 9781441191724 MARIANE HEDEGAAR 70 7.5 GBP Working with Students with Disabilities: A Guide fo 2016 30 r Professional School Counselors 2481 1380090 9780415743198 Theresa A. Quigney,Jeann 20 24 GBP EDUCATION (TEACHING & LEARNING) 2482 1390129 A FOCUS ON FRACTIONS 9780415801515 PETIT, MARJORIE M. | 2010 27.99 70 8.4 GBP 2483 1390244 ACHIEVING LITERACY (RLE EDU I) 9780415694841 MEEK 2012 99 40 59.4 GBP 2484 1390162 BEST PRACTICES IN ELL INSTRUCTION 9781606236628 LEE GUNDERSON(FOR 2010 24 70 7.2 GBP 2485 1390220 BRIDGING TRANSITION PRIMARY 9780415575478 HOWE 2011 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2486 1390003 BRINGING READING RESEARCH TO LIFE 9781606234747 LINDA KUCAN PHD(E 2010 25.95 70 7.79 GBP 2487 1390226 CLASSROOM X FACTOR WHITE 9780415593151 WHITE 2012 25 40 15 GBP COACHING EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE 2011 19.99 CLASSROOM : A PR BOWKETT 2488 1390164 9780415577809 70 6 GBP 2489 1390215 COURSE IN MODERN MANDARIN CHINESE, A 9780415472470 ROSS 2012 39 40 23.4 GBP 2490 1390216 COURSE IN MODERN MANDARIN LEVEL 2, A 9780415472500 ROSS 2012 44 40 26.4 GBP 2491 1390115 CREATING TOMORROW'S SCHOOLS TODAY 9781855393943 GERVER, RICHARD 2010 16.99 70 5.1 GBP Creativity in Language Teaching: Perspectives from Research and 2016 32 Practice Jack C. Richards(Editor) 2492 1390282 9781138843653 20 25.6 GBP CROSS CURRICULAR TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE 2011 21.99 SECONDARY WARD-PENNY, ROBER 2493 1390166 9780415572040 70 6.6 GBP 2494 1390230 CULTIVATING HABIT ART 9780415603669 ROSS 2011 24.99 70 7.5 GBP 2495 1390294 Custom Teaching Children About Health So 9781473709188 Weinstein Rosen Et a 2016 26 20 20.8 GBP 2496 1390147 DEVELOPING A SELF-EVALUATING SCHOOL 9781855395367 AINSWORTH, PAUL K. 2010 19.99 70 6 GBP DEVELOPING AND EVALUATING MULTI-AGENCY 2010 18.99 PARTNERSHIPS 2497 1390012 9780415556583 Cheminais, Rita| 70 5.7 GBP Drama and Education: Performance Methodologies for Teaching and 2015 29 Learning 2498 2031214 9781138799516 Manon van de Water, Kris 20 23.2 GBP 2499 1390229 DRAMA SESSIONS PRIMARY SCHOOLS DAY 9780415603386 ALISON DAY 2011 25.99 70 7.8 GBP 2500 1390295 English 5-11: A guide for teachers (Primary 5-11 Series) 9781138188402 David Waugh,Wendy Jolli 2016 26 20 20.8 GBP English Teaching in the Secondary School: Linking t 2015 28 heory and practice Mike Fleming, David Stev 2501 1390285 9781138780958 20 22.4 GBP 2502 1390227 ENHANCING PRACTICE MCDONAGH 9780415597685 MAIRIN GLENN 2012 26 40 15.6 GBP 2503 1390279 E-tivities: The Key to Active Online Learning 9780415881760 Gilly Salmon 2013 24 40 14.4 GBP 2504 1390263 FIRST COURSE IN MACHINE LEARNING, A 9781439824146 ROGERS, SIMON | GIR 2012 43 40 25.8 GBP 2505 1390088 GETTING THE BUGGERS FIT 9780826499790 JOANNE HARRIS 2009 16.99 70 5.1 GBP 2506 1390097 GETTING THE BUGGERS TO LEARN 2ND EDITION 9781847061195 GREY, DUNCAN 2009 16.99 70 5.1 GBP 2507 1390042 GRAMMAR SURVIVAL 9780415554053 GEOFF BARTON 2010 19.99 70 6 GBP GUIDING CHILDREN'S LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS, 2010 47.99 INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2508 1390212 9780538738507 KENNEDY/TIPPS/JOHN 70 14.4 GBP 2509 1390278 Handbook of Research on Science Education, Volume II 9780415629553 Sandra K. Abell(Editor) 2014 77 20 61.6 GBP Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Scie 2016 35 nce and International Relations John Ishiyama,William J. 2510 1202821 9781786434333 20 28 GBP HEART OF TEACHING ECONOMICS: LESSONS FROM 2010 29.95 LEADING MINDS 2511 1390266 9781849804431 SIMON W. 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HOYT (EDITOR) 40 115.8 GBP 2009 85 INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON CONTEXTS, COMMUNITIES AND EVALUATED INNOVATIVE PRACTICES (CONTEXTS OF LEARNING) 2520 1390204 9780415479493 ROLLANDE DESLAND 70 25.5 GBP 2009 75 INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON STUDENT OUTCOMES AND HOMEWORK 2521 1390205 9780415479509 ROLLANDE DESLAND 70 22.5 GBP 2522 1390150 LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS 9780415564809 WILSON 2011 21.99 70 6.6 GBP 2523 1390172 LEARNING CULTURES IN ONLINE EDUCATION 9781441158680 MARIE-NOLLE LAMY 2011 24.99 70 7.5 GBP 2524 1073217 Learning to Learn 9781472906083 Sally Featherstone 2014 19 20 15.2 GBP LEARNING TO READ THE NUMBERS : INTEGRATING 2011 24.99 CRITICAL LIT 2525 1390173 9780415874311 WHITIN 70 7.5 GBP Learning to Teach Design and Technology Bundle: Lea 2015 29 rning to Teach Design and Technology in the Secondary School Gwyneth Owen-Jackson( 2526 1390284 9781138785250 20 23.2 GBP 2527 1390202 LEARNING TO TEACH IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL 9780415359283 J.ARTHUR, T.GRAINGE 2006 21.99 70 6.6 GBP 2011 23.99 LEARNING TO TEACH MATHEMATICS IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL : A COMPANION TO SCHOOL EXPERIENCE JOHNSTON-WILDER 2528 1390151 9780415565585 70 7.2 GBP 2016 27 Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School: A companion to school experience (Learning to Teach Subjects in the Secondary School Series) ( 2529 1390299 9781138943902 Sue Johnston-Wilder(Edit 20 21.6 GBP 2530 1390243 LINGUISTICS AND THE TEACHER (RLE ED 9780415694261 CARTER 2012 99 40 59.4 GBP 2531 1390178 MATHEMATICS ACROSS THE CURRICULUM 9781441123565 FOX, SUE 2010 24.99 70 7.5 GBP 2532 1390258 MATHEMATICS TEACHERS AT WORK 9780415899369 REMILLARD 2012 36 40 21.6 GBP NEW SIGNIFICANCE OF LEARNING: IMAGINATION'S 2010 26.99 HEARTWORK,THE 2533 1390022 9780415549684 P?DRAIG HOGAN 70 8.1 GBP 2010 22.99 PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR LEARNING: A GUIDE FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS RICHARD BAILEY(EDI 2534 1390023 9781847065025 70 6.9 GBP 2535 1390276 Primary English for Trainee Teachers 9781446296608 Kate Allott(Editor) 2014 22 20 17.6 GBP 2014 22 Primary Mathematics for Trainee Teachers (Transforming Primary QTS Series) Marcus Witt(Editor) 2536 1390273 9781473905887 20 17.6 GBP 2010 24.99 PRIMARY SCHOOLS AND ICT: LEARNING FROM PUPIL PERSPECTIV JOHN POTTER 2537 1390180 9781855395787 70 7.5 GBP 2538 1390275 Primary Science for Trainee Teachers 9781446296561 James Archer 2014 22 20 17.6 GBP PRINCIPAL'S GUIDE TO LITERACY INSTRUCTION (TOOLS 2010 16.95 FOR TEACHING LITERACY SERIES),A 2539 1390025 9781606234723 James W. Beers; Jeffrey O 70 5.09 GBP Producing Video For Teaching and Learning: Planning 2014 23 and Collaboration 2540 1390270 9780415661430 Michael O'Donoghue 20 18.4 GBP 2541 1390234 RECEPTION YEAR IN ACTION EPHGRAVE 9780415618502 EPHGRAVE 2011 22.99 70 6.9 GBP RE-DESIGNING LEARNING CONTEXTS (FOUNDATIONS 2010 23.99 AND FUTURES LUCKIN, ROSEMARY| 2542 1390183 9780415554428 70 7.2 GBP Re-examining Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Scien 2015 32 ce Education (Teaching and Learning in Science Series) Armanda Berry, John Lou 2543 1350307 9781138833005 20 25.6 GBP Researching and Teaching Reading: Developing pedago 2016 30 gy through critical enquiry Gabrielle Cliff Hodges 2544 1390290 9781138816558 20 24 GBP RESPONSIVE GUIDED READING IN GRADES K-5: 2010 16.95 SIMPLIFYING SM 2545 1390186 9781606237038 SOPHIE C. DEGENER E 70 5.09 GBP 2010 135 ROUTLEDGE INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH, LANGUAGE AND LITERACY TEACHING (ROUTLEDGE INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOKS OF EDUCATION),THE 2546 1073028 9780415469036 DOMINIC WYSE, RICH 70 40.5 GBP SPEAKING FRAMES: HOW TO TEACH TALK FOR WRITING: 2011 22.99 AGES 10 2547 1390188 9780415579872 PALMER, SUE 70 6.9 GBP SPEAKING FRAMES: HOW TO TEACH TALK FOR WRITING: 2011 22.99 AGES 8- 2548 1390189 9780415579827 PALMER, SUE 70 6.9 GBP 2549 1390199 STARTING DRAMA TEACHING 9780415601344 FLEMING 2011 21.99 70 6.6 GBP 2550 1390254 TEACH & LEARN ACROSS THE GRADES 9780415887311 STYLIANOU 2011 29.99 70 9 GBP 2551 1390286 Teach: A Question of Teaching 9781138888296 James W Fraser 2016 58 20 46.4 GBP Teaching and Learning in Diverse and Inclusive Clas 2016 26 srooms: Key issues for new teachers Gill Richards(Editor),Felic 2552 1390291 9781138919600 20 20.8 GBP 2553 1073287 Teaching and Learning Strategies in South Africa 9781473709195 Mncedisi Christian Mapha 2016 20 20 16 GBP TEACHING AND LEARNING WITH TECHNOLOGY: BEYOND 2010 85 CONSTRUCT MELISSA E. 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David Cohen 2652 1212818 9781138899919 20 24 GBP 2653 1240796 Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sport Psychology 9780415835770 Mark A. Eys(Editor) 2014 40 20 32 GBP Group Interventions in Schools: A Guide for Practit 2017 35 ioners (Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools) Jennifer P. Keperling MA 2654 1212775 9781462529452 20 28 USD 2655 1640332 Group Work in Schools 9781138853836 BRADLEY T. ERFORD( 2016 37 20 29.6 GBP 2656 1220249 Group Work: Skills and Strategies for Effective Interventions 9781138790582 Camille P. 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Montana Katz(Editor), 2881 1630139 9781138884632 20 25.6 GBP 2882 1630123 Art and Mourning: The role of creativity in healing trauma and loss 9781138886940 Esther Dreifuss-Kattan 2016 32 20 25.6 GBP 2883 1630147 Art, Creativity, and Psychoanalysis: Perspectives from Analyst-Artists 9781138859128 George Hagman(Editor) 2017 32 20 25.6 GBP 2884 1630081 BOTHERED BY ALLIGATORS 9780415684569 SMITH (EDITOR) 2012 21 40 12.6 GBP COCREATING THE FIELD: INTENTION AND PRACTICE IN 2009 24.99 THE AGE OF COMPLEXITY 2885 1630001 9780415872591 GORDON WHEELER(E 70 7.5 GBP Contacting the Autistic Child: Five successful earl 2017 28 y psychoanalytic interventions 2886 1630138 9781138211674 Jorge L. Ahumada,Luisa 20 22.4 GBP Contemporary Psychoanalytic Field Theory: Stories, Dreams, and 2016 28 Metaphor (Psychoanalytic Field Theory Book Series) S. 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Lichtenberg Linda Gunsberg(Editor),S 2911 1630113 9781138906556 20 25.6 GBP 2912 1630117 Psychoanalytic Treatment in Adults: A longitudinal study of change 9781138902589 Rosemary Cogan,John H. 2016 95 20 76 GBP Reclaiming Unlived Life: Experiences in Psychoanaly 2016 28 sis (The New Library of Psychoanalysis) 2913 1630129 9781138956018 Thomas Ogden 20 22.4 GBP Routledge International Handbook of Clinical Suicid 2014 140 e Research (Routledge International Handbooks) 2914 1212647 9780415530125 Rahel Eynan(Editor) 20 112 GBP 2010 19.5 SABERT BASESCU : SELECTED PAPERS ON HUMAN NATURE AND PS 2915 1630060 9780415871686 GOLDSTEIN 70 5.85 GBP 2916 1630035 SACRAL REVOLUTIONS 9780415554619 GOTTFRIED HEUER(ED 2010 22.99 70 6.9 GBP 2917 1630140 Separation-Individuation Struggles in Adult Life: Leaving Home 9781138658271 Sarah Fels Usher 2016 25 20 20 GBP 2918 1630108 Sexualities: Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspectives 9780415718660 Alessandra Lemma, Paul 2015 30 20 24 GBP 2919 1142128 Shakespeare and Psychoanalytic Theory (Shakespeare and Theory) 9781472503237 Carolyn Brown,Evelyn Ga 2015 22 20 17.6 GBP 2920 1630119 Short-term Psychodynamic Therapy with Children in Crisis 9781138951419 Elisabeth Cleve 2016 29 20 23.2 GBP 2921 1630093 SILENT PAST & INVISIBLE PRESENT, THE 9780415898591 RENN 2012 29 40 17.4 GBP 2016 28 Supervision in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: A Case Study and Clinical Guide Diana Shmukler 2922 1630145 9781138999732 20 22.4 GBP 2923 1630107 Systemic Sex Therapy 9780415738248 Katherine M. Hertlein, Na 2015 46 20 36.8 GBP Talking about Evil: Psychoanalytic, Social, and Cul 2016 32 tural Perspectives (Relational Perspectives Book Series) Rina Lazar(Editor) 2924 1630144 9781138100596 20 25.6 GBP The Age of Perversion: Desire and Technology in Psy 2016 30 choanalysis and Culture (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series) 2925 1630146 9781138849211 Danielle Knafo,Rocco Lo 20 24 GBP 2016 32 The Budapest School of Psychoanalysis: The Origin of a Two-Person Psychology and Emphatic Perspective (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series) 2926 1630122 9781138195219 Arnold WM Rachman(Edi 20 25.6 GBP 2013 27 THE CAPACITY FOR ETHICAL CONDUCT:ON PSYCHIC EXISTENCE AND THE WAY WE RELATE TO OTHERS ? A PSYCHODYNA LEVINE 2927 1630098 9780415681896 40 16.2 GBP The Dawn of the Mother-Child Relationship: Psychoan 2015 28 alytic aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and early motherhood Gina Ferrara Mori(Editor) 2928 1630115 9780415736107 20 22.4 GBP 2929 1630124 The Metapsychology of Christopher Bollas: An Introduction 9781138795556 Sarah Nettleton 2016 20 20 16 GBP The Mother in Psychoanalysis and Beyond: Matricide 2016 32 and Maternal Subjectivity 2930 1630121 9781138885059 Rosalind Mayo(Editor),C 20 25.6 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 71 DIS Sale Price PSYCHOLOGY (PSYCHOANALYSIS) The Muse: Psychoanalytic Explorations of Creative I 2016 32 nspiration (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series) 2931 1630127 9781138795402 Adele Tutter(Editor) 20 25.6 GBP The Psychoanalysis of Career Choice, Job Performanc 2017 25 e, and Satisfaction: How to Flourish in the Workplace 2932 1630136 9781138211650 Paul Marcus 20 20 GBP The Trouble with Pleasure: Deleuze and Psychoanalys 2016 26 is (Short Circuits) Aaron Schuster 2933 1193456 9780262528597 20 20.8 USD The Work of Psychoanalysis: Sexuality, Time and the 2016 32 Psychoanalytic Mind (The New Library of Psychoanalysis) Dana Birksted-Breen 2934 1630133 9781138963405 20 25.6 GBP 2935 2031009 TRICKSTER IN CONTEMPORARY FILM, THE 9780415574662 BASSIL-MOROZOW 2012 29 20 23.2 GBP Why Don't Psychotherapists Laugh?: Enjoyment and th 2016 28 e Consulting Room Ann Shearer 2936 1630125 9781138899612 20 22.4 GBP 2937 1630091 WORLD, AFFECTIVITY, TRAUMA 9780415893442 STOLOROW 2011 12.99 70 3.9 GBP PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENC (PSYCHOTHERAPY & COUNSELLING) 2938 1640435 101 Interventions in Group Therapy, 2nd Edition 9781138100381 Scott Simon Fehr(Editor) 2016 40 20 32 GBP ADHD in the Schools, Third Edition: Assessment and 2016 30 Intervention Strategies 2939 1640374 9781462526000 George J. DuPaul PhD,Ga 20 24 USD ADVANCES IN SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE WITH THE 2012 32 MILITARY 2940 1640280 9780415891349 BEDER 40 19.2 GBP AN INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN SERVICES, 2011 40.99 INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2941 1640210 9780840033734 WOODSIDE/MCCLAM 70 12.3 GBP ASSASSIN AND THE THERAPIST: AN EXPLORATION OF 2010 15.95 TRUTH IN KOTTLER, JEFFREY A| 2942 1640142 9780415800655 70 4.79 GBP AutPlay Therapy for Children and Adolescents on the 2016 25 Autism Spectrum: A Behavioral Play-Based Approach, Third Edition Robert Jason Grant 2943 1640428 9781138100404 20 20 GBP BEREAVEMENT : STUDIES OF GRIEF IN ADULT LIFE, 2010 39.95 FOURTH EDITION 2944 1640043 9780415451185 COLIN MURRAY PARK 70 11.99 GBP Bereavement Groups and the Role of Social Support: 2016 25 Integrating Theory, Research, and Practice 2945 1640415 9781138916890 William G. Hoy 20 20 GBP 2946 1640144 BRINGING SYSTEMS THINKING TO LIFE 9780415800471 ONA COHN BREGMAN 2011 21.99 70 6.6 GBP Building Resilience to Trauma: The Trauma and Commu 2015 25 nity Resiliency Models Elaine Miller-Karas 2947 1640341 9780415820585 20 20 GBP 2948 1640404 CBT for Career Success: A Self-Help Guide 9781138838017 Steve Sheward 2016 20 20 16 GBP CBT for Children and Adolescents with High-Function 2016 30 ing Autism Spectrum Disorders Angela Scarpa PhD(Editor 2949 1640385 9781462527007 20 24 USD CBT for Depression in Children and Adolescents: A G 2016 35 uide to Relapse Prevention Betsy D. Kennard PsyD,J 2950 1640370 9781462525256 20 28 USD 2951 1640429 Clean Coaching: The insider guide to making change happen 9781138816374 Angela Dunbar 2016 25 20 20 GBP 2952 1640302 Clinical Consult to Psychiatric Nursing for Advanced Practice 9780826195951 PATRICK MURPHY PH 2015 65 20 52 USD COACHING RELATIONSHIP: PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST 2010 16.99 (ESSENTIAL COACHING SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE),THE 2953 1640004 9780415458740 ALMUTH MCDOWALL( 70 5.1 GBP 2954 1640145 COACHING WOMEN TO LEAD 9780415491068 LEIMON 2011 17.99 70 5.4 GBP 2955 1640304 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Perinatal Distress 9780415508056 Karen Kleiman 2015 26 20 20.8 GBP 2956 1640347 Cognitive Behavioural Couple Therapy: Distinctive Features 9780415729284 Michael Worrell 2015 15 20 12 GBP COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL THERAPY PROGRAMME FOR 2010 29.99 PROBLEM GAMBLING,A 2957 1640115 9780415548168 RAYLU, NAMRATA | O 70 9 GBP 2958 1640391 Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD: A Comprehensive Manual 9781462528646 Patricia A. Resick PhD,Ca 2016 35 20 28 USD Cognitive Therapy Techniques, Second Edition: A Pra 2017 55 ctitioner's Guide 2959 1640379 9781462528226 Robert L. Leahy PhD 20 44 USD 2960 1640314 Community and In-Home Behavioral Health Treatment 9780415735605 Lynne Rice Westbrook 2014 27 20 21.6 GBP 2961 1640368 Complex Dilemmas in Group Therapy: Pathways to Resolution 9780415712408 JOSEPH J. SHAY(EDITO 2014 24 20 19.2 GBP CONCEPTS OF CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY, INTERNATIONAL 2012 44.99 EDITION 2962 1640212 9780840033918 DOWEIKO 70 13.5 GBP 2963 1640356 Consultation: Creating School-Based Interventions 9781138910256 Don Dinkmeyer Jr.,Carlso 2016 38 20 30.4 GBP Contacting the Autistic Child: Five successful earl 2017 28 y psychoanalytic interventions Jorge L. Ahumada,Luisa 2964 1630138 9781138211674 20 22.4 GBP 2965 1640410 Counseling Adolescents Through Loss, Grief, and Trauma 9780415857055 Pamela A. Malone 2016 25 20 20 GBP 2966 1640437 Counseling Families: Play-Based Treatment 9781442244153 Eric J. Green(Editor),Jenni 2015 28 20 22.4 GBP Counseling for Wellness and Prevention: Helping Peo 2015 28 ple Become Empowered in Systems and Settings 2967 1640340 9780415743143 Robert K. Conyne 20 22.4 GBP Counseling Military Families: What Mental Health Pr 2016 25 ofessionals Need to Know 2968 1640403 9780415704526 Lynn K. Hall,Bret A. Moo 20 20 GBP Counseling Widowers (The Routledge Series on Counse 2014 24 ling and Psychotherapy with Boys and Men) Jason M. Troyer 2969 1640323 9780415897341 20 19.2 GBP COUNSELOR'S GUIDE FOR FACILITATING THE 2011 19.95 INTERPRETATION O 2970 1640150 9780415883429 DUESBURY, EVELYN 70 5.99 GBP Creative Psychotherapy: Applying the principles of 2016 25 neurobiology to play and expressive arts-based practice Eileen Prendiville(Editor), 2971 1640427 9781138900929 20 20 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 72 DIS Sale Price PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENC (PSYCHOTHERAPY & COUNSELLING) CROSS CULTURAL AWARENESS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE IN 2009 26 COUNSELING 2972 1640056 9780415954525 CYRUS MARCELLUS E 70 7.8 GBP 2973 1640426 Culture and Psychopathology: A Guide To Clinical Assessment 9781138925922 Jon Streltzer(Editor) 2016 32 20 25.6 GBP 2016 45 DBT® Skills in Schools: Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A) (Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools) 2974 1640375 9781462525591 James J. Mazza PhD,Psy 20 36 USD DEVELOPMENT AND PREVENTION OF BEHAVIOUR 2009 39.95 PROBLEMS: FROM GENES TO SOCIAL POLICY 2975 1640109 9781848720077 WILLEM KOOPS(EDIT 70 11.99 GBP Direct Behavior Rating: Linking Assessment, Communi 2016 35 cation, and Intervention 2976 1640384 9781462525836 Amy M. Briesch PhD,San 20 28 USD Disruptive Behavior Disorders: Evidence-Based Pract 2016 28 ice for Assessment and Intervention 2977 1640398 9781462527724 Frank M. Gresham PhD 20 22.4 USD Doing CBT: A Comprehensive Guide to Working with Be 2016 65 haviors, Thoughts, and Emotions 2978 1640376 9781462527076 David F. Tolin PhD 20 52 USD 2979 1640155 DUPED: LIES AND DECEPTION IN PSYCHOTHERAPY 9780415876247 JON CARLSON(EDITOR 2011 19.95 70 5.99 GBP 2980 1640255 DYING TO BE MEN 9780415878760 COURTENAY, WILLIA 2011 21.95 70 6.59 GBP Early Encounters with Children and Adolescents: Beg 2015 30 inning Psychodynamic Therapists' First Cases 2981 1630105 9781138815926 STEVEN TUBER(EDITO 20 24 GBP Emotion Regulation in Children and Adolescents: A P 2016 25 ractitioner's Guide 2982 1640394 9781462527014 Michael A. 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STOLTENBERG 3003 1640101 9780805858259 70 8.1 GBP 2016 30 Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology: 2016/2017 Edition (Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical & Cou John C. Norcross PhD,Ph 3004 1640381 9781462525720 20 24 USD 2016 25 Interacting Selves: Systemic Solutions for Personal and Professional Development in Counselling and Psychotherapy Arlene Vetere(Editor),Pete 3005 1640362 9780415730853 20 20 GBP 2011 24.95 INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY OF MEN (ROUTLEDGE SERIES ON CO BLAZINA, CHRIS | SHE 3006 1640163 9780415875318 70 7.49 GBP 2016 23 Interpersonal Conflict: An Existential Psychotherapeutic and Practical Model Karen Weixel Dixon 3007 1640405 9781138195318 20 18.4 GBP 2016 35 Interventions for Disruptive Behaviors: Reducing Problems and Building Skills (Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools) 3008 1350334 9781462526611 Gregory A. Fabiano PhD 20 28 USD 2016 55 Interviewing Children and Adolescents, Second Edition: Skills and Strategies for Effective DSM-5® Diagnosis 3009 1640377 9781462526932 James Morrison MD,Kath 20 44 USD 2016 55 Introduction to Professional School Counseling: Advocacy, Leadership, and Intervention Jered B. Kolbert,Rhonda 3010 1640406 9780415746748 20 44 GBP 3011 1122189 Language in Children (Routledge Guides to Linguistics) 9781138906075 Eve V. Clark 2016 20 20 16 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 73 DIS Sale Price PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENC (PSYCHOTHERAPY & COUNSELLING) Losing a Parent to Suicide: Using Lived Experiences 2014 26 to Inform Bereavement Counseling 3012 1640319 9780415816182 Amy Boelk 20 20.8 GBP 3013 1640409 Managing Pain Before It Manages You, Fourth Edition 9781462522774 Margaret A. Caudill MD P 2016 17 20 13.6 GBP 3014 1640386 Managing Suicidal Risk, Second Edition: A Collaborative Approach 9781462526901 David A. 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Baruth,M. Lee 2016 48 20 38.4 GBP 3023 1640320 Multicultural Family Art Therapy (Family Therapy and Counseling) 9780415827324 Christine Kerr(Editor) 2015 35 20 28 GBP Multiple Relationships in Psychotherapy and Counsel 2016 25 ing: Unavoidable, Common, and Mandatory Dual Relations in Therapy 3024 1640417 9781138937772 Ofer Zur(Editor) 20 20 GBP 3025 1640400 Music Therapy Handbook (Creative Arts and Play Therapy) 9781462529728 Barbara L. Wheeler PhD 2016 45 20 36 USD Narrative Therapies with Children and Their Familie 2016 30 s: A Practitioner's Guide to Concepts and Approaches Arlene Vetere(Editor),Emi 3026 1640416 9781138891005 20 24 GBP NURTURING NATURES: ATTACHMENT AND CHILDREN'S 2011 26.99 EMOTIONAL, 3027 1640170 9781848720572 MUSIC, GRAHAM 70 8.1 GBP On Becoming a Psychotherapist (Routledge Mental Hea 2014 30 lth Classic Editions) Laurence Spurling(Editor) 3028 1640309 9780415703840 20 24 GBP Opening Up by Writing It Down, Third Edition: How E 2016 17 xpressive Writing Improves Health and Eases Emotional Pain 3029 1640387 9781462524921 James W. 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Crittenden 2016 33 20 26.4 GBP 3050 1640430 Rationality and Pluralism: The selected works of Windy Dryden 9780415813778 Windy Dryden 2016 32 20 25.6 GBP 3051 1640414 Real Life Heroes: A Life Storybook for Children 9780415518048 Richard Kagan 2016 16 20 12.8 GBP Real Life Heroes: Toolkit for Treating Traumatic St 2016 40 ress in Children and Families, 2nd Edition Richard Kagan 3052 1640418 9780415518079 20 32 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 74 DIS Sale Price PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENC (PSYCHOTHERAPY & COUNSELLING) REDISCOVERING CONFESSION: THE PRACTICE OF 2009 25 FORGIVENESS AND WHERE IT LEADS 3053 1640091 9780415997461 DAVID STEERE 70 7.5 GBP Reflective Parenting: A Guide to Understanding What 2016 17 's Going on in Your Child's Mind 3054 1640353 9781138020443 ALISTAIR COOPER,SH 20 13.6 GBP Relational and Body-Centered Practices for Healing Trauma: Lifting 2016 25 the Burdens of the Past Sharon Stanley 3055 1640364 9781138905962 20 20 GBP 3056 1640343 Relational Psychotherapy: A Primer 9781138840430 Patricia A. 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Chen 2016 53 20 42.4 GBP Stress, Trauma, and Posttraumatic Growth: Social Co 2015 25 ntext, Environment, and Identities 3065 1640349 9780415527811 Roni Berger 20 20 GBP 2016 28 Supervision in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: A Case Study and Clinical Guide Diana Shmukler 3066 1630145 9781138999732 20 22.4 GBP TACKLING DEPRESSION AT WORK : A PRACTICAL GUIDE 2010 11.99 FOR EMP EYERS 3067 1640185 9780415601726 70 3.6 GBP The Art of Holding in Therapy: An Essential Interve 2017 22 ntion for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Karen Kleiman 3068 1640433 9781138904958 20 17.6 GBP The Future of Psychological Therapy: From Managed C 2016 32 are to Transformational Practice 3069 1640363 9781138886384 John Lees(Editor) 20 25.6 GBP The Great Psychotherapy Debate: The Evidence for Wh 2015 29 at Makes Psychotherapy Work (Counseling and Psychotherapy) 3070 1640345 9780805857092 Zac E. Imel 20 23.2 GBP The Heart of Counseling: Counseling Skills Through Therapeutic 2015 52 Relationships Nancy H. Cochran 3071 1640339 9780415712439 20 41.6 GBP THE HUMAN SERVICES INTERNSHIP: GETTING THE MOST 2012 31.99 FROM YOUR EXPERIENCE, INTERNATIONAL EDITION KISER 3072 1640217 9781111186890 70 9.6 GBP 3073 1800022 The Internet and CBT: A Clinical Guide 9781444170214 GERHARD ANDERSSO 2015 25 20 20 GBP 3074 1630124 The Metapsychology of Christopher Bollas: An Introduction 9781138795556 Sarah Nettleton 2016 20 20 16 GBP THE ORIGINS, PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF INFANT 2012 28 CRYING AND SLEEPING PROBLEMS ST JAMES-ROBERTS 3075 1640278 9780415601177 40 16.8 GBP 3076 1640436 Theoretical Models of Counseling and Psychotherapy 9781138839281 Kevin A. Fall,Janice Miner 2017 50 20 40 GBP 2009 27.95 THERAPIST'S NOTEBOOK ON STRENGTHS AND SOLUTION-BASED THERAPIES: HOMEWORK, HANDOUTS, AND ACTIVITIES,THE 3077 1640087 9780415994156 BOB BERTOLINO 70 8.39 GBP Therapy and the Postpartum Woman: Notes on Healing 2014 35 Postpartum Depression for Clinicians and the Women Who Seek their Help Karen Kleiman 3078 1640335 9781138872936 20 28 GBP Therapy in the Real World: Effective Treatments for 2016 30 Challenging Problems 3079 1640369 9781462526055 Nancy Boyd-Franklin Ph. 20 24 USD Time-Limited Art Psychotherapy: Developments in The 2015 25 ory and Practice 3080 1640359 9780415834773 Rose Hughes(Editor) 20 20 GBP Time-limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Child 2016 25 ren and Adolescents: An interactive approach Ruth Schmidt Neven 3081 1640408 9781138960947 20 20 GBP Tools for Effective Therapy with Children and Famil 2017 22 ies: A Solution-Focused Approach Pamela K. King 3082 1640422 9781138126176 20 17.6 GBP 3083 1640260 TRANSCENDING TRAUMA 9780415882866 HOLLANDER-GOLDFEI 2012 40 40 24 GBP Transcultural Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Anxie 2016 25 ty and Depression: A Practical Guide Andrew Beck 3084 1640411 9781138890480 20 20 GBP Treating Complex Trauma and Dissociation: A Practic 2016 25 al Guide to Navigating Therapeutic Challenges 3085 1640425 9781138838277 Lynette S. Danylchuk,Kev 20 20 GBP Treating Internalizing Disorders in Children and Ad 2016 45 olescents: Core Techniques and Strategies 3086 1640372 9781462526260 Douglas W. Nangle PhD, 20 36 USD Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and 2017 45 Adolescents, Second Edition Judith A. Cohen MD,Ant 3087 1640402 9781462528400 20 36 USD Treating Trauma in Adolescents: Development, Attachment, and the 2017 35 Therapeutic Relationship 3088 1640390 9781462528547 Martha B. Straus PhD 20 28 USD Treating Women with Substance Use Disorders: The Women's 2016 40 Recovery Group Manual Shelly F. Greenfield MD 3089 1640380 9781462525768 20 32 USD 2016 35 Treatment Plans and Interventions for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Treatment Plans and Interventions for Evidence-Based Psychot) Simon A. Rego 3090 1640373 9781462525683 20 28 USD Understanding and Assessing Trauma in Children and Adolescents: 2014 35 Measures, Methods, and Youth in Context Kathleen Nader 3091 1212709 9781138871632 20 28 GBP VOICES FROM THE FIELD: DEFINING MOMENTS IN 2010 17 COUNSELOR AN 3092 1640187 9780415995757 THOMAS M. SKOVHOL 70 5.1 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 75 DIS Sale Price PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENC (PSYCHOTHERAPY & COUNSELLING) What Therapists Say and Why They Say It: Effective Therapeutic 2015 26 Responses and Techniques 3093 1640342 9781138790643 Jim McHenry 20 20.8 GBP When Professionals Weep: Emotional and Countertrans 2016 28 ference Responses in Palliative and End-of-Life Care 3094 1640360 9781138884540 Renee S. Katz 20 22.4 GBP 3095 1640188 WOMEN'S PROGRAM : PEER EDUCATOR'S MANUAL, THE 9780415881074 FOUBERT 2011 56 70 16.8 GBP Working with Children and Adolescents in Residentia 2015 32 l Care: A Strengths-Based Approach Bob Bertolino 3096 1640338 9781138856134 20 25.6 GBP Working with Young People in Secure Accommodation: 2014 27 From chaos to culture JIM ROSE 3097 1640365 9780415843225 20 21.6 GBP Worry Less, Live More: The Mindful Way through Anxi 2016 22 ety Workbook Susan M. Orsillo PhD,Liz 3098 1640383 9781462525454 20 17.6 USD PSYCHOLOGY (SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY) Aggression and Violence: A Social Psychological Per 2016 35 spective (Frontiers of Social Psychology) 3099 1790021 9781138859890 Brad J. Bushman(Editor) 20 28 GBP Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Schools: A Tiered A 2016 22 pproach to Youth Mental Health Services 3100 1790017 9781138908482 Linda Raffaele Mendez 20 17.6 GBP Denying Death: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Ter 2016 35 ror Management Theory Lindsey A. Harvell(Editor) 3101 1790014 9781138843141 20 28 GBP Eros and Economy: Jung, Deleuze, Sexual Difference 2016 95 (Research in Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies) Barbara Jenkins 3102 1212797 9781138929838 20 76 GBP How to Rethink Psychology: New metaphors for unders 2016 19 tanding people and their behavior Bernard Guerin 3103 1790010 9781138916548 20 15.2 GBP Political Psychology: New Explorations (Frontiers o 2016 38 f Social Psychology) 3104 1790019 9781138802018 Jon A. Krosnick(Editor),I- 20 30.4 GBP Psychology After the Crisis: Scientific paradigms a 2015 24 nd political debate (Psychology After Critique) 3105 1790009 9781848722071 Ian Parker 20 19.2 GBP 3106 1212727 Psychology and the Conduct of Everyday Life 9781138815124 Charlotte Højholt(Editor) 2016 30 20 24 GBP 3107 1790018 Psychology of Emotion: 2nd Edition (Principles of Social Psychology) 9781848725126 Paula M. Niedenthal,Franç 2017 47 20 37.6 GBP 3108 1790016 Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination: 3rd Edition 9781138947542 Mary E. Kite,Bernard E. 2016 75 20 60 GBP 2015 42 Social Psychology and Politics (Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology) Joseph P. Forgas, William 3109 1790011 9781138829688 20 33.6 GBP 3110 1790013 Social Psychology of Political Polarization 9781138810648 Piercarlo Valdesolo(Editor 2016 35 20 28 GBP The Dark Side of Relationship Pursuit: From Attract 2014 42 ion to Obsession and Stalking William R. Cupach 3111 1790008 9780415896733 20 33.6 GBP 3112 1790020 The Psychology of Desire (100 Cases) 9781462527687 Wilhelm Hofmann PhD(E 2016 28 20 22.4 GBP The Psychology of Human Values (European Monographs 2016 32 in Social Psychology) Gregory R Maio 3113 1212813 9781138655355 20 25.6 GBP 3114 1790015 The Social Psychology of Good and Evil, Second Edition 9781462525393 Arthur G. Miller PhD(Edit 2016 50 20 40 USD 3115 1790012 The Social Psychology of Morality 9781138929074 Joseph P. Forgas(Editor), 2016 40 20 32 GBP 3116 1790022 The Student's Guide to Social Neuroscience 9781138908628 Jamie Ward 2017 40 20 32 GBP CLIMATE CHANGE 3117 2012375 Architecture as the Ethics of Climate 9780415623506 Jin Baek 2016 32 20 25.6 GBP CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND INTERNATIONAL 2011 39.99 DEVELOPMENT 3118 1090137 9781849711531 RYO FUJIKURA AND M 70 12 GBP 2015 99 Climate Change and Energy: Japanese Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation Strategy (Icp Series on Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitiga) 3119 1090202 9781783265602 Yoichi Kaya,Kenji Yamaji 20 79.2 GBP 2009 80 CLIMATE CHANGE AND FOREIGN POLICY (ROUTLEDGE ADVANCES IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND GLOBAL POLITICS) PAUL G. HARRIS(EDIT 3120 1090114 9780415483452 70 24 GBP CLIMATE CHANGE AND HUMAN SECURITY: THE 2011 65 CHALLENGE TO LOC 3121 1090175 9781848443723 MARK PELLING 70 19.5 GBP 3122 1250329 Climate Change and Tourism in the Asia Pacific 9780415740500 Karen McNamara(Editor) 2014 95 20 76 GBP 3123 1090209 Climate Change Law (Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, #1) 9781783477609 Daniel A. Farber,Marjan P 2016 225 20 180 GBP 3124 1090181 CLIMATE CHANGE LIABILITY 9781849802864 MICHAEL FAURE, PRO 2011 75 70 22.5 GBP 3125 1090192 Climate Data and Resources: A Reference and Guide 9780415057035 EDWARD LINACRE 1992 43 70 12.9 GBP Climate Finance: Theory and Practice (World Scienti 2016 123 fic Series on the Economics of Climate Change) 3126 1090210 9789814641807 ANIL MARKANDYA,A 20 98.4 GBP 3127 1090170 CLIMATE MANAGEMENT ISSUES 9781439861066 GINES 2012 79 40 47.4 GBP 3128 1090169 ECONOMIC INCENTIVES FOR STORMWATER 9781439845608 THURSTON 2012 86 40 51.6 GBP 3129 1090178 ECONOMICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN, THE 9781849711746 FAN GANG, LORD NIC 2011 75 70 22.5 GBP 3130 1090123 ECONOMICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY,THE 9781848440814 ROSE, A. 2009 115 70 34.5 GBP 3131 1090174 ECONOMICS OF POLLUTION CONTROL, THE 9781848440739 KATHLEEN SEGERSON 2010 205 70 61.5 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 76 DIS Sale Price CLIMATE CHANGE Emerging Security Threats in the Middle East: The Impact of Climate 2016 24 Change and Globalization 3132 1171367 9781442247642 Ashok Swain,Anders Jage 20 19.2 GBP ENGAGING THE PUBLIC WITH CLIMATE CHANGE : 2011 49.99 BEHAVIOUR CHA 3133 1090141 9781844079285 LORRAINE WHITMARS 70 15 GBP 3134 1090187 FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE 9781849802826 HALL, A. 2012 75 40 45 GBP 3135 1090171 FUEL TAXES AND THE POOR 9781617260926 STERNER 2012 65 40 39 GBP 3136 1090164 FUTURE CLIMATE CHANGE CC 4V 9780415569811 SAMUEL RANDALLS(E 2012 835 40 501 GBP 3137 1090168 GEOGRAPHY OF CLIMATE CHANGE 9780415696623 ASPINALL 2012 140 40 84 GBP 3138 1090179 GLOBAL CORRUP RPRT - CLIMATE CHANGE 9781849712828 TRANSPARENCY INTE 2011 19.99 70 6 GBP Global Ethics and Climate Change (Edinburgh Studies 2016 20 in Global Ethics EUP) Paul G. 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PACHAURI(FORE 3142 1090156 9781844077298 70 5.7 GBP 2016 95 How Cities Will Save the World: Urban Innovation in the Face of Population Flows, Climate Change and Economic Inequality (Urban Planning and Environm Ray Brescia,John Travis 3143 2150061 9781472450265 20 76 GBP 3144 1090161 HOW TO LIVE A LOW CARBON LIFE 9781844079094 GOODALL 2010 50 70 15 GBP HOW TO LIVE A LOW-CARBON LIFE : THE INDIVIDUAL'S 2010 14.99 GUIDE TO TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE CHRIS GOODALL 3145 1090129 9781844079100 70 4.5 GBP 3146 1090160 INDOOR AIR QUALITY SAMPLING METHODO 9781439826652 HESS-KOSA 2011 76.99 70 23.1 GBP 2009 65 INNOVATION, MARKETS AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY :THE CHALLENGE OF HYDROGEN AND FUEL CELLS S. POGUTZ 3147 1090124 9781848441071 70 19.5 GBP 2011 120 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND CLIMATE CHANGE: INVENTING CLE 3148 1090176 9781848446243 MATTHEW RIMMER 70 36 GBP 2010 24.99 INTERDISCIPLINARITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE : TRANSFORMING K 3149 1090143 9780415573887 BHASKAR 70 7.5 GBP 3150 1090150 MANAGING INDOOR AIR QUALITY, FIFTH EDITION 9781439870143 BURROUGHS 2011 76.99 70 23.1 GBP 3151 1090144 METHANE AND CLIMATE CHANGE 9781844078233 DAVE REAY, PETE SMI 2010 49.99 70 15 GBP 3152 1090145 NITROUS OXIDE AND CLIMATE CHANGE 9781844077571 KEITH SMITH(EDITOR) 2010 49.99 70 15 GBP 2010 69.95 PAYMENTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, FOREST CONSERVATIO 3153 1090146 9781849802994 LUCA TACCONI, SANG 70 20.99 GBP 3154 1090147 PERSONAL CARBON TRADING 9781849711968 YAEL PARAG AND TIN 2010 65 70 19.5 GBP 3155 1090130 POLITICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE: A SURVEY,THE 9781857434965 MAX BOYKOFF(EDITO 2010 130 70 39 GBP 2010 60 PUTTING A PRICE ON CARBON IN SOUTH AFRICA AND OTHER DEV 3156 1090148 9781849712439 HARALD WINKLER AN 70 18 GBP 3157 1090195 Reframing Climate Change: Constructing ecological geopolitics 9781138794375 Shannon O'Lear(Editor),Si 2016 32 20 25.6 GBP 3158 1090204 Reimagining Climate Change 9781138944268 Paul Wapner(Editor),Hilal 2016 85 20 68 GBP 3159 1090134 REQUIEM FOR A SPECIES 9781849710817 Hamilton, Clive 2010 14.99 70 4.5 GBP Research Handbook on Climate Change and Trade Law (Research 2016 195 Handbooks in Climate Law) Panagiotis Delimatsis 3160 1090205 9781783478439 20 156 GBP Research Handbook on Climate Change Mitigation Law 2016 45 (Research Handbooks in Environmental Law series) 3161 1090206 9781784710200 Geert Van Calster,Wim V 20 36 GBP 3162 1090199 Research Handbook on Climate Governance 9781783470594 Karin Backstrand,Eva Lov 2016 210 20 168 GBP 3163 1090186 RESPONDING TO CLIMATE CHANGE 9780857939951 HAHN, C.H. LEE, S.-H. 2012 75 40 45 GBP SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF CLIMATE CHANGE : EQUITY AND 2010 30 VULNERABILITY IN A WARMING WORLD 3164 1090158 9780821378878 ROBIN MEARNS; AND 70 9 USD The Climate Resilient Organization: Adaptation and Resilience to 2016 25 Climate Change and Weather Extremes Martina K. 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Grubesic,Elizabet 2016 100 20 80 GBP 3173 1090209 Climate Change Law (Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, #1) 9781783477609 Daniel A. Farber,Marjan P 2016 225 20 180 GBP Row Book Code Title ISBN Author Year Price Page 77 DIS Sale Price GEOGRAPHY 3174 1090192 Climate Data and Resources: A Reference and Guide 9780415057035 EDWARD LINACRE 1992 43 70 12.9 GBP 3175 1080534 COMM RIGHTS,CONSERV, CONTESTED LAND 9781844079162 ed: Nelson, Fred 2010 60 70 18 GBP 3176 1080535 FINDERS KEEPERS? 9781933115832 Daintith, Terence 2010 34.99 70 10.5 GBP Green Belts: Past; present; future? 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